ActionScript 2.0 :: Subject Was Using The Mic As A Means To Control The Interactivity Of A Flash Site?
Aug 2, 2005
I overheard some watercooler talk the other day and the subject was using the mic as a means to control the interactivity of a flash site.Example: Every sound that the user's mic "hears" results in an event much like clicking on a button to reveal a dropdown menu.
Or: The more you scream, the more popups appear on the site.
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import flash.display.Sprite;
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Jul 30, 2005
I did it at least 100 times but now I cant find this problem:
Look this code, which I have in external AS file,which I load in Flash.
<a href=""></a>
Email link works, but I don�t know how to prevent the OE (email klient) to display subject, because this not works from Flash, but the same code works in HTML site normally - the Subject is displayed
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May 19, 2009
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I have a site at the mo with a banner in flash but i know that there are sites out there that use flash more in depth. ive seen pretty much whole sites done with flash before but have no idea how to do it! I could get something interatctive with buttons etc in flash cs3 but would have no idea how to display it all in a webpage, create a link from flash to the html or whatever so when a button was clicked it'd take the user to a different page...etc
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Mar 24, 2008
I need to send an email from flash alongwith the Subject and Body data.When i do the testing in Flash by pressing "Cntrl + Enter" and click on the email button it works properly i.e. it opens an outlook new mail window and the To, subject and BOdy fields are filled with the data that I am sending from flash.
Now when an close the Flash application and open the folder in which the swf is published and run the swf then mailto funcionality does not work properly. i.e. it just fills the To field and reamaining fileds like subject and body are empty!I finally need to embed this swf in html file so the feature should work embedded in html also.
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Aug 24, 2010
I have an AS3 Flash 10 app that uses the mouse to dynamically update the perspective center of the the Flash stage using the Flash's native 3D. An issue exists when I dynamically load in an external SWF into a container that exists as a 3D movieclip (this is done by simply setting the z axis of the container to 1). When the dynamically loaded SWF is loaded the buttons in that SWF stop working. If I go back to the host program (the program loading in the swf) and 'remove transform' on the container where the dynamic SWF to reside. The dynamically loaded SWF works as expected. Have you ever heard of this issue? Do you know of any solution or workaround to this while keeping the SWF external?
FYI... there are actually a few pixels on the stage that DO in fact trigger the action of the button but the location of this trigger is completely unrelated to the visual location of the button itself. This reaction to the dynamically loaded native 3D element seems very unusual.
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Apr 19, 2012
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Sep 10, 2011
Something is broken in my Flash Professional CS5, and it's creating a real pain. When I have finished editing a page of TLF text and want to return to the stage, I find the little left arrow Missing In Action.
I'd send you picture of it, but it can no longer be found. Here is an image that I snagged from Adobe TV to give you a rough idea what I'm saying. The difference is that when I was editing a text symbol, ( before it broke ) then its name would be where Scene 1 appears, and the arrow would be strongly visible ( dark blue? ) rather than grayed out like this one is.
When this first happened it took a while to find any way at all of escaping the edit, but I finally found a really clunky way to get out. I have to save then exit the entire .fla file edit session, then come back in and start over.
I'm running Flash Professional CS5, apparently 32 bit code under Windows 7 on a 64-bit i7 processor.
Not surprisingly, this creates a big problem for me, since I have a huge amount of work that must be done quickly. I spent the money necessary to purchase what I thought was the best tool on the market, now I need some help to get it working again.
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Nov 11, 2011
Well, there is a huge debate going on with the "best way to show users language selection", but no answer.All seem to suck. 2 and 3 suffering from "Country != Language", 1 and 4 suffering from "Cognitively, selecting a word out of a list of words sucks."While this question may seem subjective, it is possible to answer this question in a non-subjective way.Such as if Flex or some Flex component exists as a "Language Chooser" such as that found on a mobile device.
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Mar 22, 2004
Yeah, I can't workout how to make them swapVis basically. Any more efficient means/methods would be welcomed.I feel like my code is getting too straight up and down and not looking out to make it shorter etc.
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Apr 15, 2011
I've been searching around forever trying to find a way to make traversing nested display lists more of a 1-line possibility.In AS2 you could grab a clip just by _container.clip1.nestedclip2.nestedclip3 and it was blatently simple.In AS3, is there any way to do that?So far my only methods are keeping a class level reference to important parts of the UI or doing a painful series of getChildByName chains until I drill down to it:[code]The casting makes the getChildByName method possible.
