ActionScript 3.0 :: Banner Ad Design Showing Text Outside Of Movie Dimensions?
Feb 10, 2011
I built a banner ad which works fine when I test it in flash. I then put it inside another flash movie in which it is loaded as an external swf ,my portfolio, and it it loads and only runs the 1st line of code animation and I can see the text that is waiting (outside the visual dimensions of the bannerI am also getting this error....what is going on?ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property cachedOrphan not found on com.greensock.TweenMax and there is no default value.
at com.greensock::TimelineLite/addChild()
at com.greensock::TimelineLite/insert()
at com.greensock::TimelineLite/insertMultiple()
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var startX:Number;
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Mar 15, 2005
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Sep 15, 2004
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1. the placeholder movie clip automatically tweens to adjust to the image's dimensions.
2. the transition between each image is a la: [URL] -- front page when you enter
3. the images stay on the screen for approx. 5 seconds each.
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Jan 12, 2009
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