Professional ::place Text Like A Banner Or Scrolling Text?

Feb 20, 2011

I have a design.  Now I want to add text to a certain area of two ovals on an arc.  How do you do text that will arc to match two ovals.

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Professional :: Header Banner - Mask Text On Scrolling Background Of Images

Nov 20, 2010

I built a quick and dirty site header banner, with text masking a scrolling background of several images. The text is the mask, so the images show up inside the text. Viewing it works in Flash CS3, but when I publish it, I see the images scrolling from right to left, but they are not masked.

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Create A Scrolling Text Banner?

Oct 12, 2009

I need to create a Flash banner. Fairly straight-forward in terms of looks - a long list of services that scrolls from right to left and then loops continuously.

I'm using Flash MX 2004. So far I've created the text - it comes on from the right and leaves on the left. The problem I've got however is how to make this a continuous, seamless loop. When it goes off on the left I can't figure out how to make it come back on from the right.

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Scrolling Large Amount Of Text Through Banner

Nov 14, 2011

I have this banner that needs to have a several rows worth of paragraph text animate horizontally through it. Ideally, the text should also be possible to update from outside of flash. As for the scrolling text, working with that much text as one long row of letters doesn't seem feasible, so I'm wondering is there a standard way in Flash CS5 of working with large amounts of animated text? Not the user editable kind like text fields and such, but presentational text.

Obviously it's not efficient to have one long string of text that extends several screens beyond the display, as is the case now. Editing just one letter can take several seconds of scrolling as the string is currently over 3000 px wide, and it's not even all the text that's going to be in the final animation. It'd be great if it was possible to type that text through some web based cms, and have it automatically transferred to the Flash banner,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Scrolling Banner Like The Html <marquee> Tag That Loads Text From A .txt File?

Jun 23, 2010

I am trying to make a scrolling banner like the html <marquee> tag that loads text from a .txt file. Here is what I have so far:


var formatObj = new TextFormat();
formatObj.size = 15;
formatObj.color = 0;
formatObj.font = "Comic Sans MS";


For some reason it only works by using the stop(); command. The problem is that this causes the animation not to automatically start when placed into an html page. The result I want is for the text to automatically begin to scroll.

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Professional :: Place A Banner In A HTML Page With Alpha?

Aug 23, 2011

I have multiple ideas/designs which want to work into my new site. It utilises designing graphics in AE, exported as .swf that lay on an alpha, building them into my HTML page layout, and once there the alpha/space in the design will enable HTML background elements to show through. How do I set this up in AE, HTML or Flash?

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Flash :: Professional - Banner Over A Animation - Change The Text

Sep 29, 2010

I'm going crazy trying to figure out how to change the text on this banner. The person setting up my website isn't available anymore. I have this slide show with a transparent banner at the top and photos that I can manipulate. I can also change the order by modifiying the file Images.xml:


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Professional :: Implementing A Scrolling Banner?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm pretty new to Flash, and having a few problems with a website I've had to design for my college ICT course.I built the site entirely in Flash, which went perfectly, then went on to build a scrolling image gallery banner for use on a gallery page of the site (assuming that it would be an easy task to chop the banner into the website).When I've tried importing the file to the stage/library it leaves all the images behind (as they are in the library of the first file) as well as the actionscript required to call the images; leaving me with just a new, blank layer.I've also tried copying the actionscript code into the website document and transferring the images from the gallery library to the website library, however, the gallery is written so that the stage is used in its entirety to show only a certain amount of images, meaning that the proportions of the banner are all wrong on the website file.Is there any way to integrate the flash file for the gallery into a confined area of the stage in the website document, or am I going to have to alter my designs so that the gallery goes entirely across the page (put up and shut up style).
Attatched are download links to the two files in question, sorry if they're a little on the large side.


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Professional :: Scrolling Image Banner With Links?

Sep 19, 2011

I want to make a srolling image banner where each image is a link to a website page (It's probably called a slideshow or something like that).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Place A Watermark Text In Input Text Field

Mar 17, 2009

I have a doubt in flash, i have a input text field with the text "search..." if i click on the input text field the word " search...." should not be visible. It is quite same as search bar in Flash Kit website , it is having the word "Search Flash Kit" but when the user click on the text field the word get disappear.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Place A Watermark Text In Input Text Field?

Mar 17, 2009

I have a doubt in flash, i have a input text field with the text "search..." if i click on the input text field the word " search...." should not be visible.

Example : It is quite same as search bar in Flash Kit website , it is having the word "Search Flash Kit" but when the user click on the text field the word get disappear

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Professional :: Make Scrolling Text With Color?

