ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Mailto Button Inconsistent On Different URLs
Feb 3, 2009
I am stumped on a problem that I've been searching the forums for, but can't seem to find an answer to. I was hoping a Flash genius here might have an idea. I'm working on a site in which I'm having issues with a mailto button. Here's the deal. The site shows up in "two" places (although they both pull from the same .swf files) [URL] and [URL] The site is built using Actionscript 2.0 and publishes for Flash Player 6. I'm using both CS3 and CS4 (depending on what computer I'm working on) but always publish for CS3.
On the www location, the mailto button works properly and opens up an email. On the http:// location the button does NOT work, and will not open an email. These buttons can be found in the "who" section - when the user clicks on a profile it opens a new window with a headshot - which are the "buttons" in question. I've done tests on the server, nesting buttons inside multiple movie clips to re-create the scenario. And they work. And I've also changed the button to a movie clip using:
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Sep 2, 2003
I know this is basic but I don't know how. So how do I direct user to use 'mailto:' using a button?
button.onPress = function() {
...code here...
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Mar 17, 2005
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Jun 27, 2009
I have a slide show swf file with an invisible button on the top frame. I would like this button to go to different URLs depending on what frame the movie is on when it is clicked. Is this possible?
The following works for one url:
oneBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, oneButtonFunction);
function oneButtonFunction(event: MouseEvent) {
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://webpage/");
The reason I am trying to do it this way is I want the script to all be on one frame because I will be using this as a template for other slide shows and want to be able to edit the urls all in one window. I already have a slide show with key frames at the places where the new url would be accessed is click, but it is a pain to edit and add new content.
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Jun 8, 2009
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Mar 26, 2009
I've trawled the web, everyone with different ideas on how to call up a mailto link in AS3. What I'm looking for is this: I have a box, that is coverted to a button symbol given the name 'mailto'I have another layer for the actionscript I have imported '' and ''
I know I need to create a function or a variable to link in the already created button. Do I also need to import the MouseEvents?
I created this FLA to get used to CS4 (i was previously using8)Everything works wonderfully, I would just like to know how to use AS3 properly, without having to call defeat and create the FLA again using AS2.
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Apr 6, 2012
I created a Flash .exe that plays a couple FLV files, but in testing the files we've noticed some inconsistent playback on various computers and here's what we've found: On an Intel Zeon 3ghz quadcore 32bit Windows 7 machine, the playback is smooth and acceptable, using an average of 50% of all four cores during playback.
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May 19, 2011
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<![CDATA[This is <b>bold</b> text. And this is <i>italic</i>.]]>
The output might looks like this:
This isbold text. And this isitalic.Or it might looks like this:
This is bold text. And this is italic.
The problem is that the behavior changes according to the alignment of planets and phases of the moon or something I don't know. I tried forcing an extra space between opening tags, which would correct it in the instances where the space is deleted, but it adds an extra space where it's not!
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#This is from, which is used by Ant
#to build the swf on the server
flex.sdk.dir = /path/to/sdk/flex_sdk_3.2.0.3958
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Jul 1, 2010
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Error #1034: Type Coercion failed
#2022: Class x must inherit from y and
#1009: cannot access a property or method from null reference.
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Mar 25, 2011
Attached is a FLA in which a target onPress gets a bullet hole attached to it and folds down. The fall down is made across five key-frames. In each frame the height (H) of the GIF, representing the folding target reduces this way:
frame 1: H=156
frame 5: H=147
frame 3: H=117
frame 4: H=73
frame 5: H=21
instead trace(this._height) returns like this (and every time slightly different):
from frame 1: this._height=156
from frame 5: this._height=147
from frame 3: this._height=117
from frame 4: this._height=99
from frame 5: this._height=99
the problem seems to be caused by the cide line which attaches the bullet hole:
When this is commented out this._height traces correctly.
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Jan 16, 2009
Here's the problem: In some browsers, the navigation bar at the top works how I want it to. The "slider" moves over the various buttons rapidly. This is the case for Firefox and Safari on my PC. In others, namely Internet Explorer on my PC, or Firefox on my Mac, the "slider" moves much slower than I would like. Check it out. It might go fast for you, it might go slow.I've programmed before, in other languages, and I have found Flash to be challenging but not impossible. One thing you'll notice right away is that my code is very very messy. I haven't got all the efficient ways down pat just yet.At any rate, here's the entirety of the code involved:
Code: Select all////////////// BEGIN CODE ////////////////////////
var mcButtons:MovieClip;
var vLmc:URLRequest;[code]............
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Mar 20, 2009
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Oct 19, 2009
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Dec 8, 2010
I have two projects that use this same piece of code ...
myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myButtonClick);
function mybuttonClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
When I publish the older project I get zero errors but for some reason the same code gives me this error in my new project ...