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Feb 25, 2012
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May 20, 2009
I was wondering if its still necessary to build a html site aswell as a Flash Site? Or is there a definitive and failsafe way to incorporate html into my flash site? SEO is a very important factor for me. I read this article: Geoff Sterns in 2006, resulting in the following[code]
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Jun 16, 2010
I know this is a much covered subject but after spending two days trying different things I have to admit I'm baffled. Got two swf I want connected to one another to act like a portfolio gallery - parent is called "portfolio" child is "portfolio_flash_2"
Both have animation at the start with the child having a skip button (cause its animation is 20 odd seconds long). after the animation the thumbnails appear for the larger images.
On both swf's the buttons I'm using to load (parent to child) and unload (child back to parent) appear after the animation - I can get the child to load from the parent but having problems knowing what proper code to use on the child button "page2_btn" to return to the parent.
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Oct 14, 2011
i've been reading a variety of tutorials on the subject of inheritance, and i felt ready to try creating a chain of a few classes.right now i have two similar classes, Avatar and Enemy, which extend movieclip. What i'm trying to do is move a lot of their common functionality into a parent class which i'm calling Actor. I want to make Actor extend MovieClip, then make Enemy and Avatar extend Actor instead of Movieclip.[code]
What it says is true. I have an object in my library which is a movieclip. It's Exported for Actionscript with it's class as Soldier, and a base class of Avatar. this is the continuation of the chain. However it doesn't seem to want to work.As far as i understand, the above setup is pretty much equivilant to making a .as file for Soldier that extends Avatar.
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Dec 23, 2006
I'm making a snowglobe for the holidays and as such, I'm looking to have it snow INSIDE the globe only. What I've done is make a mask for the globe so that the "snow" movie clip will only be visible within the globe. I also have a duplicate movie action in my main movie to create a lot of snow.
The problem, though, is that the duplicates do not get masked like the main snow clip. Is there a way to fix this?
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Sep 8, 2010
How do I add mailto: to msgA[7] with a subject line (BC Sports)?
my_txt2.htmlText +="<a href='asfunction:loadText,"+msgA[0]+",,"+msgA[0]+newline+msgA[1]+newl ine+msgA[2]+' '+msgA[3]+' '+msgA[4]+newline+msgA[5]+newline+'Contact: '+msgA[6]+newline+'Email: '+msgA[7]+"'>"+msgA[2]+"</a><br>";
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Apr 12, 2012
How can I make changes in the following code to fill the subject field with "Feedback" & Cc: [URL]?
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Jan 28, 2010
I have a problem with special characters showing up in my as3. I need "�" to show in the subject of the email.My code is:
"private function portfolioSlice(e:MouseEvent):void {
emailurl = " ";
req = new URLRequest(emailurl);[code]....
I was trying to use a unicode character.
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Dec 14, 2010
A client of mine has had 2 sites (both Flash sites) attacked over the last 12 months, so he's been asking: should he go for a static HTML site or stick with a Flash site? Is there ways to make a Flash site more secure?
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Jun 24, 2005
how I can set up an email button in flash so that it's autoscripts the Mail Subject and a default body message?
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Jun 23, 2009
i'm having some issues trying to get an email button to work correctly. The button is on it's own layer above a embedded video. The action script is as follows:
I've tried it with a ? mark rather than &, but using the question mark doesn't seem to bring up the subject line while testing. During testing, and using the & symbol it works just fine. But when I publish the file and test it on the web page, it doesn't bring up the mail program like it does during the testing process. Does anyone have any clues as to fixing this problem. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the php code housing the flash may be causing some kind of conflict. If needed... the link to the flash is at this link to show what I mean. [URL]
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Oct 10, 2003
I work with Flash 4. I've made a button and set Get URL as Properties. In this URL field I want to link an email adres including subject en text in the body field.For example, I've filled out the URL form like are you. I am ok.
When you click on the button, Outlook opens and everything seems te work. But who knows how I can put an ENTER between How are you. and I am ok.I think it's something in the expression editor, but when I put an Enter between those 2 lines it still doesn't work.When I hit the New Line button in the expression field it seems to work but the words New Line won't dissappear in the Outlook window.
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Sep 4, 2004
On a menu I have various school subjects. I have a separate movie for each subject. When you click a subject on the menu; a coresponding movie loads on the stage.
The actionscripting is quite simple:
on (release) {
loadMovie("Art.swf", "_root.Facilities");
Yet however I try I can't get the swf to load .
I realise I need to configure the target so the swf loads in the right place but I'm unsure if this is the problem.
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