ActionScript 2.0 :: Place Small Movieclips On The Path?

Apr 24, 2009

i have been trying to understand the basics of trigonometry, and after a lot of tutorials I am at level 0....

I have this bit of code that draws a cicle on the stage


I would like to place small movieclips on the path of this circle..

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[Code] .....

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Feb 12, 2010

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for exemple, pacman:

how should i code the placement of all the money?

i would go:

but that's not the good solution is it?

there must be a code to do that without hundreds of lines of code.

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Apr 8, 2011

I am displaying some flash content on a fairly standard page. This works really well when the flash, xml file and html page are sitting together in the same directory.url...However, I want to display that same content in another page which is deeper inside the site but outside of the directory that houses the .swf and .xml files as well as the assets.[code]The js files are loading properly but the flash content is not, so I could use a little help getting that sorted out.

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Apr 30, 2011

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Flex :: Debugging - I Added Class Directory Via Flex Build Path/Source Path, And Now 'building Workspace' Takes Forever

Apr 3, 2012

I am coming from flash to flashbuilder I have a directory, AS3_classes_dir, on my computer that stores all of my classes, including my greensock and papervision packages. In every flash app that I make I include that directory in the Source Path, so that I can import whatever I may need. Compiling in flash (using ctrl/enter) takes very little time; only the classes that are specifically imported are compiled.So today I did that in flashbuilder, included AS3_classes_dir via Flex Build Path/Source Path ... but now the compile time are a couple of minutes, even though I am not even importing ANY of the classes from within.

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Place MC,s At A Random Place

Sep 21, 2009

i tried it all but cant solve it on my own. i have 10 different MC,s. they shall appear by hitting a key on the keyboard. all i want them to appear and play on a random place.

all then 10 MC,s are deticated to 10 different keys on the keyboard. (so by hitting the "A" on the keyboard shall place and play MC "A" at a random place..

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