ActionScript 2.0 :: Delay Without Slow Down?

Mar 29, 2011

is it possible do have a delay that doesnt slow everything down? I need it so one animation plays, waits a few seconds, and then the next plays. Right now it plays the second animation two fast so the first doesnt complete, but I need the animations to play a full speed

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Delay Via SetTimer, SetInterval Or Delay?

Feb 23, 2009

I want to create a function based (not frame) delay of about 10 seconds to the function at the start of a flash movie, the code only needs to run once.I'm very new to actionscript and have been given links to SetInterval and SetTimer examples but they all seem to be very complex.The function is below. I believe it's possible to add the commandTimer(delay:Number, repeatCount:int = 0) how me to a simple example.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
framePos = int(_xmouse / 100 * _parent._totalframes);
if (framePos < 0) {


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Slow Down MC Fps

Jun 4, 2009

Im not really new to flash, but pretty useless at Actionscripting and i think thats what i need in this situation.A flash movie was predesigned for us at 12 FPS. which was fine at first but now i have to import those movies into Adobe Presenter 7 which once published runs them at 30 FPS by default. So you can see my problem.. the 12FPS files run way to fast.Im trying to avoid having to edit everyone of those movies and increase the timelines to work with 30 FPS.. that would take weeks.So my question is, can i load the entire movie into a MovieClip and then set my main movies property to 30 FPS and have the MC play at only 12 FPS? i believe i read about this somewhere.or is there a way to automatically extend the timelines? im using CS3 Pro.

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Slow Down My Movie?

Jun 18, 2010

I have created a logo using several objects. And they come one by one on my stage while playing. But these objects (which all are movie clips) coming too fast.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: My SWF Too SLow

Sep 1, 2009

I'm working in an application that is a kind of presentation with lots of content that should be displayed in "frames".

But I realized, after some struggle, that to put all the content inside the .FLA file doesn't work. Just a couple of tables with text imported from ms word are enough to let the FLA file unusable, even though it occupies little space on disk.

So I've written a function that loads content from an XML file and display it into a movieclip, that contains empty textfields and image containers. Another function organizes the content.

The problem is that the SWF file gets extremely heavy after navigating over a couple of frames, and I believe is shouldn't cause all the content is dynamic. I managed to remove all the listeners and loaded images.

If i have the windows task manager(ctrlalt del) opened while the Flash application is on, I notice that every time I update the content of a "frame" by clicking on a menu item or the navigation buttons, the flashplayer consumes more and more memory.[code]...

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Flash CS4 For Mac Is Slow As Fudge?

Oct 20, 2008

Some stuff is as fast as before, like scrubbing and playing and applying a tween.But other, simple stuff, like selecting frames, adding frames - regular or key - takes 2-5 seconds each. Really anything with the timeline is slow. This happens especially with long movies (1.5 minutes - 2500 frames). Which shouldn't matter. I had movies 5 minutes long working fine.

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Flash Animation Too Slow

Feb 12, 2009

I have Flash CS3 installed (windows) I have two images, I shape tween from one to the other.

The .fla file is 15MB in size, and the .swf is 800kb,

My problem is that, even though I've set the animation to run at 30fps, I barley manage more than 1.4fps a second, it should take 5seconds to complete, yet its taking 140seconds.

I have a 2GHZ dual core PC, with 2GB RAM,

I want it to be a smooth transition.

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Slow Down Embedded Video In .fla?

Jul 6, 2009

i have an embedded video in my .fla. It's like the "background" of the scene. I need to slow down this video in a specific keyframe, and then return to the normal speed.

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AS3 :: Slow And Buggy Compile And Run

Sep 28, 2009

Firstly, is it possible to speed up the process of compile and run (ctrl+shift+enter), because it's so slow and it's very annoying when you do minor changes and you want to quickly see the effect

Secondly, many times at compile & run command flash player doesn't fire up, because it's running in memory for no reason, and there in no flash movie playing, so it's really nasty that I have to keep killing process to be able to run the movie.

