ActionScript 1/2 :: XML Are Being Returned As 'undefined'

Feb 24, 2011

I've set up a holder flash file that checks an XML file every 30 secs, and if the content has changed loads a new movie into itself. I am getting mixed results and baffled why this is not working consistently - the XML is being read successfully, but the attributes that should be read from the XML are being returned as 'undefined' for some reason.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Undefined Being Returned Instead Of Xml Node Value?

Mar 2, 2004

I am trying to call a functoin which will use the xml object to retrieve data and return the data to the function call. When I trace "test_var" inside the "book_xml.onLoad" functoin, it works. but I can pass the xml data out of the get_data function.

//define function
function get_data(id) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nothing Returned For HttpStatusHandler?

Jun 30, 2010

I'm trying to debug my player, which is having a problem loading xml files from IE over https.

I tried putting in the following code:

xmlLoader.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_ST ATUS, httpStatusHandler);

With the function httpStatusHandler firing an alert when it is hit:


When I load the player, nothing happens. What does this mean? Have I done something really stupid?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Looping Through XML Returned From PHP?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm creating a registration form that contains a 'chain-select' series of ComboBoxes. In other words, select an item in the first CB and display the results from a mysql query in the next CB.

PHP returns the results in an XML String (Code: Select allecho "returnXML="$returnXML; ). All is working great up to that point. What I would like to do is loop through the Code: Select allXMLList, running Code: Select alldataP.addItem({label: newData}); for each node. The problem is that the Code: Select allXMLList.length(); function is returning a value of 1.

Code: Select allxmlList.hasComplexContent() returns 'true' which, i believe, would indicate that the XMLList is being created successfully.

Here's a bare-bones version of the code that should be sufficient for solving this problem.

Code: Select allimport*;
var dataP:DataProvider = new DataProvider();
var newData:String;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Count Variables Returned From Php?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a PHP file that sends different amounts of variables back to flash depending on what the user has done.

I was wondering if there was a way of counting these variables in the so I could make a for loop?

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Actionscript 3 :: Why Can't Get A Returned Value From Custom Class

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Actionscript :: Recursive Function And Returned Value?

Nov 5, 2010

I think I have the recursion working properly, but I'm not able to get the originally requested item's property set to the right value.The goal here is to find the topmost parent (or "ancestor," depth = 0) of the nested item (a taxonomy based on Dictionary "parent" attributes), and assign that originally requested nested item's "ancestor" property accordingly.For instance, in

- Red
- - Empire
- - - Fresh

"Fresh"'s ancestor should be set to "Apples." While I'm attempting this on an "on-demand" and individual basis, I'm open to a solution that tags all children that are related to the same ancestor in one fell swoop or for statement, since that would probably be more efficient.


for (var mc:Object in taxonomy) {
var term = taxonomy[mc];[code]....

As you can see, while the recursion does find the root, the originally requested item still gets the default value.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Error 1120: Access Of Undefined Pro: MovieclipAccess Of Undefined Property: Movieclip

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package {
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import fl.motion.Color;
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Array Keys Returned As Strings?

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The more I get into haXe and cpp the more I'm wondering this about as3. Iteration in as3 is easy in comparison to those languages. But if Array extends Object, overriding getters and setters to create what's basically an IntHash<string> or map<int,string>, and which only takes an int as a key, then why shouldn't the key iterator also return an int? Why does it return a string?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Unable To Output The Time Returned By The Php

Feb 15, 2011

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Flex :: Jabber Server Returned Data?

Dec 3, 2010

I am developing a chat application using flex, which can use different service providers users like gmail,yahoomail,ami etc. Almost similar like

I am using jabber server. My question is what kind of information jabber returns.I am getting userid,password,status,status message but I am not getting address or phone number of the user or picture of the user..

Please let me know,how can I take these values and what should I pass to jabber server to revcieve full information from jabber for different service provider's users.

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Flex :: Charting A Count Of Records Returned?

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Actionscript 3 :: Parsing JSON Returned By URLLoader?

