Java :: Fetching Remote Objects Add "_$$_javassist_x" To Type?

Jan 5, 2010

we have a client/server app (Flex and Java) that uses BlazeDS to do remoting. This allows us to exchange and map types between client and server. For some reason a User type we are retrieving from the server is not sent as "User", but as "User_$$_javassist_x", where x is an integer.

The other types we are sending over all work fine, even the User type used in a different service class.

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Java :: Remote Object(flex) And ArrayList Of Custom Objects?

Jan 24, 2012

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Flex Code:
package com.example.vo


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Flex :: Develop The HTTPS Application Using Java - Remote Objects Or HTTPServices

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Flex :: Use DTOs Or Domain Objects When Connecting To Blazeds/java/jpa Using Remote-services?

Jul 24, 2011

I am working on an Adobe Flex front-end with a Java back-end using JPA for persistence. he protocol I am using is remote objects (AMF) implemented with BlazeDS.I started out with a service-facade and entity DAOs, but without any specific DTOs. The same POJOs, the domain objects, were passed in the service-facade as those used as DTOs passed to the Hibernate DAOs.However, the latest few days I have been thinking whether this is a good approach or not. The latest article on the subject I read was this one:Interesting JPA Pattern blogThe situation:Say I have POJO Book with a unidirection ManyToOne relation with the POJO Category (i.e. each book may only be associated with one category, but the same category may be associated with many books). I see some alternatives:Alternative 1:I expose a method/operation addUpdateBook(Book book). In the implementation of this operation I add/update both the book and the referenced category.

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Java :: Flex - Max Upload File Size For Java Using Remote Object (BlazDS)?

Jul 16, 2010

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ActionScript :: Java - Flex ArrayCollection Of Number Objects To Java Collection<Long> Using BlazeDS

Mar 24, 2010

I am using Flex 3 and make a call through a RemoteObject to a Java 1.6 method and exposed with BlazeDS and Spring 2.5.5 Integration over a SecureAMFChannel. The ActionScript is as follows (this code is an example of the real thing which is on a separate dev network);


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Java :: Any Opensource Alternative To Squish To Test Flash / Silverlight / Java Applet Gui Objects?

Jun 3, 2011

If one doesn't have the source code, the only to test is to send keystroke and mouse move so I found this product but it's not free and opensource price is not even known :([URL] Squish supports automating interactions and testing non-HTML/DOM elements, that is, native objects, which are embedded in a web page. This is done at a fairly abstract level, which means that mouse and text input can be recorded and replayed.

In addition it is possible to inspect embedded native objects with the Spy tool and to insert verifications for these native objects. All of a native object's public properties can be accessed in test scripts.

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AS3.0 :: Java - Flex - ArrayList Of Custom Java Objects Over BlazeDS

Dec 7, 2010

Right away i just try to explain my problem: Using BlazeDS i got the following Javaclasses:


Then i got a Flex service class calling BlazeDS and executing the getCategories java method. Since Flash dosn't seem to understand typed arrays, the result from that method which i get back in flex is a simple array of untyped objects (the mapping dosn't seem to work here, even tought the class category exists in flex and has the same properties).
thats the first thing. but however, i'm converting the untyped objects manually into objects of the class. the second thing is that categories have child-categories within the java object, which are also ArrayLists of the type the problem about that: my result event object only contains the first level of categories, looking into them the children are allways null. i dunno why they are empty, since they ARE part of the java object category.

and the third thing (the strangest by fast), you maybe noticed i named the properties of the class strange, like idCat and nameTest instead of simply id and name. why that? because the property names of my flex result objects dont seem to change when i change the java objects properties names (result object properties are named "id" and "name" but the java class object properties are named "idCAT" and "nameTEST"). that it REALLY strange, since if i set the properties, like you see at nameTEST = "TESTNAME" it IS recogniced by flex, only the proertyNAMES dont seem to be recognized at all.


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Java :: Remote Object Flex Not Working?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm building an application using Flex 4 + Spring Blazeds Integration 1.5 + Spring 3.0.5 + Hibernate running on jboss-5.1.0.GA. I create a simple login form, and when a submit a string via remote object it works fine. But when a try to use an Object its simple doesn't work. Funny is that it even don't shows the Alert that a put! Also, if I remove the tag "RemoteClass" it sends to java but an error occur. Bellow is the code and configs.

My java class:

package com.controlefinanceiro.entities;
// imports


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Java :: To Implement A Remote Desktop Sharing Solution

Apr 15, 2012

I'm on planning/modeling phase to develop a remote desktop sharing solution, which must be web browser based. In other words: an user will be able to see and interact with someone's remote desktop using his web-browser.Everything the user who wants to share his desktop will need, besides his browser, is installing an add-in, which he's going to be prompted about when necessary. The add-in is required since (afaik) no browser technology allows desktop control from an app running within the browser alone. The add-in installation process must be as simple and transparent as possible to the user (similar to AdobeConnectNow, in case anyone's acquainted with it).The user can share his desktop with lots of people at the same time, but concede desktop control to only one of them at a time(makes no sense being otherwise).

