ActionScript 3.0 :: Place Text On A Path Or A Circle Dynamically?
Jun 18, 2009
I want to place dynamic text, enteed by user, on an arc of a circle. I have written a code for it but not able to get exactly what i want. The text is rotated and placed on an arc but the rotation and placement is not that accurate. Anyone who can point me to some example or tutorial where it has already been implemented?I came across a flash component but it is paid : [URL]..
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Is it possible to make text on circle path in Flash?
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Jun 9, 2011
Just a quick question today, is there any way to quickly and simply fit a string of text into a circular shape? Almost as if the text field was circular instead of rectangular. I have been working on a game where the text is presented in a series of speech bubble shapes, and previously I've had to manually insert " " around the text to get it to fit. This was a bit of a hassle but overall not too much extra work. Now, however, the game has been translated into 14 different languages and I sure as hell am not going through all that text to sort it out again haha
If there's no quick and easy way to do it (I don't really want to go down the route of using a loop to search for the last space in the first X characters and inserting a new line, etc) I'm just going to contact the artist and ask him to make the speech bubbles rectangular lol I did a google search to see if I could find anything but most of the stuff I found either wasn't relevant or said "there isn't an easy way to do it yet" but I just wanted to check here first.
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Aug 18, 2010
I'm attempting to place items along a circle, if i do:
Code: Select allvar arcLength:Number = ( Math.PI ) / 29;
var p : Point = Point.polar( 200 , i * arcLength );
(29 is the number of items)
Math.PI gets me the bottom half of the circle, but I'm attempting to get these items on the left half of the circle...
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Oct 25, 2004
i got a circle inside a mc (116x116 px) and i want it to rotate continuous...if i do it in flash itself it works great the circle rotates nice on its own axis(tween) , but if i try it with actionscript the circle gets of its place and makes a big rotation
PHP Code:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._rotation+=1;
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Apr 13, 2011
I am trying to learn working with multiple classes in AS3. I came across a problem which I can not solve or look up. I have searched the documentation but I can not find a clear sollution or answer.I have flashfile with a document class (main class). Within this class I use another class (circle class) to get a instance of a movieclip on the stage.
Now my problem is that I can not place the eventlisteners to the circle class. normally I would write something like this. addEventListener() but this doesnt work. But I really need a way to get this to work, because I want to make a mouse click event which must be linked to the circle to respond to it.
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Aug 6, 2009
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how and if it is possible to draw a line/ circle and place a movie clip on it and get the movie clip to go round the circle by placing the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard.
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Aug 15, 2003
-Take a circle and place it in the center of a square scene.
-Make a rectangle and snap its left edge to the circle's center.
-Make another rectangle and snap its left edge to the right edge of the first rectangle.
How would you make it so movement doesn't happen at the registration point but on the whole arm. Say i ran a rotation script on the upper arm with +=1 and the lower arm with +=2. How would you place the parts, what format would they be converted to and what would the script format be. Multiple methods would be welcome of course!
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Apr 5, 2012
I'm drawing a path in Flex using Spark:Path.
I want to subtract a circle shape from this path, as in the following image:
(The path is black and wide)
I tried creating a mask using a Shape object but couldn't quite manage to create a mask that has a circular hole in it.
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Jul 15, 2010
I try to animate a Movieclip (box or circle) thru a half ellipse path. Circle or ellipse path will be random.
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Oct 1, 2009
I have a circle: Width 530 and height 800. I want an object to follow this circle using a motion path, but you cant do that in pure actionscript, so I tried rotating the circle with the object attached, but warping the circle at the same time... so width becomes 530 and height becomes 800... but because the circle has rotated at the same time, it looks like it hasn't moved - except for the object attached.
ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
var Tween1:Tween = new Tween(circle,"width",None.easeNone,800,530,2,true);
var Tween2:Tween = new Tween(circle,"height",None.easeNone,530,800,2,true);
var myTween:Tween = new Tween(circle,"rotation",None.easeNone,0,180,2,true);
This was the closest... but it still dances around the page before anything happens.... and it isn't reading the sizes properly? 530 isn't 530, but something bigger, and 800 is actually smaller?
