Flex :: Jabber Server Returned Data?

Dec 3, 2010

I am developing a chat application using flex, which can use different service providers users like gmail,yahoomail,ami etc. Almost similar like meebo.com.

I am using jabber server. My question is what kind of information jabber returns.I am getting userid,password,status,status message but I am not getting address or phone number of the user or picture of the user..

Please let me know,how can I take these values and what should I pass to jabber server to revcieve full information from jabber for different service provider's users.

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Mar 12, 2011

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The data comes back as an associative array, which is fine if I want everything from it to be treated the same. But I'm not sure how I am supposed to pull a particular column from the array without having to go through a for loop to parse through it.. since right now the contact name would be at allContacts[i].name.

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public var variables_se:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
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Media Server :: Streaming Server Returned A 500 Internal Server Error

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Javascript :: How To Make Sure That Image Returned From The Server Side Cannot Be Intercepted

Dec 13, 2011

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UPDATE:Our service for servering images:


This url is public,so any one can use this service with different paramter.Even we add a key paramete like this:


THen we meet two problem:

1)how about other people know this key,even we bind the key with the ip or mac addresss.

2)How about the user grap the http package directly? Then he do not need know any parameter,he can intercept the whole image steam.

UPDATE2:using both server side and client side?

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Oct 16, 2009

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Mar 15, 2012

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<mx:WebService id="ws" wsdl="http://localhost:/AService01.asmx?wsdl"


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May 18, 2010

I am trying to retrieve a stock quote from Yahoo! finance using Flex. I currently have it set so that it will pull the quote like I want, but it opens it in a new file. However, I want to store the CSV data in a variable so that I can use it in my program.

How do I do this?

Here is the code that I am using right now:

navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=aapl&f=l1"),"_self");

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Mar 28, 2011

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Flex :: Data Fetching From The Server?

Apr 3, 2011

I have a Flex-based client app which "talks" to the back-end through BlazeDS. In one of my use cases there will be a so called "Photo Wall" view, which will present a number of the most recent photos, submitted from people and for locations the user is following (Facebook-like).

The thing is, the data in this photo wall has to be filtered by "All", meaning no filter, "Friends", meaning friends that the user is following, and "Locations", meaning locations the user is following. If I get data from the server only once (when the ALL filter is selected by default), I will store it locally, and the next time a user clicks on a filter, this local collection will be filtered locally. The problem is that I can't predict how many of all recent photos are coming from friends, and how many from locations, thus I may end up with a page that shows only one photo, where a minimum of 5 photos should always be present. I clearly don't want to deal with partial fetching and stuff like that.

The other way is making two separate requests to the server initially, one to get a collection of recent photos from friends, and one for locations. Thus I will make sure I have the bare minimum of photos for the filtered pages. When data arrives, the client will merge those two collections, sort by date, and voila there is the "ALL" collection (of course, repeating photos will have to be pruned while merging)Third, making this same thing down at the server level, by making two separate queries and then merging them.

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Flex :: Use Dto's To Transfer Data Between Server And Client?

Oct 28, 2009

I've read some books on creating stateless websites, I've read some about stateful client applications, but a lot of complexity comes along when you have to combine both. We have a Flex application that needs to persist data to a database via .NET services. Things to keep in mind are:

- Concurrency (optimistic/pessimistic)

- Performance: Flex needs to load in lots of data so lazy-loading is often necessary.

- Do you use Dto's to transfer data between server and client?

I'll tell you the history of our product. We've used SubSonic from the beginning as a o/r mapper. SubSonic objects are converted to dto's written by us and these dto's are transferred to the client. Clientside the dto's are converted to the domain model. If clientside a domain model object needs to be saved, it is converted back to a dto and send to the server. Server side the dto is converted to a subsonic object and saved to the database.

Now, some time ago, we needed the domain model on the .NET server side... so now we have like three models on the server side, the subsonic model, the dto model and the domain model. The dto model is more simple and resembles the database more, the domain model has much more logic. It gets complex... We now have to synchronize the AS3 domain model code with the C# domain model code. If we could do it again (of get time to refactor) I think we wouldn't use the dto's anymore, but transfer the domain model between client and server. Dto's are simple objects so easy to transfer. Domain model objects can be very complex.

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Flex :: URL Encoding - Posting Data On Server

May 27, 2009

I want to post data to a URL on my server from a Flex app. I am using the following
UrlParam = UrlParam + '&name='+ name.text + '&business=' + buisness.text; navigateToURL(new URLRequest(UrlParams),'_self');
The problem I am having however is that if I enter a business with an ampersand ("A&b.com") then the name does not send. Does Flex have anything out of the box to do the encoding from & to %26?

