ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading .swf Buttons On Dreamweaver?
Jul 25, 2011
I animated 4 flash buttons in one .fla file. When you rollover each button, an animation should play. However, when I preview the .swf in Dreamweaver, the rollover buttons only work HALF the time. I tried putting a preloader on the .fla file as well as toggling the quality to low in the original .fla, but it still only works half the time?
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I created a Flash CS4 document which contains 2 buttons. I used the code below to link the two buttons to well known web sites, tested them in Flash and the buttons work fine.
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Jan 14, 2011
I have created a website in Dreamweaver and it functions entirely upon hiding/showing divs, using the appropriate behavior (very basic html knowledge on my part So it's just one page in which layers are alternatively hidden and shown.I have created a set of flash buttons (they are all in one file, because a very basic Flash animation is supposed to make them fade in one by one when another flash button inserted in the html page is activated). Now, I have two problems regarding this:
1. On page load, this "animation" (the buttons which fade in successively one after another) appears automatically, even though it is located inside a div which is invisible by default and should only be visible at the trigger of a button. This is not acceptable for me because it is a submenu which should be invisible at first.
2. Let's suppose item #1 is resolved. Different html divs are supposed to appear/be hidden when rolling over each of these Flash buttons, and I haven't been able to find out how to do this. I know I should work with the Flash code in order to do this, "on (rollover) {//no idea what to place here to call the Javascript function from dreamweaver which I don't know how to create, if it's not applied directly to an object//}
This is the site: www(dot)wise-ls(dot)comlu(dot)com (I'm working on expanding the width, that's why it looks funny The section in question is "soluciones", and what I want to do is replace the text links with Flash buttons.
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Feb 28, 2010
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Jun 8, 2010
I'm working through Dreamweaver fairly well, and I'm now wanted to import Flash buttons I've created myself into Dreamweaver for a website I'm currently building, and it's here that I'm finding the problem. I have been to the 'get URL Function', but it says something about needing to link to a web page? But my problem is how can I link Flash Buttons to a web page, when my site is still being developed and not published? Do I have to publish first?
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Oct 28, 2008
I am pretty new to Flash and AS3. I built a Flash site that loads external XML data that auto loads with each page containing it.url...On the second page "Wines", as you can see, the white wine list auto loads just fine. But I cannot get my actionscript to load the XMLs from the buttons on the right (ie: whites, reds, dessert, champagne) [code] Also, as of right now, in the script I have the wines (fom said XML list) pop up in a new window (go click one to see). But it pops up in a new browser instead of a "popup". This is because I could not find a way to combine the java script with the XML in the actionscript to specify the new window(parent). I would rather it just load into the box (movieclip) dynamically, but I could not get that to work either.[code] Not even my intro Flash teacher can help me nor is there a tutor around either. Im kind of in a bad
position. Its just a matter of finding a person that knows Actionscript! No one knows it well enough in my class to help. If you know of a tutor who has an hour of time, I would be forever in debt. We can chat via AIM & send the raw files even.
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Sep 6, 2009
I just spent 3 days making a drop-down-button-menu. It looks great.I added it to the HTML of my website, but everytime you load the page, you have to download the ActiveX control...How is it that people have drop-down-button-menus that are flash-based, yet they don't make you download the ActiveX control? Should I just scrap my buttons and try to use CSS, or HTML, or Javascript?
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Oct 18, 2011
I was wondering if anyone could help me solve a problem im having with loading swf's into a swf with buttons. this is the code i have so far:
ActionScript Code:
import flash.ui.Mouse;
var _swfLoader:Loader;
var _swfRequest:URLRequest;
var _swfPathArr:Array = new Array("00.swf","01.swf","02.swf");
var _swfClipsArr:Array = new Array();
This code all works but when it loads the swf you can still press the other buttons which then load in the appropriate swf's. My problem is that i want the user to press the button, lets say "portfolio_btn" which loads in an swf called "01.swf" and for the user to not be able to press any of the other buttons until the "01.swf" has loaded and the same for all the other buttons loading in swf's.
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May 24, 2009
On the stage I have buttons that should load different swf. Usually I should put all the code on a single "action" layer. But, it is not what I want to do I have a movie clip that I want to play before the loading ( button click - movie clip - loading the swf).