Mar 26, 2011

What is the easiest way to make scrollable text that I can set to whatever font I want (embeded of course)have it look very well anti-aliased; like most Flash text, not like it's being read out of a regular system or browser window. (the text will be big so no probs)have different portions of the text be different colors so I can highlight certain words and leave others aloneuse actionscript to load text content into itmaybe make (all) the text semi transparent for design purposesI'm going to use some action script to load some XML content into the text areas or whatever. Any of you know of any easy ways of accomplishing this? or have a link to any type of tutorial? (at least for Flash CS3 and above of course, along with ActionScript 3)

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Professional :: Determine Is Scrolling Is Required On Dynamic Text?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a few text based pages on a site i am trying to build which contain dynamic text (contained within a database, which can be changed from elsewhere). These are loaded into a dynamic text box of a fixed size that fits within my page. This all works great. I have created two scroll movieclips (which act as buttons, one for up, one for down) which when clicked cause the textbox to scroll up or down as relevant. These work fine as well. The problem i'm having is I only want the scroll buttons to appear if they are required (ie if the text within the text field is larger than its height so you need to scroll to read it all), but i cannot work out how to find the height of the actual content (as opposed to the height of the predefined dynamic text box). I can obviously create the textbox as autosized, then find it's height, then compare it to the desired height and (if it's larger) manually change it's height and display the scroll buttons, however i cannot imagine this is the most effective way to do it at all? I'm sure there is a standard, logical way to do this but i cannot seem to find any reference to it online or in the forums, but maybe because i'm searching for the wrong thing

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Professional :: Whole Page (With Text / Images And Animation) Scrolling

Jun 9, 2010

I'm not looking for text box scrolling!! I want the whole 'stage' / 'page' whatever its called to scroll down. I have lots off different content like text, images, animations etc on there so is this possible? I would prefer just two buttons on the side that will scroll the page up and down with as much content as I want on there.

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Professional :: Create Dynamic Scrolling Text In Flash CS5?

Sep 5, 2010

I am a complete newbie to Flash. I'm tyring to build a scrolling text box that automatically scrolls. On mouse over, I want the scrolling to stop so users can click on an item in the text box. All of the items will be tied to external hyperlinks. I want to populate the text box with an external file. I've done some searches on Adobe, but haven't found anything that takes me through the whole process.I have the complete Adobe Master Collection. So if this is easier in Flash Catalyst, let me know. I know how to buid a manual scroll box in Flash Catalyst. Could I export this to and add the auto-scrolling?

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Professional :: Buttons In Context Of A Scrolling Text Area

Mar 6, 2012

I just got the trial of Flash Cs5 and haven't used Flash since MX back in 04-06. Having an issue with buttons now in context of a scrolling text area. My code is set up as such:

Where up is the button to scroll upwards and down is...(you guessed it). Maintext is the movieclip in which my text is which each frame being the text "scrolled" further. My issue IS: This was working just fine UNTIL I added "Over", "Down", and "Hit" frames into my buttons (whereas previously they were just single frame arrows), and then when previewing my flash the cursor doesn't even recognize the buttons as such, and nothing happens if you click on either... If I got back and delete the over, down, and hit frames, BOOM, problem goes away. This seems very strange to me, I never had a problem like this in MX.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Text - Track Not Visible If The Content Is Smaller Than The Text Field?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a dynamic text filed scrolling with a drag button on a track or the mousewheel. What I am trying to do now is have the scroll button and track not visible if the content is smaller than the text field.

ActionScript Code:
//this if statement not working as should. button and track are always invisible.
//txt is text field name
if (txt.textHeight < txt.height){[code]......

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Create Scrolling Text Areas With Rich Text Format Content?

May 14, 2009

Noob question, I hope. I need to create scrolling text areas with rich text format content. I know I can use the textArea component and set the htmlText property but converting all of my RTF to HTML is gonna be a major pain in the @$$. I keep getting into trouble thinking what's mindlessly easy in Director/Lingo is gonna be reasonably simple in Flash/AS3, I hoping this is just my inexperience with Flash getting in the way. Is there an easier way? I thought of embedding a PDF document but apparently that's not an option in Flash either (note: I know how to link a PDF doc, I need this text to display and scroll within the application, not just pop a new window on top).

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Can't Change Text Properties By Line In Scrolling Text Box

Mar 3, 2011

I have a simple text box with a UIScrollBar component added to it.

The text box properties are set to "input text, multi line.

The problem is when I want to change just one line of the text to a bold or a different color, the whole text box contents changes. I've tried different property setting for the text box itself with no luck.

