Flex :: Add A Form With 2 Buttons Into A Box Dynamically?

Feb 4, 2010

Let's say I have this function

function Do(x:String){}

How can I make so that each time this function is called, it will add a form into a hbox, and that form will have 2 buttons yes and no and put x into the text of a label.When the user is going to click on Yes I need to trace(x) and remove the Form from the hbox

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Flex :: Dynamically Add Multiple Instances Of A Form Based On User Input?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm trying to create a form that based on the users input would determine how many forms to generate dynamically. I have a base state with a combo box that contains 1-4. Bases on the users selection I would like to have the next state generate the number of forms. So if you user selects 2 and click next - 2 copies of the form would be display.

I'm just wondering if this is possible how i would go about doing this or if any one knows of any examples?

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Trying To Upload Dynamically Drawn Image From Flex To Rails 3 With Multi-part Form Content

Jul 1, 2011

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Flex :: Add Buttons To A Dynamically Created Panel?

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<mx:Form width="100%">
<mx:FormItem indicatorGap="0">
<s:Label text="label1"/>


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Actionscript :: Flex Assigning Events To Dynamically Created Buttons?

Jul 18, 2011

My app has buttons that users press to insert predefined strings into a textarea. I'm now making it load in the button values dynamically so users can define their own buttons.I'm using a buttons.txt which contains a different label on each line (button1, button2,button3 etc). I loop through the text file and add the buttons to a group. This all works, but now the hard part. How can I assign an eventlistener to these buttons so that they output text to the screen?

protected function view1_viewActivateHandler(event:ViewNavigatorEvent):void
var path:File = File.documentsDirectory.resolvePath("buttons.txt");


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Actionscript :: Flex: Assigning Events To Dynamically Created Buttons?

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I have a txt file structured like this:



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Flex :: Get Array From Server To Form,as Form Items ?

Nov 28, 2009

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userInfo=event.result as Array;
<mx:FormItem label="FirstName" fontWeight="bold" width="325" required="true">[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Form An Instance Name Dynamically?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to form an instance name dynamically.

var a:Array=[];
turntoID = a[0]+1;
var popup = stage.addChild(["popUpMessage"+turntoID]);

But I get this error:

1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Array to an unrelated type flash.displayisplayObject.

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Actionscript 3 :: Check The User Selections On Dynamically Generated Radio Buttons And Check Boxes In Flex?

Jan 27, 2011

The following is my codes. This is still work in progress; so, you will see some functions with empty contents. Plus, this is my first Flex application; please bear with me. This is a quiz application that gets the questions and answers to each questions from a ColdFusion web service. There are three types of questions, True or False, Multiple Choice with single selection, and Multiple Choice with multiple selections. So, based upon the question type, the application would dynamically generate the appropriate amount of radio buttons or check boxes for the users to select. I got these working. The problem that I am having is, I am not sure how to check what the users have actually selected. In some other forums and posts on other web site, it said that I can use event.currentTarget.selectedValue to get the user selection. But when I actually do it, I got a run-time error saying, "Property selectedValue not found on mx.controls.FormItem and there is no default value." My question is, what do I need to do to capture the user selections?


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IDE :: Radio Buttons And A Combobox In Form?

Feb 28, 2003

I have made a feedback form in Flash MX with PHP. Some parts are working flawlessly. The 'input text' boxes are sending the info to my email address just fine but the radio buttons and combobox are not sending anything at all. The reason the 'input text' boxes are working is because I can give them variable names. I have no idea how to set up the combo-boxes or radio buttons.


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IDE :: Feedback Form With Radio Buttons?

