Flex :: Overlay Text On AdvancedDataGrid When No Results Returned

Apr 20, 2011

I am trying to overlay a label onto an AdvancedDataGrid when there are no results returned from a call for the data. Here is a mockup of what I am trying to accomplish [URL]. I tried following this previous answer: Drawing an overlay in custom flex component, but this would not work for me because an AdvancedDataGrid is not a Container (and as such does not have a rawChildren property). I would prefer not to need to mess with the data provider, because this table will be used in many location which will have different columns and labelFields.

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Flex AdvancedDataGrid HierarchicalData XML Results In Unwanted Rows?

Mar 31, 2011

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<Region Region="Arizona">
<Territory_Rep Territory_Rep="Barbara Jennings" Actual="38865" Estimate="40000"/>
<Territory_Rep Territory_Rep="Dana Binn" Actual="29885" Estimate="30000"/>

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Flex :: Make An AdvancedDataGrid Re-display Its Labels When The Results Of The LabelFunction Change?

Mar 31, 2010

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internal function formatColumnTime(item: Object, column: AdvancedDataGridColumn): String {
var seconds: Number = item[column.dataField];
return timeFormat.selectedItem.labelFunction(seconds);


... and the timeFormat object is a combo box with items whose labelFunction attributes are formatTimeAsFractions and formatTimeAsInterval.The columns that have time formats have formatColumnTime as their labelFunction value, because extracting the seconds in that function and passing it in to the formatters made for a more testable app (IMHO).

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Dec 30, 2009

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Sep 16, 2010

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Flex :: AdvancedDataGrid Dynamic Text Value Coloring - ItemRenderer

Apr 8, 2010

In my AdvancedDataGrid, I am adding dynamic values to cells by dragging a cell value to other cells. While copying, I am setting the value to listData and setting the Red color to the value in ItemRenderer. Everything is working fine, but when I scroll down/up, the values remains in the cells where thay are supposed to be(as I am setting to listData) but the coloring behaves wierd(as I am trying to set the color in ItemRenderer).

I don't want to store the color of the value, but I should be able to see the dynamically created values in Red color. Is there a way, I can do this? Do I need to set the color to actual dataprovider object and then check in ItemRenderer?


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Mar 13, 2011

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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Loader;


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Feb 14, 2011

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Flex :: How To Create Overlay In Advanced Grid

Oct 6, 2009

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Flex :: Draw Overlay In Custom Component?

Jan 29, 2010

How would one create a custom MXML component in flex which is based on an existing component but draws an overlay over this existing component in certain situations.

Ideally, the new component should be based on (derive from) the exiting component so that occurrences of the existing component could just be swapped out with the new one.

I tried to override updateDisplayList() in the new component and to paint the overlay using this.graphics. This resulted in the overlay being drawn underneath the children of the existing component. I also tried to do the drawing upon receiving a render-event which lead to similar results.

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The following example should illustrate what I tried to do; when overlayEnabled was set and the component's invalidateDisplayList() method was called, the red rectangle would get painted in the background.[code]...

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Feb 26, 2011

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Instead, I would like to display an icon / image or my own custom item renderer during the drag and drop.

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I am Using Flex 3 and apache with PHP 5.2. I am searching for simple as possible way to fill my mx:List with data using POST URLRequest.

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public var variables_se:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
public var varSend_se:URLRequest = new URLRequest("DataProvider.php");
public var varLoader_se:URLLoader = new URLLoader;


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Cannot Show Returned Java Class Data In AdvanedDataGridColumn Of Flex AdvanedDataGrid

Feb 28, 2011

I am developing with Flex + java + hibernate in one project. I am trying to add one more advanceddatagridcolumn in flex AdavanedDataGrid control. Actually it work very well but only except I added columns data. I have no idea what should I do to make it out I am telling work flow. At first call select method in DeliveryService.class through the RemoteObject and then call DeliveryMgr.class for call business work. After get return list type return value it pass to presentation class to setting all of the selected return value. I can print trace log what I added columns data in DeliveryPt.class but it cannot return to flex area.Strange thing is I can check out value of what I want to show data in DeliveryPt.class but it does not show up in AdvanedDataGridColumn of Flex.


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Flex :: Detect If Flex AdvancedDataGrid ItemClick Is Actually A Drag?

Sep 2, 2010

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Flex :: Get AdvancedDatagrid To Display Just One Row?

Aug 5, 2009

I have an AdvancedDatagrid, whose dataProvider is an ArrayCollection that contains 1 row of displayable stuff.Flex continues to display about 6 rows, the top one filled, the rest blank.I've set the rowCount="1", with no luck.

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Flex :: AdvancedDatagrid MultipleSelection?

Jun 3, 2010

after multiple Selection in a advanced datagrid, I want to check if the clicked row, was already selected. Anyway my idea below (in the nested if clause I want to check if the newly clicked item's processing data is already in the added Array Collection) is not working, but I assume there must be a better way to differiante if an click was made on a already selected row.

model.processingData = out;
if (model.selectedIndices.length > 1){
//check if item already added


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Flex :: Add Row Dynamically To AdvancedDataGrid?

Dec 14, 2010

I would like to add new row on the fly (runtime) to my AdvancedDataGrid.I can add it to the data model, but couldn't find a way to make the table render and show the new row.What i am seeking for is to create an effect of expandable item, where clicking on row will show "additional information" (like a drawer) and clicking on row expand button will reveal it's children.I saw examples of this for dataGrid (http:url...), but not for AdavancedDataGrid.Only way I found to do this is to add a new child and use openItem, but this cause the other children to be visible as well.

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Flex :: AdvancedDataGrid GroupingField?

Sep 9, 2011

need my AdvancedDataGrid group by the name of the person, but I'm having trouble because the groupingField not accept "objectPeople.idPeople"

the name of the groupingField not accept "objectPeople.idPeople"?

GroupingField name="people.idPeople" <--error??

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Flex :: Get Item From AdvancedDataGrid Given Index

Jul 7, 2009

I've got a subclass of AdvancedDataGrid showing a tree-like data structure. How can I, given the index returned by calculateDropIndex, get the item at that index? After reading through reams of code, it seems like the least terrible way is:

var oldSelectedIndex:int = this.selectedIndex;
var mouseOverIndex:int = this.calculateDropIndex(event);
this.selectedItem = mouseOverIndex;
var item:* = this.selectedItem;
this.selectedIndex = oldSelectedIndex;

The other option seems to be tinkering around with the iterator property... But, judging by the way I've seen it used, that will get pretty harry pretty quickly too. So, how can I get the item at a particular index in an advanced datagrid without going insane?

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Flex :: ItemRenderer For TreeColumn On AdvancedDataGrid?

Apr 14, 2010

Is it possible to use a renderer for for a treecolumn in an advanceddatagrid and still keep the hierarchal functionality? If I use a renderer provider I lose the the arrow for the tree dropdown. I want to keep the tree functionality and change the display of the column.(and not just the folder image)

<mx:AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider column="{titleCol}" depth="1"


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Oct 25, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Print AdvancedDataGrid From Flex 4

Nov 9, 2010

I have an AdvancedDataGrid and need to export it as PDF for printing. Can you suppose me some useful links or ideas on that topic?

Note : is another better sugestion that make this possible, working with Java? Need a quick response.

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