Flex :: Data Fetching From The Server?

Apr 3, 2011

I have a Flex-based client app which "talks" to the back-end through BlazeDS. In one of my use cases there will be a so called "Photo Wall" view, which will present a number of the most recent photos, submitted from people and for locations the user is following (Facebook-like).

The thing is, the data in this photo wall has to be filtered by "All", meaning no filter, "Friends", meaning friends that the user is following, and "Locations", meaning locations the user is following. If I get data from the server only once (when the ALL filter is selected by default), I will store it locally, and the next time a user clicks on a filter, this local collection will be filtered locally. The problem is that I can't predict how many of all recent photos are coming from friends, and how many from locations, thus I may end up with a page that shows only one photo, where a minimum of 5 photos should always be present. I clearly don't want to deal with partial fetching and stuff like that.

The other way is making two separate requests to the server initially, one to get a collection of recent photos from friends, and one for locations. Thus I will make sure I have the bare minimum of photos for the filtered pages. When data arrives, the client will merge those two collections, sort by date, and voila there is the "ALL" collection (of course, repeating photos will have to be pruned while merging)Third, making this same thing down at the server level, by making two separate queries and then merging them.

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private function saveXmlAsFile(event:MouseEvent):void


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Process Flex/Flash SPEEX Audio Data On The Server Side?

May 4, 2011

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// get the default mic
var mic:Microphone= Microphone.getMicrophone();
// best quality (picks up all sounds, no transmission interruptions)[code].....

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Why do I get size of either 43 bytes or 11 bytes (from SPEEX encoding?)?

Is the 43 bytes = 1 head byte + 42 data bytes?

What is the size of 11 bytes?

How should I process or convert the SPEEX to raw data, so that my server side app can use this audio data? My current implementation:

I pick up all 43-byte packets (drop all 11-byte packets);

Skip the first 1 byte;

Decode the left 42 bytes using Speex library.

How should I convert the raw data back to SPEEX audio data?

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May 19, 2011

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private SimpleServer(int port)
System.out.println(">> Starting SimpleServer on port " + port);


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Actionscript 3 :: Write Data To Socket Opened By Flex From Java Server

May 19, 2011

Ok, basically my Flex app will open up a socket and listen on it. My java program will write some string to this port.

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private function onRecvClick():void
var host:String = "localhost";


While trying to write to the socket, i am getting this java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect. Funny thing is that the socket in Flex doesn't seem to dispatch any events, is it normal for that to happen?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay Of Fetching URl?

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I've got the stop command in and the get url, what I wanted to know is if there is a line of code or something to dealy the fetch for like 5seconds? Also how after adding an animation do I keep it there, for instance I have three animations all starting at different parts and I need to extend the first one so the graphic stays in place. I tried just adding frames to each animations layer to extend it, but it fouls up the animation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fetching A String Globally

Jun 5, 2011

For examples sake, say I have an 'Icon' class. When you set Icon's 'name' variable, it downloads the image (of the given name) from a server/directory.

The problem however, is that even though the name (of the image) is provided, the name of the server, or even the folder containing the image is not.

Of course, I could explicitly define the full name and location of the file to the class, but if I ever decide to change folder structure I would have to go through and find all references to the folder and change it. It also seems wrong to litter all of my parent classes with arbitrary URL's to feed to the Icon class.

The preference of course would be to 'globally request' the image server/directory on instantiation, but in the world of OOP how is this best achieved?

I was just about to have the Icon class dispatch a bubbling event, letting something at the end of the displayList catch the event/request and feed it the information (a String) it was looking for, but it didn't feel right. It feels like dispatchEvent should only be used to Dispatch Events, not request a string...

Also, I've come up to similar situations where I've needed a similar request structure without being an extension of EventDispatcher (such as just a primitive Object). Is there a best practice for both?

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Mar 2, 2010

I'm creating a quiz and as a timer in the quiz I have a flash movie (an animated clock). I poll the clock every second to see if the time for the quiz has run out.


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I have a problem that em fetching image from xml having html tag. I want if someone click at that image it should magnify.secondly I have imported a swf in another but when I do it online it wont open at its correct place you can check this issue at esrtreatment.com/hma in project gallery tab.can some one tell me what that issue is as it open at its right place when i open locally.

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Licensing :: License The Data Visualization Components (charting) For The Flex SDK On An Automated Builder Server?

Oct 23, 2009

I have a professional license of Flex 3.3. This allows me to create applications using the data visualization components (charts) without watermarks. However, all of release builds (test, production, etc) occur on our build server.

The build server only has the Flex SDK installed (not full Flex Builder). As a result the SWFs compiled with this SDK contain watermarks on all the charts. How can I apply a Flex Builder Professional license to the build server to remove the watermakrs w/o installing Flex Builder?My build environment is Flex SDK 3.3 + CruiseControl.NET + NAnt.

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