ActionScript 1/2 :: Add Mailto: To MsgA[7] With A Subject Line (BC Sports)?
Sep 8, 2010
How do I add mailto: to msgA[7] with a subject line (BC Sports)?
my_txt2.htmlText +="<a href='asfunction:loadText,"+msgA[0]+",,"+msgA[0]+newline+msgA[1]+newl ine+msgA[2]+' '+msgA[3]+' '+msgA[4]+newline+msgA[5]+newline+'Contact: '+msgA[6]+newline+'Email: '+msgA[7]+"'>"+msgA[2]+"</a><br>";
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I have a problem with special characters showing up in my as3. I need "�" to show in the subject of the email.My code is:
"private function portfolioSlice(e:MouseEvent):void {
emailurl = " ";
req = new URLRequest(emailurl);[code]....
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Jun 23, 2009
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I've tried it with a ? mark rather than &, but using the question mark doesn't seem to bring up the subject line while testing. During testing, and using the & symbol it works just fine. But when I publish the file and test it on the web page, it doesn't bring up the mail program like it does during the testing process. Does anyone have any clues as to fixing this problem. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the php code housing the flash may be causing some kind of conflict. If needed... the link to the flash is at this link to show what I mean. [URL]
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Jul 30, 2005
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Look this code, which I have in external AS file,which I load in Flash.
<a href=""></a>
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Oct 10, 2003
I work with Flash 4. I've made a button and set Get URL as Properties. In this URL field I want to link an email adres including subject en text in the body field.For example, I've filled out the URL form like are you. I am ok.
When you click on the button, Outlook opens and everything seems te work. But who knows how I can put an ENTER between How are you. and I am ok.I think it's something in the expression editor, but when I put an Enter between those 2 lines it still doesn't work.When I hit the New Line button in the expression field it seems to work but the words New Line won't dissappear in the Outlook window.
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Sep 4, 2004
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on (release) {
loadMovie("Art.swf", "_root.Facilities");
Yet however I try I can't get the swf to load .
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Dec 17, 2009
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var NigeriaNumber:Number;
var stateName:String;
var year:String;
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Nov 9, 2010
I am using the following code to open my client email program and I want the address, subject field and body text completed.
submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendMessage);
var subject="My Subject"var body="This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. "var to=""
function sendMessage(event:MouseEvent):void {var email:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mailto:"+to+"?subject=" +subject+ "&body="+body);navigateToURL(email, "_self");}
The problem is no matter what I have tried I cannot get the subject and body text to show any text. The email client open and the correct address is shown. Is this a problem with trying to run it locally and not from server or is there a problem with the code?
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Mar 24, 2008
I need to send an email from flash alongwith the Subject and Body data.When i do the testing in Flash by pressing "Cntrl + Enter" and click on the email button it works properly i.e. it opens an outlook new mail window and the To, subject and BOdy fields are filled with the data that I am sending from flash.
Now when an close the Flash application and open the folder in which the swf is published and run the swf then mailto funcionality does not work properly. i.e. it just fills the To field and reamaining fileds like subject and body are empty!I finally need to embed this swf in html file so the feature should work embedded in html also.
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Aug 7, 2009
I have been able to get the mailto protocol to work in an IPAQ with Win Mobile 5 and FlashLite 2.1. I'm using AS 2. GetURL(url.........) However, I can't figure out how to add a variable into the body. The variable, deviceID, is gotten onLoad by fscommand2, status = fscommand2("GetDeviceID", "deviceID"), so deviceID is populated by a value.The challenge would be to write a 'mailto' script that includes the deviceID in the email's body. I've tried several scripts for adding deviceID, but none work.For example: GetURL("url....) creates an error (too many "?) and using parentheses does not help. GetURL("url.....?) also doesn't add the value of the deviceID variable, just puts <deviceID> into the message's body.Is this possible: populating the email message's body with the values of one or more variables?
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Apr 18, 2010
I've managed to get a sensor attached to an arduino talking to flash using something called AS3glue. it works, when i set up a trace("leaf") for the contition that the sensor reads 0, i get a printout of the word "leaf". however i want the program to make a graphic appear on the screen when this condition is met, not just trace something.