So I put this code at the en of the movieclip:
var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var swf;
var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(swf);
function startLoad() {
mLoader = new Loader();
[Code] .....
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May 5, 2010
i would like to load external URL to my flash buttons from XML but no idea how to do it. There is 100 buttons. Buttons have unique names and i need to load url from xml to each button by the name of it and on click action go to this url. Any idea ?
button is s01, s02, p01, p02...... then i need address from xml with this name to load
<address s01="some url here"></address>
<address s02="some url here"></address>
my AS3 for now is this but dont know what to do next :
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, loadname);
function loadname(evtObj:MouseEvent){
var btnname:String =;
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Apr 18, 2010
i remember being able to insert a .swf on a web page, using dreamweaver, and it working.
now, i cant see anything... can anyone tell me how to add a swf using the wysiwyg option
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Dec 11, 2009
figure out how to make my swf files (animated buttons created in flash cs4 / as3 ) work in my dreamweaver site (cs4) as links to go from one html page to another ?
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Jul 28, 2009
I have been looking all over the place for what seems like should be a really easy thing to accomplish.I have a swf that is 1060x630px and I would like to center it on the page... at the moment it just sits in the far left corner of the screen when I export it to html. My knowledge of html is minimal but I am guessing that this needs to be done in dreamweaver.
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May 19, 2009
[URL]you will notice a slight flash of a white box before the preloader starts, i'm trying everything to make it go away! this box seems to be the same size as my embedded swf. the site and preloader are all in one swf. all i need to do is make that white box the same color as the background so it is is the code from dreamweaver (you'll notice im sticking in color values wherever i can!)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
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Sep 18, 2009
I wanted to make each button load an swf.How do I connect a button to loading a swf?
contentButton1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, N);
function N(e:MouseEvent){
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("N-Infant.swf");var loader:Loader = new Loader()loader.load(request);addChild(loader);
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Mar 27, 2009
I'm learning AS3. There are two buttons converted to MC inthe library. Their class linkage names are: next_bt1 and back-bt1.I have a PesticideEducation.fla and onthe same folder.Here is my code, which doesn't report any error but thebuttons don't show on find the error on myscript.
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class PesticideEducation extends MovieClip
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Sep 17, 2011
create a multidimensional array which will pull text, swfs, and/or images from an xml file based on which button is clicked.What I don't understand is how to pull the swf or image file from the file like I have with the text. Truth be told, I'm completely lost and could really use some help fixing this. I need to pull text and images or the swf file from the xml depending on which button is clicked and I tried to put this together, but I've given myself a headache trying to understand where I went wrong.
ActionScript Code:
var pageXML:XML;
//Load the XML file.
var pageXMLLoader = new URLLoader();
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Dec 12, 2011
loading a SWF file and then removing it with the use of buttons. It's a fairly simple situation, but I just can't seem to get it to work.
Here is the code:
function newvid(event:MouseEvent){
var tv_loader:Loader = new Loader();
tv_loader.load(new URLRequest("tv.swf"));
The scene basically says click on button and tv turns on...but I can't seem to get the off button to work. I think I am missing a step some where in the code.
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Sep 17, 2011
What I'm trying to do is create a multidimensional array which will pull text, swfs, and/or images from an xml file based on which button is clicked.
What I don't understand is how to pull the swf or image file from the file like I have with the text. I need to pull text and images or the swf file from the xml depending on which button is clicked and I tried to put this together, but I've given myself a headache trying to understand where I went wrong.
Code: Select allvar pageXML:XML;
//Load the XML file.
var pageXMLLoader = new URLLoader();
pageXMLLoader.load(new URLRequest("scripts/xml/content.xml"));
pageXMLLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, xmlIOErrorHandler);
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Sep 5, 2006
I am working on a dynamic menu for a client. This is my first time creating a menu loaded from an xml file. I have the basics down, but am hitting a brick wall. I will have six buttons that are attached at run time, and will be labeled according to the button names in the xml file. Eventually these buttons will be rotating in a circle, but I'm just testing the functionality at the moment. I tried searching through the forum, and didn't find anything that resembled what I am trying to do. To start off here is the xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<button buttonName="Home">
<content contentTitle="Home">[code].............
I have been able to trace the attribute names from the xml file, but textbox's from the dynamic buttons are not being labeled. They are coming up undefined.