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Convert To Keyframes Very Slow

Mar 31, 2010

When I have a symbol with multiple symbols inside, it's very slow to convert frames to keyframes or to move the keyframes in its timeline. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

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CS5 :: JSFL Commands Slow In It

Jun 13, 2010

The execution of JSFL files seems to have slowed down in Flash CS5. Or, at least, the updating of the display has been severely slowed down.  I have a command I use all the time -- so much that I don't even think about it -- that worked fine in CS4 and earlier, but in CS5 it seems to execute too slowly. My command is a replacement for the "Step Forward One Frame" and "Step Backward One Frame" commands in the control menu (the "<" and ">" keys). I wrote them so that the selected symbols remain selected when going to a new keyframe.  Of course, I use this all the time just like I did with the original "<" and ">" keys, and they need to run fast enough that I don't notice their execution time. They don't do that much processing at all, so it really shouldn't be a problem.

I also wrote some functions for profiling, and they indicate that the command is actually running in a reasonable amount of time (around 50ms). When I run it again immediately, though, the execution time balloons to about 300ms. Not only that, but in both cases the display takes its sweet time updating itself.  It seems to wait until all activity is finished, and then updates. This means that when I execute the command repeatedly (keyboard-scrubbing the timeline) I don't get to see the current state of the stage until I stop completely and wait for it to update.

As I said before, I never had trouble with this in CS4 and earlier. So my question is: is there any way to tell Flash to update its display in a command, so that I don't have to wait for Flash to get around to it? Relatedly, is there any way to give the javascript interface a higher priority so it'll execute commands faster? keys). I wrote them so that the selected symbols remain selected when going to a new keyframe. Of course, I use this all the time just like I did with the original

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Causes SWF To Run Slow

Jun 25, 2010

I am very new to AS3 and the way CS5 has the default preloader is a bit confusing to me as well. I have two files -- one with the preloader AS3:
var l:Loader = new Loader();
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done);
l.load(new URLRequest("part2.swf"));
function loop(e:ProgressEvent):void{
[Code] .....

Then I have another SWF with my main content called "part2.swf". When I "publish" part2.fla, I go to ActionScript settings and select Preloader method as Preloader SWF and then on the line below I select the name of the file that points to the one above that contains the script. Even when I do a simulate download test on the movie it compiles like a dog. I don't understand. If I use the "default preloader" in CS5 ... those annoying little dots with no progress bar or display text (who designed that?) ... it seems to run just fine. I've tried putting a frame preloader in frame as I understand the "preferred" method is to call an external loader file. So I'd really like to get an external preloader to work.

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IPhone Slow Ad Hoc Builds

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Slow Animation On Iphone

Jun 6, 2011

I am having a issue with CS5 flash iphone app displaying slow laggy animations when I use a background image.  I have pinpointed this issue by making a simple iphone application with only a vertically accelerating ball and one background image.  If I use the background image the ball will animate slow and laggy, without the image it performs fine.

Also...while I have your attention, does anyone know why only CS5 will allow me to compile IPA files that will run on my 1G ipod touch with ios 3.1.3. I would like to use CS5.5, but the IPA from that version will not run on my device.

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File Is Uploading Very Slow

Oct 19, 2011

I have a SWF file - 220KBand the motions are simple too.whay the browser loading it so slow?!?(5-10 sec.)(i checked on 7 computers)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml To Array Is Slow?

Dec 27, 2011

i want to load xml file in array .i use

var ddd:XML;
var ttt:URLLoader =new URLLoader();
ttt.load(new URLRequest("test1.xml"));[code]..........

when i use this it takes long time to do this for loop and the swf is shocked for many second until it the xml is so big to be loaded in array in as3 or i have done some thing wrong?

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Flash :: Php Become Very Slow, Same Code?

Oct 29, 2009

I did a flash application that has a login form in flash, and authenticates in php. That was 3 months ago, and the sending requests and response is very fast -- that is, when i click submit button, within 3 - 5 seconds it will have a response from php.

Recently, I did another login in flash, using similar code as I previously have done. Now, the sending request and respond is very long, each time the server may take up to 10 seconds to respond. Why is it taking so long yet the previous one is fast?

Same host, same php files, similar swf (not much changes in swf).