Project requirements:All technology employed must be open-source license compatible.Both front ends are going to be in flash (browser)Must work on Linux, Windows XP(and later) and MacOSX.Must work at least with IE7(and later) and Firefox3.0(and later).At the very least, once the sharer's stream hits the server from where it'll be broadcast, hereon it must be broadcasted in flv (so I'm thinking whether to do the encoding at the client's machine (the one sharing the desktop) or send it in some other format to the server and encode it there).Performance and scalability are important: It must be able to handle hundreds of dozens of users(one desktop sharer, the rest viewers)We'll definitely be using red5.My doubts concern mostly implementing the desktop publisher side (add-in and streamer):

1) Are you aware of other projects that I could look into for ideas? (I'm aware of and code.URL...)

2) Should I base myself on VNC ?

3) Bearing in mind the need to have it working cross-platform, what language should I go with? (My team is very used with java and I have some knowledge of C/C++, but anything goes really).

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Java :: How To Call Method On Remote Class Returned By Object

Nov 5, 2009

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package classes.remote {
public class Schedule {
public var id:int;
public var modifydate:Date;
public var startdate:Date;
public var enddate:Date;

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Java :: Flex Session Parameters In Remote Object BlazeDS?

Jun 23, 2011

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I retrieved the session id in JSP and also in the Employee.class both are same. But I am not able to retrieve the username stored in the http session from FlexSession. I read in the internet that the FelxSession will hold all httpSession information as well. It's always coming as null. Correct me if I am wrong.


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Java :: Send Data From Red5 To Flex Using Remote Sharedobject

Jul 3, 2011

I want to send data from Red5 to Flex using remote sharedobject.

my Red5 code :

this.addScheduledJob(5000,new IScheduledJob() {
public void execute(ISchedulingService jobs0)


it doesn't shows error or warning, but my flex function doesn't work, even Alert in my function not working.

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Java :: Why Value Objects Coming Back As Generic Flex Objects

Aug 4, 2011

I will try to give as much detail as I can. I am creating an CRM application using Flex(Cairngorm 2)/Java/Hibernate. The basic problem I am having is this: I have a Customer class in Java that has an ArrayList of Address classes. I have a Customer class in Flex that has an ArrayCollection of Address classes. When I make the remote object call for a Customer I get back a Customer object in Flex, but the ArrayCollecion objects have a data type of Object instead of Address. If I try to call for a List of Address classes I get the same result. If I try to call for a List of Customer classes I get a list of Customer classes in Flex. Using tomcat 6 with the following jars:


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Flex :: Access A Remote Java Class (on Spring/BlazeDS) From The Cairngorm Application?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR Remote Updater - Error : 1046: Type Was Not Found Or Was Not A Compile-time Constant?

Jun 28, 2011

This is a link for AIR remote updater.http:[ur.....]I have tried to insert the following codes in my script but I've gotten some errors.Here is the code that I pasted in my script:

public function update1():void {
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");[code].......

Error: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: AIRRemoteUpdaterEvent.I have already copied and paste the downloaded folder (com) into my folder.

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.net :: Reduce Number Of Remote Objects?

May 4, 2011

I am making a flex application with .NET at back end (connection using WebORB and remote objects). I have five drop-down boxes in Flex component, each having unique values from different tables (e.g. city name, county name, user name, etc.).On page load (or can say creation create) I need to display these values so that users can select from the list. I was trying to get data using five remote objects (one for each drop down box.). I am wondering if there is way to get all data in one remote call.

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Flex :: Understanding Remote Shared Objects?

Oct 20, 2009

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Flex :: Parallel Calls To Remote Objects

Nov 29, 2009

I have the following application in flex. I want to call two different remote objects in parallel.


Now what the methods do is to print sth. when they are called, then wait 8 secs and print sth. after that. When clicking each button seperatly, it works, both methods are started in parallel. However, calling both method the same time, leaves one service to wait with its call while until the other is executing. How can I avoid that?

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Performance :: Multiple Remote Objects - Best Practices

Oct 3, 2011

I have an application with about 20 models and controllers and am not using any particular framework. What is the best practice for using multiple remote objects in Flex performance-wise?

1) Method 1 - One per Component - Each component instantiates a RemoteObject for itself
2) Method 2 - Multiple in Application Root - Each controller is handled by a RemoteObject in the root
3) Method 3 - One in Application Root - Combine all controllers into one class and handle them with one RemoteObject

I'm guessing 3 will have the best performance but will be too messy to maintain and 1 would be the cleanest but would take a performance hit.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remote Access Of Functions & Objects?

Sep 18, 2009

How do I access actionscript programs, such as functions, from remote as files without using the #include command?

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Flex :: What AMF Servers Support Remote Shared Objects

Mar 29, 2010

I'm planning on building a Flex based multiplayer game, and I'm researching what will be required for the server end. I have PHP experience, so I started looking at ZendAMF.