Feb 29, 2012

I'm using a URLLoader and URLRequest to make a call to youtube's api. The return is formatted as json and looks like the following: I'm trying to capture the "href" value located on line 42 in the above pastebin. But the code I have isn't working.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: SendAndLoad - Check Value Of Returned Variable

Aug 31, 2010

I`m using sendAndLoad function to pass some var to serve rside language. ASPX to be precise. Everything works fine, but the problem is I need to check value of returned variable. And variable is returned in XML format.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: What Is Returned From Database To Populate Menu

May 19, 2005

i've been playing around with coldfusion for the past couple of days. I can make database queries within coldfusion components and call them in flash via flash remoting.what I can't seem to get my brain around is how do I use what is returned from a database to populate a menu (i.e.-attach movie clips based on rows from the database)?How can you do this without the structure found in XML? I know how to do that with Flash (looping through nodes, etc.)without the nodes, what the heck do you loop through? Do i need to use cold fusion to build some kind of structure first? if so does anybody know of a good tute or know how to do it and can explain the very basic concepts involved?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: F8: Objects Returned From Class Being Overwritten?

May 5, 2007

I have four movieclips on the stage. They can be dragged around. I have a class that creates a segment from two points, and returns the x-intercept, y-intercept, slope, and inverse slope of a linear function going through the two points.On every enterFrame() i create one segment for each pair of points, then the information is displayed in a bunch of dynamic text boxes.

The Problem: whichever object is sent over last overwrites the data from the first. I am creating two different objects with different names, but the first is being overwritten by the second. What is going wrong here?

FLA included. But you will need to make this class file:

import flash.geom.Point;
class Seg {
// variables
private var p1:Point;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: PHP - Flash Log In Form - Returned Value Is Wrong

Jan 22, 2008

Login Form: I send Login and Password from Flash to PHP. PHP accepts those values, checks them against the database, and then... returns something weird to flash. Instead of just returning "true" (if the password is correct) or "false" (if the password in not correct), PHP returns one of those values AND whatever comes after that value, including even the closing PHP tag ?> .... I know it because I trace the returned value in Flash. I need your help with my scripts. This is my Flash button, sending the values to PHP.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Search String Function - Get The Int Returned

Jun 7, 2009

I need to be able to get the int returned on this. If I serach for any letter as a string I get the search function working right. If I run it like it is below I get back 0, which I should get 3.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Handling Array Returned From Web Service?

Apr 6, 2011

I'm using a Text Field component to pass the parameter (in this case a 'word') and a Text Area component is bound to the result (the 'definition').This works because the result is a String (which displays correctly when returned to the Text Area obviously). Now, I want to receive an Array as the result instead of a simple String. No surprise, the Array isn't displayed correctly in the Text Area..... it simply says "[object Object]". Can't do much with that....How can I receive this web service "result" in useful form? Can I use AS2 to set the value of an Array variable as the result from the web service (once it's finished)? If so, what's the syntax? FYI: I already know how to tell when the web service is done, just need the syntax for binding an Array variable to the result of the web service.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Undefined Dont Show Text That Says Undefined?

Jul 12, 2007

i am using flash, .Net, and MySQL and have elements (text fields) posting in flash.Question is, if the table in the data base is not holding the var char how can I set the text field in flash to not show undefined and just be blank?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MX Retrieve Javascript Function Returned Value Into Flash?

Apr 6, 2010

I am posting a thread regarding passing a javascript returned value into Flash. It is slightly complex due to the solution I am looking for must target Flash Player 6.

I have looked at various solutions including the Flash / JavaScript Integration Kit wrote by the guys at the former Macromedia. Unfortunately the solution involved includes various classes and then import them in Flash which produces the following error:

The class or interface 'com.macromedia.javascript.JavaScriptProxy' could not be loaded.

The Javascript I want to retrieve the value from looks like:

<script language="JavaScript">
function CheckIn(){


I just need to pass the returned value into a variable within Flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check If The Value Returned Is A Null Object Reference?

