ActionScript 2.0 :: Inconsistent _height Of An Animated Clip?

Mar 25, 2011

Attached is a FLA in which a target onPress gets a bullet hole attached to it and folds down. The fall down is made across five key-frames. In each frame the height (H) of the GIF, representing the folding target reduces this way:

frame 1: H=156
frame 5: H=147
frame 3: H=117
frame 4: H=73
frame 5: H=21

instead trace(this._height) returns like this (and every time slightly different):

from frame 1: this._height=156
from frame 5: this._height=147
from frame 3: this._height=117
from frame 4: this._height=99
from frame 5: this._height=99

the problem seems to be caused by the cide line which attaches the bullet hole:

When this is commented out this._height traces correctly.

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dummyBMP = new flash.display.BitmapData(loader_mc._width, loader_mc._height);
dummyBMP seems to be empty after this though, and I notice that loader_mc._width and loader_mc._height have a value of zero. The picture is visible on the stage despite this though.Anyone know where I'm going wrong?

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ActionScript Code:
public function playBird(e:MouseEvent):void

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function do_this() {
this.gotoAndPlay("frame label");
gotoAndPlay("frame label");

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line._width += 20;

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var i:Number = 0;
var count:Number = 0;
var colorArr = ["0x99cc33", "0xff0066", "0xffcc00", "0x33ccff"];


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Apr 17, 2008

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Professional :: Inconsistent Playback On Various Computers?

Apr 6, 2012

I created a Flash .exe that plays a couple FLV files, but in testing the files we've noticed some inconsistent playback on various computers and here's what we've found: On an Intel Zeon 3ghz quadcore 32bit Windows 7 machine, the playback is smooth and acceptable, using an average of 50% of all four cores during playback.

On a single core Windows XP PC, there is some playback hesitation using 100% of the single core during playback. On an Intel P4 3ghz with HT (dual core) 32bit Windows 7 machine, the playback is initially very choppy with continueing choppiness throughout to a somewhat lesser degree, using almost 100% of both cores continuously during playback.

We want to point this out because on PCs that are less than multi-core Intel Zeons, we would reasonably expect that the playback experience for the end user will be unsatisfactory. Is there anything that can be done about this to avoid this being a problem after the fact, as this client will be having many of these USBs manufactured.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Inconsistent Behavior With <b> And <i> In TextField?

May 19, 2011

I've created a text field, styled it with CSS imported through an XML fragment, etc., and almost everything works as it should.

The exception (of course!) is with <b> and <i> tags. I've included the relevant font outlines in my SWF, and the bold or italicized text does in fact show up, but here's the thing: sometimes, the space between a word and the opening <b> or <i> tag disappears!

My text is all read in through XML <![CDATA[]]> blocks. If I had the following fragment:

<![CDATA[This is <b>bold</b> text. And this is <i>italic</i>.]]>

The output might looks like this:

This isbold text. And this isitalic.Or it might looks like this:

This is bold text. And this is italic.

The problem is that the behavior changes according to the alignment of planets and phases of the moon or something I don't know. I tried forcing an extra space between opening tags, which would correct it in the instances where the space is deleted, but it adds an extra space where it's not!

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Setting _height And _width Prevents Keyframe Movement?

Sep 3, 2009

I have a movie clip that jumps around over the course of my movie using standard keyframe animation. At every keyframe, it calls a function that moves a dynamic text box on top of it, autosizes the text box, then alters the movie clip's _width and _height to fit that of the text box.
The problem is, while the resizing code works fine and the text always fits, the act of altering the _width and _height seems to cancel out the keyframed positioning. The movie clip changes size, but it's forever locked to the position of the first keyframe.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Mailto Button Inconsistent On Different URLs

Feb 3, 2009

I am stumped on a problem that I've been searching the forums for, but can't seem to find an answer to. I was hoping a Flash genius here might have an idea. I'm working on a site in which I'm having issues with a mailto button. Here's the deal. The site shows up in "two" places (although they both pull from the same .swf files) [URL] and [URL] The site is built using Actionscript 2.0 and publishes for Flash Player 6. I'm using both CS3 and CS4 (depending on what computer I'm working on) but always publish for CS3.

On the www location, the mailto button works properly and opens up an email. On the http:// location the button does NOT work, and will not open an email. These buttons can be found in the "who" section - when the user clicks on a profile it opens a new window with a headshot - which are the "buttons" in question. I've done tests on the server, nesting buttons inside multiple movie clips to re-create the scenario. And they work. And I've also changed the button to a movie clip using:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Rotation Inconsistent Between Motion Editor &amp?

Nov 21, 2008

I'm trying to access the rotationY property in code to determine the current state of a movie clip that has its rotationY animated in the motion editor. What I'm seeing is that the value of the property reported in a trace stmt is different than the value shown in the motion editor.

In the motion editor I created a tween from rotationY=0 at frame 0 to rotationY=353 at the last frame. I've added the attached code to get the value of rotationY at every frame.

What I see is that the rotation does not increase steadily from 0 to 353. Instead it increases from 0 to 90 and then decreases back to 0 and then goes negative to -90 at which point the absolute values decrease toward 0. This seems like a bug. The rotation of the object is visibly different during the 0 to 90 deg

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Flex :: RemoteObject Inconsistent Channel Location?

Jul 1, 2009

I have a swf which, for some reason, has four RemoteObjects pointing to the same ChannelId, but they are listing that channel as being at two different spots. In four of the five RemoteObjects, everything behaves as expected, but in the fourth (WidgetService), the version on dev is switching from dev.context.root toloc.context.root. To make matters more confusing, it only does this on the dev server (QA and production are fine, as are local builds).The relevant information from the config files follows:

#This is from, which is used by Ant
#to build the swf on the server
flex.sdk.dir = /path/to/sdk/flex_sdk_3.2.0.3958


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Flex :: Localization - Fix An Inconsistent Linkage Error In 3?

Sep 29, 2009

I was excited to find out that Adobe released the data visualization for free so I can use the fancy charts and all with my projects even though I don't have Flex Builder Professional. So I installed the new 3.4 sdk along with the data visualizations. Most all of my projects did fine except for one. This particular project uses localizations. Are there any new compiler arguments that I need to include? I current have -source-path=locale/{locale} -allow-source-path-overlap=true. I get the inconsistent linkage error below:


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