P.S. This is the flow of how this project will take place: Load external xml file into Flash.Loop through elements to define the button label names.Create a loop to attach a movieClip at run time into a holder clip named "mcCircle".Label the dynamic text field in each new movieClip with the label names from the xml file.Arrange the movieClips on the stage in a circle movieClip.Rotate the circle movieClip clockwise using trig: sine and cosine. Set a speed and velocity variable to the circle movieClipWhen the mouse moves Over a button, have the circle movieClip slow down it's speed to a stop.When the mouse moves Out of a button, have the circle movieClip speed up to it's normal rotation speed.When the mouse clicks on a button, have the circle movieClip shrink down and move to the lower right corner of the stage.Tell Flash to load the content from the xml file (of the button label clicked) to a dynamic textfield on the stage. When the user is done reading the content they will click on a button to clear the text field, and bring the menu back to center, and original size.
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Nov 5, 2009
I got this tutorial about external movie loading. It works but it seems that their is a little problem with it. How do you keep the button from loading an external movie once it's loaded already?
Let's BUTTON-1 loaded MOVIE-1, now when you click on BUTTON-1 again it will load the movie even if it's loaded. How do you do it like only when another button is clicked will it load the movie for that button.
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Sep 26, 2003
OK on my main timeline i have 2 buttons each one loading 2 seperate SWF's. When I load the first SWF it works perfect. Now when I load the other SWF. on the same level it replaces the 1st SWF. Now comes the problem, when i go to reload the first SWF the error accurs. "256 levels of recursion were exceeded in one action list. This is probably an infinite loop. Further execution of actions has been disabled in this movie."
I understand the concept of the error. I just can not fix it. Is it a matter of having everthing on one SWF. file. Or is there an unloadMovie script I can use.I found this script from Posted it there...but didn't get ther help i needed.
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Mar 8, 2004
There is a button in my library say mybutton_btn.I want to dynamically create an instance of it add it on stage something like insName=new myButton_btn();. How can this be achived?
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Oct 15, 2009
I have a flash site (finally) but I need to host it through dreamweaver. I cant do it. I tried loading it thru the media option and it gave me an error. I have a lot riding on this site and Im at the last step only to find some new obstacle in my way.
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Jun 7, 2009
I am new to Flash and Actionscript, so bear with meI am buidling a website in Dreamweaver CS3. Is it possible to create a preloader for an swf file, inside a div tag within a Dreamweaver document?. Take my friends site for exampe, which I suspect is made entirely in Flash: [URL] When you,click on any button inside "portfolio", a preloader symbol appears ,but the movie does not procede without the control of the red next and previous buttons at the bottom right corner. How is this done?.
I am reluctant to design everything in Flash, is that I have heard search engines such as Google have trouble indexing website's that are made entirely from Flash. Or am I wrong in thinking this?.
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Aug 19, 2009
CS3 on a 2.4 ghz intel core 2 duo Mac running OS X 10.5.8.I have been able to create my webpages and upload them to the host. They are viewable, linkable etc. Everything is working, but now I want to include some flash elements.I built a flash file in action script 3.0 and saved it in the files folder of Dreamweaver, I dragged and dropped the swf file into the design screen and saved it. I have uploaded the html file, the swf and fla files and the created js file to the host server, but the flash element does not appear on the page when I view it in the browser.
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Nov 12, 2009
I don't know why this is so difficult, but I'm unable to embed a swf generated in flash into a dreamweaver template. I can finally create a few basic animations and want to test them out in the dreamweaver envoirment. What is the simplest path to accomplishing this? For example if I open flash, create a simple animation, like a ball moving across the screen. If I save that SWF, what's the next step after opening dreamweaver. I just want to be able to test it the site with dreamweaver or see it "live".
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Jan 20, 2010
I placed my swf. file in DW, uploaded swf. file and DW file to ftp site and the page shows up with a black area when page is reviewed on website.
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Apr 10, 2010
I am having problems putting flash swf videos files in Dreamweaver CS3. I insert the video file into Dreamweaver via media, Flash and it appears and plays when I test it on my page, but when I preview the page in the browser on my website the video does not play and I get a blank screen where the video should be.
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Dec 13, 2002
I am a complete beginner with Flash and have just created a simple movie which I want to insert into a layer into dreamweaver. I have published the movie and exported it but when I try and insert it into Dreamweaver it doesn't work.
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