Flex :: Best Means Of Displaying 'Select Language' Interface?

Nov 11, 2011

Well, there is a huge debate going on with the "best way to show users language selection", but no answer.All seem to suck. 2 and 3 suffering from "Country != Language", 1 and 4 suffering from "Cognitively, selecting a word out of a list of words sucks."While this question may seem subjective, it is possible to answer this question in a non-subjective way.Such as if Flex or some Flex component exists as a "Language Chooser" such as that found on a mobile device.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Flex :: How To Auto Select DataGrid Row

Aug 15, 2010

I have a datagrid. How can I put the focus on a particular row (ie row #5) of a datagrid via actionscript? I'm partially there, but not quite:
stage.focus = myDG;
This obviously just sets the focus to the datagrid and not the row.

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Sep 3, 2009

I am overriding the addItem() function of an array collection and I would like to detect if the added item implements a particular interface. Previously I used the, is operator to detect the class type, but now that I am using an interface for classes I would rather test to see if the object implements the interface. I expect I could just try and cast the object as the interface and see if it's not null. Is this the best way to do it? I could also just create a new addFunction() that only accepts objects of the interface type.

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ActionScript :: Flex - Get Classes That Implement An Interface

Sep 9, 2009

In ActionScript (AS3) how do I find all the classes that implement a particular interface?

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Flex :: PureMVC: Unique Mediator For Each Tab In An Interface?

Oct 12, 2009

I am building a tabbed interface for switching between various similar layers. Each layer will have a number of graphs. By dragging with the mouse the graphs can be rearranged or even moved between layers. My question is, is it best practice to register a unique mediator for each layer that keeps track of the layers content / organization, or should i keep track of it all with one central mediator.some considerations:

the layer contents and organization will be saved(in a db) so that it can be restored when a user comes back to the app.the layers themselves are functionally identical.the user can add and remove layers at will.

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