Now in this game, I'll need the concept of rooms, and real time updates to clients in those rooms, so it looks like I'll be using remote shared objects (correct, yes?). I'm not seeing where ZendAMF can support this.It seems to indicate that ZendAMF isn't going to do what I want. WebORB for PHP seems to be the only PHP based solution that does messaging, but on that page it doesn't mention "real-time" next to it like the Java based ones below it do.

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Java :: Detect Display Type (Projector) From Within The Browser?

Feb 22, 2011

It goes like this, we need to detect if the display is a Projector (or if the system is connected to a Projetor).the catch is this should be done from within the is it possible to do so by using anFlashActiveX (this does constrains to a single browser, so not an option)searching so far only reaveals display resolution. expecting if there is something still out there.

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Media Server :: String Parsing By Remote Java Server?

Jan 4, 2011

I am writing a game where positions of an object are being exchanged between the two flash clients through a java server. The secnario goes simply like this:
PlayerA ---> Server : "Position X + Position Y+
Server ---> PlayerB: "Position X + Position Y+

and it works both ways of course.the problem here is that on my computer where i use "localhost" everything is fine and the data is exchanged seamlessly .. when I loaded the server on a remote host the message received strangely turns into something like "Position X + NaN" (i.e. the y position is wrongly parsed by the server), what is weird even more, is that sometimes, the message gets parsed correctly..the server is wrote in java and it is exactly the same source code that works on my machine that fails over the internet

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Actionscript 3 :: AMF Type & Other Errors When Transfering Files From Flash To Java?

Nov 3, 2011

I'm using a Flash tool to transfer data to Java. I'm having problems when it comes to sending multiple objects at once. The objects being sent are just generic Object objects, so it's not a case of needed to register a class alias or anything.

Sending one object works fine. Once I start sending multiple objects (putting the same Objects in an Array and sending that), it starts getting weird. Up to three objects in an Array seems to work fine. More than that I get different errors in the readObject() function, such as:


If it's going to crash with an "unknown AMF type error", it does so immediately i.e. when we try to read the object, and not when it's trying to read a subobject. In stepping through the read code, it seems when I pass an array of objects, if the length is <= 4, it reads the length right. If the length is bigger than that, it reads it's length as 4.

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Media Server :: Stream Priorities - Live Audio And Video / Remote Objects

Jul 14, 2010

I currently have two connections with two separate streams. They both hit the same fms 3.5 server. One connection transfers live audio and video. The other one is used for remote objects. Sometimes when viewing the audio and video stream with a slower internet connection, the stream for the shared objects disconnects. I think it is a bandwidth issue. Is there any way to set the priority of the streams? I think this should allow me to set a higher priority for the shared object connection so it won't disconnect.

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How To Map Java Objects To Flex

Feb 21, 2012

For List we have ArrayCollection in flex.But what when we get an object such as HashMap from Java..And we want to map it to Flex?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: VerifyError: Error #1033 Cpool Entry 1 Is Wrong Type - Java Server?

May 3, 2010

I have a Java server that process the bytes of a SWF File stored in the server and ouptut it to the user through a Servlet. The file was decompressed and re-compressed using the package.Everything works fine on Windows Server 2008 server. But now we need migrate the server to Linux. The problem is that when I test the website now, the Flash Player throws this error: VerifyError: Error #1033 Cpool entry 1 is wrong type.Nothing has changed on client side, not even on the SWF.The documentation is too generic/vague about this error, only saying that this means that the SWF is corrupted. But everything runs normal on Windows Server configuration, when changed to Linux, this messages appears... what could possible be the cause?

My Windows Server is:
Windows Server 2008 (6.0 - x86)
Apache 2.2.11


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Java :: Indepth Flex Loading Of Value Objects

Jan 14, 2010

I'm using a java-backend with a flex frontend. And when i want to use a labelfunction it doesn't load the indepth properties such as a value object, it's like it is lazy loaded in the flex side, I'm sure it is not comming from the backend because i've checked it overthere.I've got it also in datagrid's that it doesn't load all the values at once. [code]I ask at my back end get all John's, the backend gives me all John's which contains the Doe's. Now At the flex side I fire the result event from the callresponder when i receive that data. But still it can't acces the doe's into the Johns, the doe property of john is still null. When i ask it the second time it nows about the doe's, so it looks like lazy loading in a front-end way..

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Java :: Send Objects From Flex To Servlet?

Dec 6, 2010

This is my method in actionscript

var urlVars : URLVariables = new URLVariables();
urlVars.myname = byteArr;
var urlReq : URLRequest = new URLRequest('MyServlet');


How do I recieve the byte array on servlet ?

Also the byteArr above comes from java side,

byte[] byteArr = aMethodWhichReturnsaPDFByteArray();
HttpServletResponse response = FlexContext.getHttpResponse();
ServletOutputStream os = null;


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