Professional :: Create An Animated Movie Clip Button In AS2 Using CS5?
Nov 22, 2010
I'm trying to create an animated movie clip button in AS2 using CS5. The button should fade in/out as the mouse moves over and away from the button.Lets say my frame rate is 30 FPS. When I insert a motion tween on frame 1, the timeline is automatically extended by 30 frames. I then select frame 30, select the button and change the alpha value to 30%. When I drag the head marker back and forth, the button fades in and out smoothly exactly as I wanted.But I want to create a motion tween between frame 1 and 10. So I select frame 10, insert a keyframe, select frame 5 and insert a motion tween. Then I select frame 10, select the button and change the alpha value to 30% like before. When I drag the head marker, there is no fade in/out. When the head marker is exactly over frame 10, the button is faded, but when it is on any frame between 1 and 9, it is normal.
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- I have a main movie clip which contains the animation, which itself contains 5 nested movie clips, each with their own timeline. All movie clips have a stop action on the final frame. images are transparent PNGs with outer glow "filter" - the issue is not with performance as such, but with CPU increasing over time. Each time you play the clip, there is a small amount of CPU usage that 'sticks' and doesn't get freed up. What happens is that if you play the movie clip many (MANY MANY) times, then eventually it starts to slow down. Mac's Activity Monitor shows that the idle CPU usage is increasing slowly, over many times of playing the clip. It's insignificant with each play, but adds up over time.
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Aug 16, 2010
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stop ();
function play(event:MouseEvent)
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b1._y = 350;
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Nov 14, 2010
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This is basically my function
ActionScript Code:
public function playBird(e:MouseEvent):void
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Jun 8, 2010
i have another totally newbie question here, sorry everyone, In one of my frames i would like to have a button that opens up a movie clip, but i would like it to do this on a mouse-over action instead of a click, i have tried using the onRollover action, but i can't get it to work, it's got to be a daft mistake i am making but i have spent ages trying to figure it out, and once again i am stumped.
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Aug 3, 2010
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Aug 7, 2010
I'm having trouble with buttons i placed inside the movie clip....whenever i place functions the rollover state of the button doesn't work anymore....i'm having trouble thinking where to place functions or methods.....i know programming in java and to be frank i'm having trouble with learning actionscript because the books i read don't say where to place the functions they write.Here's a link to my flash file [URL]
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