"Warning: 1060: Migration issue: The method fscommand is no longer supported. Moved to flash.system package. Also, please see flash.external.External.Interface class for Javascript/ActionScript communication."
I am confused why this problem is inconsistent across two projects that both use it. If fscommand is no longer supported shouldn't I get an error on the older project? I am using CS4 and AS3 for both projects. I added another piece of code to the new project on frame 1 that mirrors the older project and I get the same error ...
fscommand("showmenu", "false");
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Mar 9, 2011
i have this simple script in my document class named
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Jun 26, 2011
The thing is that i have the following code. It simply does not execute the loader_complete function (found it with adding different traces) In other frame in the same project it does work, identical code. What could be the source of this inconsistency?[code]
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Sep 14, 2011
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var sq:Shape = new Shape();,1);,20,20,20,4,4);[code]....
The corners are noticeably different. If I were using a bigger radius it might not be so much of a problem, but because of the small radius of the corners the square just looks odd. Have I missed the drawRoundRectEvenly functio
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Aug 7, 2009
I have been able to get the mailto protocol to work in an IPAQ with Win Mobile 5 and FlashLite 2.1. I'm using AS 2. GetURL(url.........) However, I can't figure out how to add a variable into the body. The variable, deviceID, is gotten onLoad by fscommand2, status = fscommand2("GetDeviceID", "deviceID"), so deviceID is populated by a value.The challenge would be to write a 'mailto' script that includes the deviceID in the email's body. I've tried several scripts for adding deviceID, but none work.For example: GetURL("url....) creates an error (too many "?) and using parentheses does not help. GetURL("url.....?) also doesn't add the value of the deviceID variable, just puts <deviceID> into the message's body.Is this possible: populating the email message's body with the values of one or more variables?
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May 26, 2009
We're making a simple input text comparisons vs. some constant floating point numbers (e.g. 4.35). Using Actionscript 2 to Flash 9 export.
In the order listed above, I get the following trace when I export via Flash CS3 (9.0) on my PPC mac:
The same exact FLA file, unmodified, gives the following trace output on 2 different intel macs (one mac pro, one imac) using Flash CS3 (9.0).
have a clue why this is giving falses for statements such as "(Number(435/100)==4.35))", "(435/100==4.35)" or "(Number(input_txt.text)==4.35000)" but ISN'T giving a false for (Number(input_txt.text)==(435/100)) (NOTE: input_txt.text is an input field which contains the string 4.35) I'm expecting the latter since they're generally intel chipsets too??
Note: once i compile the code on my PPC mac, intel macs that run the SWF (but don't recompile the FLA) do return the correct booleans that match the PPC output.
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Jul 9, 2010
I'm having some trouble getting my fonts to show up correctly. I have the fonts embedded properly, being read from an xml file. Attached is a screenshot - don't mind the terrible colors; it's all brought in through xml. The alignment of the text boxes are not complete, but I have the top headers set up properly, yet the right header is squished down.
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Feb 18, 2003
i need to activate and the script i wanna add to it is the mailto script so that when ppl click it their mail box ccomes out and etc. now when i add it it doesnt work, it stays still like nothing was added. the code i placed on the button was was the getURL ("mailto:soandso@wherever.whatever"); and it for some reason doesnt work, now when i remove the mailtoscript and add an actual websites adress it works fine
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Mar 2, 2009
I am wanting a mailto button in Flash MX which I can get to work nicely except that I need to specify either the return email address (ideal) or which email account to use. The reason for this is have have 5 email accounts running, and the default is not the one I want Flash to use.
e_name = "Mr Man"
e_address = ""
e_subject = "kebabs"
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Jun 5, 2009
im trying to make a button that will open a new mail form from whatever software the user may have, this goes on a Usb Stick, im using this code: on (release) [URL] It works on a Mac, but not on a pc with Outlook, it only opens the new mail, and fills the mail adress, no subject, text1 is a var, it wont load it either.
View 7 Replies
Jun 26, 2009
I am trying to get the email link on my contact page to open properly: [URL] I am using CS3 and actionscript 2 and followed the following method: I wrote the email address and in web link box in the properties panel typed: mailto: followed by the email address The target is set to blank. The problem is that I only want the email client box (usually Outlook) to open but instead I get a webpage opening as well
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Sep 3, 2008
I using AS3 to create a mailto: link from within an swf.[code]...
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Jul 27, 2011
How to forward attachment(for example image) from Flex or AIR application to email client? For forwarding email address, body and subject, I use this:
var s:String = "";
s+= "mailto:";
s+= g.text;
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