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Flex :: Downloading Data Posted To Server As A File?

Jul 8, 2010

I'm trying to post data up to a server and have it bounced back to me as a file download, prompting the native browser file download box. I know the server part works just fine becasue I can post from a demo web form, but when I run the following Flex 3 code, I can't even get the request to fire.

var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference();
private function saveXmlAsFile(event:MouseEvent):void


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Java :: Check If Data Sent From Flex To Server Is Zipped Or Not

Aug 4, 2010

I want to analyse if the XML I send from my client Flex to my Java using remoteObject is compressed or not. for this, I'm using Wireshark, but it can't get packets in the localhost (windows vista)

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Flex :: Uploading Data And Track Bytes Sent To Server

Nov 6, 2010

I want to upload data (not a local file) with Flex (4.1), and show what the progress is of the bytes sent. Now I use a URLLoader, but I know that URLLoader was designed to download data, I can connect a listener to ProgressEvent.PROGRESS but that has no effect. I also know there is a FileReference object which supports uploading. The problem here is, I do not want to browse for a file and upload it. I have a byte array which I want to send to the server, but the data property of FileReference is read-only. How can I send the byte array (which is actually a PNG encoded image) to the server and be able to track the progress of the bytes sent to server?

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Flex :: Save Data Into External Files In AS3, With Out Server?

Dec 10, 2010

How can I save some text information in local hard-disk with out the server support. I know shared object, but i dont use this. I need to save all these function in anther external file as text.

Is there any way to do that in AS3.0.

I don't prefer Flex, am working in Action Script 3.0 & Flash IDE


My swf is saved in a local machine. So no server interaction or browser interaction. the swf is running a local folder and read txt files from local folder, and save once press the save button.

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Flex :: Adobe - Send/receive Data From/to Media Server

Oct 27, 2009

i want to make a simple chat with flex as3 and red5 media server

my idea is that i send from the swf a message to the server and the server sends it to all the swfs (including the one that sent the message)

i just don't know how to to send and receive and how to receive from the server

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Send Xml Data To The Server Using HttpService Request Thr POST In Flex?

Dec 12, 2009

send xml data to the server using HttpService request thr POST in Flex?

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Flex :: Save Data Into Flash Media Server Like Rdbms?

May 17, 2010

im using fms to save datas like rdbms. Im using shared object for this. But I cant save more than one row of data into flash media server. What can I do for this purpose??

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Java :: Build The Client With Flex And Connect To The Server Data With BlazeDS?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a server with some simple java objects running. I want to build the client with Flex and connect to the server data with BlazeDS. The problem is the Flash Builder is not generating the Classes correctly. Just the properties are being generated, the inheritance are not being generates.

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Flex :: Messaging - Selective Server Data Push Using Spring Blazeds

Mar 1, 2011

I have a flex UI which communicates with server using spring blazeds. I have a very typical requirement of Live data streaming on a panel in UI. Requirement is like this, We have an object say, Person and server keeps pushing its data on blazeds message destination where UI panel consumer has subscribed and hence user can see this live data in a panel. User can open multiple panels in same browser to view data for different Persons at the same time (e.g id=1,2,3 respectively). There can be multiple UI users who may be viewing the same data for person id=1 at a given time, lets say.

Basically I want to separate data between UI panels. UI panel opened for person id=1 must not display data of that for person id=2. I am doing this using headers-selectors, but apparently I found out that the differentiation to select and display what data happens on UI which is causing performance issues. I learned that using subtopics may improve performance. But, before proceeding for it, I want to know, will UI browser end up in receiving data irrespective of subtopic assigned to data and then consumer will decide to accept it or not?

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Flex :: RDS Server Connect Data Services Using Blazeds Get Error Message

Mar 2, 2011

When I connect data services using blazeds I get following error message.


Why am not able to connect? But when specify remoteObject in the declaration tags and call the methods it works fine.

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Flex :: Streaming Server (for Pushing Data Not Video) Setup With GraniteDS

Apr 21, 2011

I have a streaming server (for pushing data not video) setup with GraniteDS and it works great. I have to include multiple swf files in a web page. Each of these swf files has a data table which includes streaming data(this is a specific requirement - so I really cant combine all data tables into 1 huge data table/swf file). All the swf files however, connect to the same gravity channel/streaming endpoint.

How many connections are there from the web page to the streaming server? Does each swf file start a new streaming connection? Or do all them share the same connection since they are just connecting to a single channel?

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