I'm trying to get the program to generate a library object called "Enemy" on the screen at a random position each time the conditions are met. It's called enemy because I was following a game tutorial...actually it's a drawing of a leaf. Here's the bit of the code which is causing me problems:
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Feb 18, 2003
i need to activate and the script i wanna add to it is the mailto script so that when ppl click it their mail box ccomes out and etc. now when i add it it doesnt work, it stays still like nothing was added. the code i placed on the button was was the getURL ("mailto:soandso@wherever.whatever"); and it for some reason doesnt work, now when i remove the mailtoscript and add an actual websites adress it works fine
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Mar 2, 2009
I am wanting a mailto button in Flash MX which I can get to work nicely except that I need to specify either the return email address (ideal) or which email account to use. The reason for this is have have 5 email accounts running, and the default is not the one I want Flash to use.
e_name = "Mr Man"
e_address = ""
e_subject = "kebabs"
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Jun 5, 2009
im trying to make a button that will open a new mail form from whatever software the user may have, this goes on a Usb Stick, im using this code: on (release) [URL] It works on a Mac, but not on a pc with Outlook, it only opens the new mail, and fills the mail adress, no subject, text1 is a var, it wont load it either.
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Jun 26, 2009
I am trying to get the email link on my contact page to open properly: [URL] I am using CS3 and actionscript 2 and followed the following method: I wrote the email address and in web link box in the properties panel typed: mailto: followed by the email address The target is set to blank. The problem is that I only want the email client box (usually Outlook) to open but instead I get a webpage opening as well
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Sep 3, 2008
I using AS3 to create a mailto: link from within an swf.[code]...
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Jul 27, 2011
How to forward attachment(for example image) from Flex or AIR application to email client? For forwarding email address, body and subject, I use this:
var s:String = "";
s+= "mailto:";
s+= g.text;
View 1 Replies
Feb 9, 2009
and used to work in IE, now displays a 'Navigation Cancelled' IE window even though it also still opens the email client.
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Feb 3, 2009
I am stumped on a problem that I've been searching the forums for, but can't seem to find an answer to. I was hoping a Flash genius here might have an idea. I'm working on a site in which I'm having issues with a mailto button. Here's the deal. The site shows up in "two" places (although they both pull from the same .swf files) [URL] and [URL] The site is built using Actionscript 2.0 and publishes for Flash Player 6. I'm using both CS3 and CS4 (depending on what computer I'm working on) but always publish for CS3.
On the www location, the mailto button works properly and opens up an email. On the http:// location the button does NOT work, and will not open an email. These buttons can be found in the "who" section - when the user clicks on a profile it opens a new window with a headshot - which are the "buttons" in question. I've done tests on the server, nesting buttons inside multiple movie clips to re-create the scenario. And they work. And I've also changed the button to a movie clip using:
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Jun 11, 2010
Is it possible to add a attachment to a mail with the mailto function in actionscript 3? Thats the thing, i want to open the default mail program compose window with some data but i also need to add a file as attachment, and that file must be a screen capture of the app.
Looks like the attachment=path/to/file dont work anymore in new email clients, i think it worked until outlook 97 then it was removed for security reasons and so now is imposible to do this anymore.
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Mar 28, 2011
How to execute a "mailto" from a Flash projector? (in a basic .swf I use a navigateToURL() + URLRequest(), but this in projector doesn't work).
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Dec 13, 2011
I want to send an email with special characters (like cyrillic) from a swf. To make sure it will be displayed correctly in the mail client, I use
It works fine in Apple Mail, but in Outlook I only see gibberish. I learned that Outlook uses iso-8859-1 for "mailto:"-mails (at least by default). So two questions arise:
is there a way to encode the mailto: string in iso-8859-1? would this break the correct display of characters in other mail clients?
I am sure that the second question can not have a definitive answer, nevertheless I would be thankful for any advise.
EDIT: unfortunately, html email and php is not an option for me.
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Feb 17, 2009
i have a file that I am trying to allow users to modify their course name and the mailto content. I wanted to provide them with one easy to edit document, either a txt file or xml. I assume I can't use a txt file since I need a link, but possible I am wrong? I was also trying to use css, but I have not tackled that yet.
Right now the text is inside of the actionscript.
I need to change the text and the link. I've attached my file to see if anyone has any pointers?
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Dec 2, 2009
I am loading contact information from external txt files and everything is functioning, except my email links. The CSS hover effects work, but when clicked an email message will not open and the mouse doesn't turn into the little hand like it typically does over a link. I don't believe I changed my code at all, and these links did work previously, so I have no idea what I've done. And the code needs to be in the txt files, not in flash actionscript (there are lots of contacts I'm entering).
The following is what is in the txt files.
<a href="">someonesemai</a>
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