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Flash - How To Get AutoScrolling Slow Down

Jun 9, 2011

I found this, but got no idea how to slow it down:
var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
myTextLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE,onLoaded);
function onLoaded (e:Event):void {
tekstbx.text =;
tekstbx.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,efh);

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Css :: Flash Loading Slow?

Nov 21, 2011

I have a Wordpress website located here: http:[url]....I'm trying to figure out why the page loads slow - I'm almost sure it has to do with Flash and size of images, plus rotating banner. I don't know how to edit or fix the problem though. So the question is: What is causing my website to load slow, and what EXACT steps can I take to fix the problem.I've already tried adjusting some of the browser ActiveX filters and other temp fixes, but that is not the proper solution. If this is a flash or image loading issue, can you tell me the EXACT step in how to edit these issues?

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Flash Animation Slow Over RDP?

Oct 27, 2007

I'm running web browser over RDP (Terminal Server). However, the flash animation is slow over RDP. Is there anything can be done or perhaps anything to tell flash player to drop frames during animation?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWF Running Very Slow

Apr 13, 2010

Well my SWF is running a bit jerky, and i was woundering if by putting a loader at the start of the animation if that would help things run?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Slow Down And Stop?

Jul 2, 2011

i want a button that when rolled over, it gradually stops a movie clip. I don't want it to stop dead. I also want a button that when you rollover it the movie clip then starts again, but gradually.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Draw Slow In (FMX)

May 7, 2004

Liked Ilyas's tutorial on generating fractal branches, etc. with the drawing API Is there a way to slow this down, so it looks like time-lapse photography of plants growing, without separating the code into individual frames?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Slow Down For Loops

Jul 25, 2004

i am new to flash and i was wondering if there is a way to slow down for loops.Like i can set how many seconds till it goes and loops again. I have tried setInterval but didnt is my code:[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Loading With Php Is Slow?

Jan 24, 2006

I'm loading XML cross domain and it works but it's really slow, or sometimes it never load...

c = new XML();
t = new LoadVars();


how can i make sure that the XML is loaded everytime?! Sometimes I have to click the link in flash to reload the page that shows the XML to get the XML to load...

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IDE :: Does VMWare Cause Flash To Run Slow

Feb 10, 2009

I am testing a swf on my MAC Intel 2.6ghz duo-core with Firefox and am averaging 20 - 25 FPS. When i test the same swf on Firefox via VMware running Windows XP it is averaging 10 - 15 FPS. Does anyone know if it's VMWare that's causing the slowdown or is it Firefox on Windows that could be the problem?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Is Just Too Slow

Sep 11, 2010

I've been working on a game for a while now, just to realize now that flash is too damn slow to handle it. Wtf...

It relies heavily on particle emitters. I have an array of about 20 objects at any point in time on screen. And another with around 5-600. I'm using BitmapData.hitTest on each of the 20 against each of the 5-600 every frame. If it's only a few hundred it's fine, but upwards it just slows down. A lot. There has to be a way to optimize this. I don't understand how flash can handle something like away3D or all of the great 2d physics engines out there just fine, but not this..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slow Game After A While

Mar 1, 2011

I'm making a game with as3, it is very simple, but when I almost have finished the first "beta" of my game i realized that it become slow later a while playing the game (2d) is only a ball (player) that shot mini balls against enemies that run to the player.I have trying a lot of time to solve my problem by myself, but i couldn't.Only i can realize that the problem is about the creation of the enemies and mainly about the creation of the shots, this is created by a class called "scene" that through a addEventListener (Enter_frame), create and move this objects. After a while, when the game has created a lot of enemies and shots, the game begin to become slow; i delete the object and the variables with remove child and delete(), respectively but the problem continues.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Slow Down For Loops?

Jul 25, 2004

way to slow down for loops. Like i can set how many seconds till it goes and loops again. I have tried setInterval but didnt is my code:

on (press) {
enemmyX = this._x;
enemmyY = this._y;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Speed Up - Slow Down Animation

Jan 14, 2009

I wanted to make buttons for my web site with some spinning animation, but i wanted that it dont just spin, but speeding up and slowing down. So what i want to make, it is the button whan mouse over, spinning animation speeding up and whan mouse out, animation slowing down and stops, and whan there is no mouse over, animation not playing.

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