Apr 26, 2009

Im trying to create a feeback (basically a fancier email form) using flash & PHP. Ive got a simple contact form which Ive always used & it works fine - but Ive never had to add radio buttons? I need this info to be sent to the client through the form,

Company: a or b (radios buttons I think)
Country (they want a drop down list for this)
Select: a, b,
Select: a, b, c, d
Message or comments.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Contact Form - How To Add Radio Buttons

Jul 16, 2009

I've just managed to succeed with the contact form and now I'm wanting to add bits to it. Specifically, I'd like to add two lots of radio buttons (two buttons for each question). I've got the buttons in place but I can only click one of them at a time and I can't get the php to acknowledge which button is clicked. So my query is, how do I get two lots of buttons to work and the script to let me know which ones have been clicked?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Form And Buttons Within External SWF Not Working When Loaded?

Oct 20, 2010

I'm currently working on a flash site, which consists of a "Main" SWF file that has buttons to load external SWF files. I figured out how to make the external SWF files show on its own layer below other layers on the main time line of the Main SWF. I created a blank movie clip file on it's own layer of the main time line and used this to call out to it:This worked perfectly. The website so far works perfectly with each page of the website being an externally loaded SWF. The problem I came across today though, is that buttons and text fields within the external SWF files don't work when they are loaded onto the "Main" SWF. They only work when I open the external SWF files individually. I really need to figure out how to make buttons and the text fields within the external SWF files when loaded onto the "MAIN" SWF.

I first came across this problem when I tried adding a form that I created to one of the external SWF files called guestlist_page_swf.swf. The form works on its own when I open that SWF individually, but when I try to load that SWF file with the form as a page on my "Main" SWF, the mouse doesn't even recognize that the submit button is a button, and it doesn't allow me to click on the text fields. Here is the link to the site I am having the problem with:

processing_mc.visible = false;
// Clear the form fields
first_name_txt.text = "";


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Form And Buttons Within External SWF Not Working When Loaded

Oct 20, 2010

I'm currently working on a flash site, which consists of a "Main" SWF file that has buttons to load external SWF files. I figured out how to make the external SWF files show on its own layer below other layers on the main time line of the Main SWF. I created a blank movie clip file on it's own layer of the main time line and used this to call out to it:


This worked perfectly. The website so far works perfectly with each page of the website being an externally loaded SWF. The problem I came across today though, is that buttons and text fields within the external SWF files don't work when they are loaded onto the "Main" SWF. They only work when I open the external SWF files individually. I really need to figure out how to make buttons and the text fields within the external SWF files when loaded onto the "MAIN" SWF. I first came across this problem when I tried adding a form that I created to one of the external SWF files called guestlist_page_swf.swf. The form works on its own when I open that SWF individually, but when I try to load that SWF file with the form as a page on my "Main" SWF, the mouse doesn't even recognize that the submit button is a button, and it doesn't allow me to click on the text fields. Here is the link to the site I am having the problem with, and the problem page is the Guest List page:

Below is the code from my Main SWF file and the External SWF file with the form on it:


var Xpos:Number = 0.0;
var Ypos:Number = 192.5;
var swf:MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Radio Buttons Form - Pool System

Apr 20, 2007

I need a flash form script to post, by php, in sql database. The php all right exists and it works very well but I need the flash form. The form must have 3 radio buttons. The radio buttons form is a part of pool system. I create also a form in html (to check the system pool) and it works. Now I need the simple form in flash yo poste the values (A, B or C) in aby php in sql.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Send And Reset Buttons Won't Work On Contact Form?

Apr 21, 2009

I'm using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 2. I've created a simple contact page, inside a movie clip (because I got it fading in and out), I've put the script on the main timeline, so not inside the movie, but the send and reset buttons won't respond all. I've checked the instance names and spellings are correct, here's the script I'm using:


ps. contact_tween is the name of movie I created to fade the whole contact page in and out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Information From A Flash Form To A Php Script Using Radio Buttons Without A Submit Button

Mar 22, 2006

I am trying to send information from a flash form to a php script using radio buttons without a submit button ie as soon as a radio button is selected the info is sent but I can't get anything to work.

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Element Inside Another Element Just Having It's Id In Dynamically Created String Form?

