Banner AD - When Someone Clicks The Banner It Takes Them To The Page In A New Window

Oct 13, 2009

I am building a banner ad and I am using Flash CS4. I need it so when someone clicks the banner it takes them to the page in a new window. Its just a a simple URL and I keep getting syntax errors now and I dont know how to do this properly. I have tried these methods.


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inv_btn.onRelease = function() {  getURL("" "self");}


1084: syntax error: expection rightparen before self.

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I've managed to get the services link to do what I'm after but that is because it is positioned straight after the opening animation in the timeline - that is to have the banner fade out and the bottom line drop down to allow room for the content. From the home page I want each of the links, when clicked, to fade out the banner and drop the banner line down......THEN.......if home is clicked from any of the other pages I want the banner line to move back up and the banner to resume (in my case this is frame 279)

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Banner Ads Using Flash?

Sep 21, 2007

I am trying to create a flash banner ad that loads when a page loads and gives the user the option to minimize it. When the ad is minimized, I wanted to leave a box (that could also function as a mini version of the larger ad)that could be clicked and reload the ad if desired.

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Get The Banner To Act Within Its Dimensions (468 Px By 100 Px)?

Jan 29, 2009

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IDE :: How To Carry Through A Banner Tag

Jul 21, 2009

im looking for a way to carry through an affiliate banner tag within a download link with my flash MC. the initial php script is

<a href="<?php echo $_SESSION['language']; ?>〈=<?php echo $_SESSION['language']; ?>&banner_tag=<?php echo $_SESSION['btag']; ?>"><img src="images/download.gif" width="410" height="89" border="0" alt="Download site" /></a>

I would need to add some variable I guess to the flash?

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IDE :: CS5 Banner Resizing?

Nov 11, 2011

I have made 1 Flash banner 728x90, the next one has smaller dimensions (468x60) but the proportions are the same so, I duplicated the document, grabbed the movie clip containing the animation and used the transform tool to make it the correct size.Some of the images need replacing as resizing didn't treat them well. But since I am trying to add them to the resized movie clip they appear too small.

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Linking Flash Banner Ads?

May 2, 2006

Right I have created a flash banner ad and taken it into dreamweaver, I thought I could just link it to its website easily in DW but I can't.

Do I have to set the url in the flash doc, if so what do I do

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Banner Rotator Is Not Loading

Jun 28, 2009 you can see ive uploaded everything possible to do with the banner rotator with a little help from a guy on this forum. (if your veiwing in firefox the site may look messed up) and it just stays loading for ages and doesnt eventually load.and if anyone knows the code so my site can be viewed in all screen resolutions without having to slide across at the bottom.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Not Loading In Banner

Jul 5, 2009

I have a banner at [url]...

if you click on its below buttons, its not working this banner is save at my site [url]...

there is working and load swf clips

why its not being loaded in blog as its same file

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