Jul 10, 2009

I have a form where a user can select up to three radio buttons and click submit. however if they don't select a radio from one of the groups (they dont care to answer the question or just missed it) the value of the radio button (I think) is null and gets returned as such using this code:
function Question1():Object{    return RadioButtonGroup(;}
Then, when they hit the submit button it sends the values to the database. This works fine, but only if they select a radio button for each group. If they missed one I get the following error:
"TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.    at mid_fla::MainTimeline/Question1()    at mid_fla::MainTimeline/clickHandler()"
When I did a trace on the value of Question1() it returns function Function() {}
how to check if the value returned is a null object reference or whatever and give it a default value if it is?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Wrong DataGridEvent.columnIndex Returned When The DG Scrolled?

Mar 27, 2010

I have a datagrid with 7 colums. Because of their widths, I have to use an horizontal toolbar.When the datagrid is on its initial topleft position, no problem: if I click on the column0, the returned DataGridEvent.columnIndex is 0. If I click on column 3, the returned DataGridEvent.columnIndex 3, the dataField is perfect.
Now, I scroll to the right (scrollpolicy = auto) and the "old" column 3 is the first column I see now to the left in my DataGrid.If I then click on the "old" column 5, the returned DataGridEvent.columnIndex is .. 2. More than that, the returned dataField is the datafield of the "old" column 2.In fact, it seems the DataGrid forgets I scrolled to the right and think the newly visible top left column (3) is the zero one.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: What Is The Difference Between The Facebook Session Returned From The Javascript Api

Feb 6, 2011

I'm having a hard time understanding the logic here.... What is the difference between the facebook session returned from the javascript api as opposed to the one retrieved from AS3 Facebook api when your application is in facebook. I ask this because When I login via invoked via pure javascript or already logged in the permissions are sent to me as well however AS3's FacebookSession.availablePermissions continues to be an empty array Login invoked via flash will however return the availablePermissions Whats the difference in login invocations?

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Iphone :: Flash - Detect When Control Is Returned To Browser?

Jan 31, 2010

My client has a website that plays YouTube videos. Once a video is finished playing, it will automatically play the next one. This is done by using the YouTube API and swfobject.After some research, I was told that Safari on iPhone does not support flash. This make the current swfobject code not working on the iPhone browser.As workaround, when the user clicked on an embedded player, iPhone will launch the YouTube app.

View 2 Replies :: Load An In Memory XML Returned By A Linq To SQL Query To An SWF Object?

Nov 12, 2010

Can i load an in memory XML, returned by a linq to SQL query, to an SWF object? And here comes the long version. The purpose is loading an in-memory XML file, to an SWFobject via a querystring.

Currently i read and load the XML file from an absolute path.


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Flex :: Overlay Text On AdvancedDataGrid When No Results Returned

Apr 20, 2011

I am trying to overlay a label onto an AdvancedDataGrid when there are no results returned from a call for the data. Here is a mockup of what I am trying to accomplish [URL]. I tried following this previous answer: Drawing an overlay in custom flex component, but this would not work for me because an AdvancedDataGrid is not a Container (and as such does not have a rawChildren property). I would prefer not to need to mess with the data provider, because this table will be used in many location which will have different columns and labelFields.

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Java :: Access The Principal Object Returned By A LoginCommand?

Jun 10, 2011

How can I access the Principal object in a Flex client that was returned by the doAuthenticate() method in the LoginCommand?

Adobe's LCDS Custom Authentication page isn't much help in this matter, as this is the only example they show for a successful login:

// Handle successful login.
private function LoginResultEvent(event:ResultEvent, token:Object=null):void {
switch(event.result) {


I can return a strongly typed object as the Principal from the doAuthenticate() method, but how do I access it in the client's result handler?

Update: I've read the LCDS documentation twice now and there is no mention of accessing the Principal in the client. The only data I can retrieve from a result is the string 'success'. Anyone know if this is this the only result available from a custom authentication?

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Database :: Hash Encryption Key Is Returned Is The Same String Every Time?

Dec 6, 2011

I'm trying to use the Simple Encryption Key Generator Class found here - http:[url]..........Everything seems to working properly except the hash encryption key that is returned is the same string every time (as mentioned in the the comments of the link above). locate an updated version of this class.

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