Mar 18, 2012

I know that there is no such function as getElementByName in Flex but I also now that you can do this["object_id"] to get the element of the application u're in.What about getting an element inside another element?I've tried making element["id"] ? But in my try-catch it always runs the "catch" part..how do I get an element inside another element just having it's id in dynamically created string form?

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Flex :: Soap - Possible To Create A Flex Contact Form That Submits Data To Salesforce.com As A New Lead?

Oct 7, 2011

has their own web-to-lead form that can be used to send leads from a website contact form. But I want to submit leads from a contact form inside a flex application. I can't see anything in the documentation, or on Google about this. Is it possible?

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Flex :: Read Dynamic Form Child Data In Flex?

Jul 20, 2010

I created a form dynamically by adding each component in action script,now i want to get back the text/data entered in to that each component dynamically?[code]...

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Call Buttons?

May 19, 2009

I've tried to access buttons in my menu. I only want to add listeners to the items that is in the XML file im loading.The thing is, i dont know how to call a button i've named "Var1_btn" when i've got a string "Var1".Does anyone know how to call buttons from a for-loop?

for each(var chapter in presentation_xml.*)
chapter + "_btn".addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, traceit);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Place The Buttons Down

Aug 14, 2009

well i wanted to make a navigation menu were you have say, 4 buttons or however many you want to have on the stage, this is controled by a variable. now next to the buttons on each side will be an arrow. now then i wish to have a variable that controls how many there will be in total. so if there is eight in total and only 4 showing then when you press the right arrow they will all dynamically move to the next set of buttons.

but the thing is, i need it to have a mask so you can't see them moving behind the arrows and it would look wierd if you could see the buttons that should be able to be seen. i've been trying to accomplish this but theres so much to get my head around i can't seem to go any further then i have now. also i'm trying to make it so i can have a click event for each button, and also i'm trying to find a way i can use this method to dynamically place the buttons down like i am but have different symbols for each button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Creating Buttons Dynamically?

Sep 26, 2004

I want to make a site for my personal gallery and i'm asking you if there is another method to make my gallery, other that the one when the user click Back and Next to navigate through thhe images in the order that i chose. I want to create some buttons dynamically (so i will be able to add images to the gallery without replacing the SWF) and assign each of these buttons an on(release) or on(press) event handler that will show the image for that button

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Remove Buttons?

Jun 22, 2005

How do you dynamically remove buttons

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Creating Buttons?

Jun 29, 2007

I'm using Flash CS3, Actionscript 2.0 and I'm trying to create buttons dynamically.I tried to follow the code in the link below. The code is correct for the most part but the only problem I have is that only the last button appears. For example, if I try to create 10 buttons, only the 10th button is created.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: F8 - Creating Buttons Dynamically

Oct 30, 2007

I'm creating buttons dynamically, but I want to add code also. something like (psuedo)[thumb + i].on Release = "_parent.thumb" + i + "Pressed()" can that work? I think I need targetMc?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Placing New Buttons

Feb 15, 2009

It's been a few years since I've last used ActionScript, so I'm a bit rusty Anyways, I have 16 buttons in my library with linkage names btn0-btn15. I can successfully add them onto the stage by saying something like:

var tempBtn:SimpleButton = new btn0();

I'm going to be tinkering with the buttons layout and positions, and I would like to add each of the different buttons to the stage dynamically with a for loop. I've been trying different variations of this:

for (int i:int=0; i<16; i++) {
var tempBtn:SimpleButton = new ["btn" + i]();

but I just can't seem to find the right syntax for doing this correctly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML And Dynamically Creating Buttons

Aug 15, 2009

So I have this loop generating buttons based upon how many entries there are in my XML:

for (j=0; j < base.image.length(); j++) {
var newButton:imgButton = new imgButton();


Now I'm just wondering what the best way of assigning control to the buttons is (i.e. making them do something,). I'm wanting each created button to load a different image (defined in the xml) if that's of any use.

Do I need to add event listeners dynamically or something?

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