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Apr 24, 2009
i have been trying to understand the basics of trigonometry, and after a lot of tutorials I am at level 0....
I have this bit of code that draws a cicle on the stage
I would like to place small movieclips on the path of this circle..
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Feb 20, 2011
how to make a counter clockwise circle using Senocular's Path class?
For example, if I start a half-circle on the left (9 o'clock) it will go to 6 o'clock then 3 o'clock. Right now it goes for 9 o'clock to 12 then 3.
Works great clockwise... but I can't get it to draw in the other direction. I tried messing with the math inside the class and it exploded!
Here is a link to his source file: [URL]
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Apr 24, 2003
How can I draw a simple circle using actionscript?
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Dec 29, 2008
I need to create a circle dynamically in as 2.0, i.e., when i drag the mouse downwards the circle should get bigger and when i drag the mouse upwards the circle should reduce smaller according to the radius of the circle it should resize.
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May 7, 2011
Essentially what the project consists of is I have random balls appearing on the screen and moving around and I need to make it so that the user is able to draw a circle around the ball (may be more than one) and have that balls dissapear and count the number of balls circled.This project is being done in flash builder 4.5 and is being made for the android platform as part of a senior project.I have been able to randomly create the balls and give them a random movement. I have also been able to figure out how to allow the user to draw on the screen.
What I am trying to figure out is how to make it so that if the user draws a circle around the balls make it so that I know these balls have been circled and make them dissapear and have the number of balls inside the area calculated.I have thought about making the entire background a grid and make it so that I can track somehow the line made by the user and then track the coordinate of the balls then if it is within that area it means that the ball has been circled but I would like something more efficient than that.
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May 7, 2011
Essentially what the project consists of is I have random balls appearing on the screen and moving around and I need to make it so that the user is able to draw a circle around the ball (may be more than one) and have that balls dissapear and count the number of balls circled. This project is being done in flash builder 4.5 and is being made for the android platform as part of a senior project.
At this point this is where I am.. I have been able to randomly create the balls and give them a random movement. I have also been able to figure out how to allow the user to draw on the screen. What I am trying to figure out is how to make it so that if the user draws a circle around the balls make it so that I know these balls have been circled and make them dissapear and have the number of balls inside the area calculated.
I have thought about making the entire background a grid and make it so that I can track somehow the line made by the user and then track the coordinate of the balls then if it is within that area it means that the ball has been circled but I would like something more efficient than that.
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Jan 30, 2010
I'm trying to figure out how to dynamically place numbers around a circle (similar to a clock face) but dynamically so if the number of numbers around the circle is 5 or 27.. they would space out correctly. I found some code (below) that looked like it might help but I'm having trouble implementing it. I don't know how I actually tie this back to the circle and numbers.
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Aug 24, 2009
I have a requirement wherien a semi circle has to be drawn. The circle radius can be chosen/varied by the user. How can i do it dynamicaly using action script.
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May 7, 2011
Essentially what the project consists of is I have random balls appearing on the screen and moving around and I need to make it so that the user is able to draw a circle around the ball (may be more than one) and have that balls dissapear and count the number of balls circled.
This project is being done in flash builder 4.5 and is being made for the android platform as part of a senior project.
At this point this is where I am.. I have been able to randomly create the balls and give them a random movement. I have also been able to figure out how to allow the user to draw on the screen.
What I am trying to figure out is how to make it so that if the user draws a circle around the balls make it so that I know these balls have been circled and make them dissapear and have the number of balls inside the area calculated.
I have thought about making the entire background a grid and make it so that I can track somehow the line made by the user and then track the coordinate of the balls then if it is within that area it means that the ball has been circled but I would like something more efficient than that.
