ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Place The Buttons Down

Aug 14, 2009

well i wanted to make a navigation menu were you have say, 4 buttons or however many you want to have on the stage, this is controled by a variable. now next to the buttons on each side will be an arrow. now then i wish to have a variable that controls how many there will be in total. so if there is eight in total and only 4 showing then when you press the right arrow they will all dynamically move to the next set of buttons.

but the thing is, i need it to have a mask so you can't see them moving behind the arrows and it would look wierd if you could see the buttons that should be able to be seen. i've been trying to accomplish this but theres so much to get my head around i can't seem to go any further then i have now. also i'm trying to make it so i can have a click event for each button, and also i'm trying to find a way i can use this method to dynamically place the buttons down like i am but have different symbols for each button.

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// properties in class ----------
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ActionScript Code:
var sp:Sprite = new Sprite();


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private var addItemDB:addItemForm;
addItemDB = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this,addItemForm,true) as addItemForm;


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