ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay Of Fetching URl?

Apr 5, 2009

I've got the stop command in and the get url, what I wanted to know is if there is a line of code or something to dealy the fetch for like 5seconds? Also how after adding an animation do I keep it there, for instance I have three animations all starting at different parts and I need to extend the first one so the graphic stays in place. I tried just adding frames to each animations layer to extend it, but it fouls up the animation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fetching A String Globally

Jun 5, 2011

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The preference of course would be to 'globally request' the image server/directory on instantiation, but in the world of OOP how is this best achieved?

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Flex :: Data Fetching From The Server?

Apr 3, 2011

I have a Flex-based client app which "talks" to the back-end through BlazeDS. In one of my use cases there will be a so called "Photo Wall" view, which will present a number of the most recent photos, submitted from people and for locations the user is following (Facebook-like).

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
framePos = int(_xmouse / 100 * _parent._totalframes);
if (framePos < 0) {


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e.g 1.

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Apr 10, 2009

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Essentially, I'm trying to replicate the effect Your Majesty is using. I'm sure there's a way of using actionscript to slide portholder back and forth, instead of using animation, but alas I'm not a scripter (as you can tell!). But what I'd REALLY like to do is to tell the container clip to wait until it's fully in position before loading whatever.swf, as opposed to having a movie already in progress moving across the screen. Basically tell portholder "Wait until your x value is 0 before loading whatever.swf" I thought about using the setInterval, as recommended to someone else on these forums, so tried:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Delay In Script?

Mar 12, 2009

i want to have a delay in my script.i got this button called "btn3", that is scripted to cycletrough some pictures when i click it. like a slideshow. but...iwabefore it shows. within these seconds a door will close, and whenit opens the next picture will be there. so you see, the picturecan not switch before the door is closed.someone told me i sholud use "setInterval method", but howand where?here is the code for the btn3, i guess the delay should comehere, or maby tell me:)

btn3.onRelease = function() {
if (this.currentObj>6) {


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//Delay here


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Flash :: Delay Between Two Sounds?

Jun 3, 2011

ask:i want to create an audio sequence.there are 8 predefined sound-starting-points in the timeline.for each starting-point, the user can select wich sound is played (dropdown menu).when the user made his choice for all the 8 bars.actionscript should gather this information and create a fluid sequence of these 8 sounds.then there will be a "play" button available for the user to start the sequence.the sounds don't have to be synced to a button or so.there is time for actionscript to put the sequence together.problem:when i put two sounds directly one after another in a movieclip, there is no delay between the sounds, which is exactly what i want, but i can not control which sound is played through actionscript.when i use actionscript, there is a delay between the is what i tried with as.this is placed in the frame where sound2 should start

if (_global.Sound2 == "Piano" {
var SoundA:Sound = new Sound ();


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Actionscript 3 :: Two For-loops With A Delay?

Jun 8, 2011

I've got the following code and i would like to add an delay of 200 ms after each trace statement

for (var x_pos:uint = 0; x_pos <= 12; x_pos++){
for (var y_pos:uint = 0; y_pos <=12; y_pos++){
trace("hello world " +"("x_pos+","+y_pos+")");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloaded Swf Has Delay?

Nov 21, 2008

Hon the wallets page, when you click to view a wallet you get a slight delay and I'm guessing that this is because I've put the preloader in the swf being loaded, hence not being able to see the thing your loading until its been I would put the preloader in the main movie and what kind of code I would use? At the moment the timeline being loaded basically tells the playhead to goto and play frame (whatever) when the movie is loaded.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Do A Time Delay

Jul 1, 2009

So on frames 10, 20, and 30 on my timeline I have these llines of code on each of them respectively:[code] This essentially "bounces" on my images. Can someone give me direction on how to set up a delay to make this happen all on one frame?[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound Then Go To URL After Delay

Aug 17, 2009

What I have is a landing page on my customers site, I want to hold it there until the user clicks a button in the flash file it then plays a short sound, 2 seconds and redirects the page. I have tried setinterval and cannot get it to work. What I have loads the flash file and after the set time plays the file then redirects, cutting off the sound.

On Frame1

var sndMusic = new Sound();
var duration:Number = 5000; // set the call delay


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay When Press A Key?

Nov 20, 2009

In my game the Superhero walks around the screen by pressing some keys. But between the moment you press the key and the moment the moment the Superhero starts to move there's a slight delay.

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Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to alpha-tween some text, in a sequential order, something like movie titles, where text appear one after the other, by fading in, and fading out. This is my piece of code and what i am basically trying to do, is to run the first block of functions, after the other, so i can display the first movie clip, and the after it fades, display the second movie clip and so on.... The problem is that both movieclips fade in at the same time..I have tried to add a function after the constructor, that would look something like this:[code]

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Mar 29, 2011

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Oct 16, 2003

Now, before I get slated for asking this question, I have searched for the answer in this & other forums, but I still can't get my head around this.I need to have a delay built in within a "for" loop, so that it works something like this:

// code that generates button - I have this working


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