I apologize if it is unclear for what I am looking for but a simple description is I am making a simple game where you are able to circle a moving item on screen, then once it is circled the item disappearsand you gain a point.
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Aug 14, 2009
well i wanted to make a navigation menu were you have say, 4 buttons or however many you want to have on the stage, this is controled by a variable. now next to the buttons on each side will be an arrow. now then i wish to have a variable that controls how many there will be in total. so if there is eight in total and only 4 showing then when you press the right arrow they will all dynamically move to the next set of buttons.
but the thing is, i need it to have a mask so you can't see them moving behind the arrows and it would look wierd if you could see the buttons that should be able to be seen. i've been trying to accomplish this but theres so much to get my head around i can't seem to go any further then i have now. also i'm trying to make it so i can have a click event for each button, and also i'm trying to find a way i can use this method to dynamically place the buttons down like i am but have different symbols for each button.
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Jul 7, 2010
I am trying to dynamically draw a circle and fill it up with some color. Drawing a circle is pretty easy job for me, but fill it up with some color seems not happening today.
PHP Code:
Circle function starts
function fnDrawArc(mc,x,y,r,angle){
mc.beginFill(0xFF0000); // this is not working....
[Code] .....
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Dec 10, 2010
I've been trying to learn just now how to dynamically create a radial gradient in a circle. All the pages that I can find use the command 'beginGradientFill', but when I use it I get the following messages:
Warning: 1060: Migration issue: The method beginGradientFill is no longer supported. For more information, see the Graphics class..
TypeError: Error #1006: beginGradientFill is not a function.
Unfortunately I can't seem to find the replacement, or any other pages that describe an alternative to that function. What is the way to do a radial gradient now?
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Sep 10, 2010
I'm trying to dynamically place instances of MovieClip on the stage. Receiving an error:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChild()
// properties in class ----------
var circle_ary:Array = new Array;
var circ_num:int;//number of circles on the stage.
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Jul 5, 2005
I'm trying to move an object along circlular motion guide dynamically using two buttons -- a left button, when pressed down, will move the object counter clockwise, and the right button clockwise.
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Aug 27, 2011
I want to be able to create and place objects on the stage dynamically and remember their location. I'm guessing the best way would be saving the object type and location in an array? Just wondering if there is a better way before I start coding.
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Jul 14, 2008
I am using actionscript to place every thing on the flash dynamically. However, when I was finished I noticed a tiny little bug that I just can't fix. Whenever the stage.height is an even number one of the objects is misaligned by half a pixel. When ever the stage.height is odd it is perfect. See images below for what I mean. Here is the related actionscript (called upon load and resize):
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Mar 31, 2010
I'm trying to position dynamically generated movie clips into rows and columns. Currently i've managed to position them side-by-side using the same ._y position. I would like to position them into a grid consisting of 25 columns and 16 rows, so mc 26 would sit beneath mc 1 etc...
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Oct 31, 2011
how to make a dynamic unfilled and filled circle. that will take input from a slider to dertermine how much of the circle is drawn. I wanted to use this for a preloader. Unlike the author I would like to use it inside of a document class. I am getting 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method createEmptyMovieClip through a reference with static type document. and 1120: Access of undefined property circ1. The second is caused from the first. How would I get this to work in my document class?
//original code
// x: circles center x, y: circles center y
// a1: first angle, a2: angle to draw to, r: radius
// dir: direction; 1 for clockwise -1 for counter clockwise
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Jun 23, 2009
I have a function and some textfields within a movieclip, and I need to reference those textfields dynamically. This worked when I'd had the TFs on the stage, but not since I've placed them in an MC.The TF naming convention works out to this:
So, to access them dynamically, I combine the letters with index numbers to be gotten through the function's arguments.
The numbers represented by "i" and "ii" are coming through fine in trace, but the path is still wrong. I've tried different combinations of _level0, etc., but it only works in my testing when I make an absolute reference to the field (e.g. Object(_level0.mc_instance)['t_t1c'+i+'r'+ii].text which is not a viable solution).
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