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Professional :: TLF Text Direction - Not Displaying The Text Icon Cursor And Don't Allow To Insert Text Inside

Aug 28, 2011

When I create a TLF text area that is editable at runtime (which means that it can get a user input at runtime) I set the text direction to the 'right-to-left' definition in both the 'container and flow' and the 'paragraph' sections and set the language for Arabic or Hebrew at the 'locale' setting. I also set the text alignment to the 'align to start' mode. Now at runtime there's a stange thing. When I try to click with the mouse cursor on the editable TLF text-box, it's not displaying the text icon cursor and don't allow me to insert text inside.

But when I move my mouse cursor over the right side of the editable TLF text box, it change his appearance to the familiar text cursor which indicate that if you click here you will be able to insert text input inside. So my problem is how can I make it that only when I will hover over the TLF text box itself, the mouse cursor will be changed to text cursor icon and when I will hover beside its right side, it will remain at the normal cursor mode.

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Looping Scrolling Text - Gets To The End Of The Text

Apr 14, 2010

I have this code that basically reads some text from a txt file and then scrolls it across my flash document. I want it to loop, so when it gets to the end of the text, it replays it.


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Changing A Banner Text

Aug 5, 2009

Am trying to change wording in this banner:URL...Tried to contact Kyrillll but no link!Can only find the test letter and not Kyrillll's letter!

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Flash8 :: Mouse Over A Certain Place To Get Text?

Apr 9, 2009

I'm working on someone's Flash project and my task is to add roll over text to all the buttons in the project. The problem is I can't use the actual buttons because the are underneath some other animation. What I want to do is to add roll over text using the coordinates of the button but not the actual button.

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Actionscript :: Place A Text Box Besides A Label In Flex?

Jun 3, 2010

i am trying to make a simple form but when i place a textInput box after a Label it comes in the next do i make the text input box be placed besides the Label?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Place A Text Field On The Stage?

Mar 29, 2011

I just noticed that when you place a text field on the stage using code:

var texter:TextField = new TextField();
texter.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("Impact", 68, 0xffffff);
texter.text = "890";


It does not look the same as a text field that I placed on the stage in the Flash editer. The text created by code has very harsh edges, but the other text has smooth edges. How can I get my code TextField to look like the editor Text Field?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Crate A Swf Banner With A Text Field,?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm trying to crate a swf banner with a text field, that when someone writes in it the text apear in another place of the swf..

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Flash Banner :: Slow Down The Speed At Which The Text Changes?

Dec 14, 2010

I downloaded a free flash banner from [url]......,I tried contacting the site's owner in Germany but no answer from him therefore I am seeking help elsewhere. I would like to adjust the banner in 2 ways, first, create rounded edges so the left and right ends look oval in shape and if possible I would like to slow down the speed at which the text changes,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Image & Text Banner?

May 3, 2005

I have flash banner in a hybrid webpage that I would like to change the image and some text each time user selects a new category in the html page. There are quite a few categories.What is the best way to do this and how would I go about doing it. is there a script sample or tutorial that I could modify?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Place Text On A Path Or A Circle Dynamically?

Jun 18, 2009

I want to place dynamic text, enteed by user, on an arc of a circle. I have written a code for it but not able to get exactly what i want. The text is rotated and placed on an arc but the rotation and placement is not that accurate. Anyone who can point me to some example or tutorial where it has already been implemented?I came across a flash component but it is paid : [URL]..

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Text Tweens Take Place On Frames In The Main Timeline?

Jun 30, 2009

I am fairly new to flash and I have been trying to make a product demo. Basically I want some text to fade in and then some pictures to show up one by one and then disappear and then some new text fades in etc. This is to talk about a product and show various parts of it as the text on the screen is discussing those parts of the product. My question is what the preferred way of doing this is. Here are the options I can think of.
Approach 1) Put all animation in the main timeline. All text tweens take place on frames in the main timeline. Approach 2) Put the text fade-in tweens in a movie clip and put that on the main timeline.
I have tried both these approaches but neither one has been working for me for the following reason.
Approach 1) Makes timeline very long and unwieldy. If one thing changes, it shifts everything over and messes up my whole timeline. Hard to manage. Approach 2) If I have a stop(); on the main timeline, my animation stops in mid fade. In cases where I don't have a stop, I can't figure out how to do a series of objects fading in one after another. Is there a way to check if a movieclip has finished and only go to the next frame if it has finished? How do I get a series of clips to play one after another when I am running them as seperate movieclips off the main timeline.

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