Embed Flash Movies Into Mac Versions Of Powerpoint While Retaining Interactivity?
Jan 4, 2001
is it possible to embed flash movies into mac versions of powerpoint, while retaining interactivity?so far i have only been able to import them as linked quicktime files.
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May 15, 2011
I have recently launched a site for a client which includes an interactive flash element on the home page but it takes a long time to load (10-30seconds). I have followed advice from others about keeping image small and link movies rather than embed but still slow, the swf file is about 7.9mb which i thought was ok for the size of flash file. Does anyway else know where I have gone wrong whether it be the embedding or some other area.
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Aug 4, 2010
I am developing a web site with .net and there is a page named loadanymovie.aspx
I want to call the swf movie file name dynamically by code (by querystring, such as : www.mysite.com/loadanymovie.aspx?moviename=1)
i used following code for this :
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Len(Request.QueryString("st")) > 0 Then
this code works and doesnt produce any error. But i cannot see the movie at internet explorer. (i can see it at chrome browser)
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Sep 14, 2010
-Adobe CS3 Web Premium. -Compiling using AS3. I'm pulling in some text values from an external XML file for a "next" button and I set the font to bold when I made it Verdana. I'm not sure why but it still is normal verdana when I compile it.
I've found several posts similar to mine saying I need to embed the bold version of the font, but I don't have the option of purchasing or creating a bold Verdana. Since it is just Verdana, is there not a method I can use to simply bold the text?
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May 19, 2009
just finished a postgrad in web design and multimedia and want to start working on a few sites for a portfoilio, think it would help with jobs etc
I have a site at the mo with a banner in flash but i know that there are sites out there that use flash more in depth. ive seen pretty much whole sites done with flash before but have no idea how to do it! I could get something interatctive with buttons etc in flash cs3 but would have no idea how to display it all in a webpage, create a link from flash to the html or whatever so when a button was clicked it'd take the user to a different page...etc
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Jun 23, 2010
I have been trying to convert my swf files to flv.
I've tried a whole bunch of converters and I can't find one that will preserve the interactivity of my file.
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Jul 20, 2009
I've just spend some time on our friend Google trying to find a decent Flash Video interactivity tutorial but I couldn't find one.
I'm trying to add icons in an FLV. Each icon would then link to a certain page of the website.
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Aug 24, 2010
I have an AS3 Flash 10 app that uses the mouse to dynamically update the perspective center of the the Flash stage using the Flash's native 3D. An issue exists when I dynamically load in an external SWF into a container that exists as a 3D movieclip (this is done by simply setting the z axis of the container to 1). When the dynamically loaded SWF is loaded the buttons in that SWF stop working. If I go back to the host program (the program loading in the swf) and 'remove transform' on the container where the dynamic SWF to reside. The dynamically loaded SWF works as expected. Have you ever heard of this issue? Do you know of any solution or workaround to this while keeping the SWF external?
FYI... there are actually a few pixels on the stage that DO in fact trigger the action of the button but the location of this trigger is completely unrelated to the visual location of the button itself. This reaction to the dynamically loaded native 3D element seems very unusual.
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Aug 2, 2005
I overheard some watercooler talk the other day and the subject was using the mic as a means to control the interactivity of a flash site.Example: Every sound that the user's mic "hears" results in an event much like clicking on a button to reveal a dropdown menu.
Or: The more you scream, the more popups appear on the site.
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Apr 19, 2012
I followed this tutorial below: active[dot]tutsplus[dot]com/tutorials/effects/create-an-impressive-magnifying-effect-with-actionscript-30/ to get a magnify lens effect which works wonderfully, unfortunately the problem I'm having is I cannot click on buttons underneath the magnify lens. Is there a work around to this that I can implement? I tried mouseEnabled = false, to no avail. I'm kind of not sure what else to do.
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Jan 18, 2010
I'm using flash instead of powerpoint for a presentation. I want to use a remote clicker (like people use in pp presentations).I have one that works, but only when the cursor in on top of one of the buttons in the actual presentation. Icanmake the buttons in flash to travel backward and forward along the timeline, or to move to different movies etc. But I would like to use a clicker that will allow the presenter to just click a button to go back, and click the other button to go forward, without having to reposition the cursor on the laptop over the button he wants to interact with. Doesthis make sense? I have an invisible button in the lower left and right hand corners ofthe presentation. the remote clicker works, but only when it is over one of thsoe buttons. But the remote clicker is set up for powerpoint with a next slide and previous slide button that would be much more handy to use.
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Nov 14, 2010
How to insert a flash animation into Powerpoint?
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Jan 2, 2010
How hard is it to import a powerpoint presentation into flash. It would be perfect for me if the output would look like this: every powerpoint slide becomes a movieclip or a .swf file. I don't have any animations and sounds, its just text and images. I know i could save the slides to png but its very bad idea using bitmaps for text in flash. I also cant use programs like slideshare, because they add their own navigation bars and i cant use them offline.
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Jan 5, 2010
I was wondering if there is someway to embed a Flash Shockwave Object or .SWF file in PowerPoint (Presentation) 2007 and higher version, i.e. inside the ".pptx" format. By embed I mean when I save the presentation,close it . i wont be needing the the .swf file again. That way I can share the presentations with others.
If I use this link Insert-Flash-Into-PowerPoint-2007,it works but when I save and
close the presentation, the swf file doesn;t get embeded. (Note: If i do the same with a .ppt file, it works correctly)
I know we can embed the swf inside PowerPoint presentation version 2003, i.e. the ".ppt" format. but couldn't do the same in .pptx format.
Also is it possible to embed .swf file in .pptx using Open XML format? I tried to rename the ".pptx" file to ".zip" and added the ".swf" in media folder and then renamed it back to ".pptx", but when opened in PowerPoint, it gave an error about unreadable content or corruption.
I had read somewhere that its kind of strategy from MS not to provide this kind of support for Adobe SWF file / ActiveX object and as of now the feature is not supported. Flashppt PPTX Embed not supported
I tried the same with Office 2010 and still the same result. It doesn't work.
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Aug 10, 2010
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Mar 3, 2011
How do I go about automating conversions from powerpoint to flash?I want a user to be able to upload a powerpoint file into my web page and on the server I want to convert the powerpoint to a flash movie. Is there any preferred method for doing this?
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Mar 2, 2012
i already embedded my .swf file in my ppt but my problem is when the button clicked, how to go to other slide. what the script inside the button in flash??
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Mar 14, 2011
Sometime you may need to insert an existing Flash movie to your PowerPoint presentation to enhance your slideshow. In general, there are 2 ways to do this.
1. Insert Flash movie into PowerPoint from PowerPoint control toolbox.
1) Copy your SWF file to the same folder where the blank or existing presentation was saved.
2) Open the existing PowerPoint presentation and go to the slide where you would like to insert a Flash.
3) Right click Tools from PowerPoint menu and enable Control Toolbox.
4) Click More Controls (bottom right icon) on Control Toolbox. Choose Shockwave Flash Object from the dropdown list.
5) Your cursor will change into a cross, hold mouse left button and drag to draw a rectangle. The rectangle is where the Flash will be located, you can adjust its size and location later.
6) Right-click the inserted Shockwave Flash control, and then click Properties from the pop-up menu.
7) Within the movie option, type the name of the movie without any path (since it is saved within the same folder as the presentation). Make sure that the Playing property is set to True.
2. Insert Flash movie into PowerPoint from FlashPoint.
1) Download and install FlashPoint,[URL]
2) Open an existing PowerPoint presentation, you will find FlashPoint button on PowerPoint menu (usually next to the Help option on PowerPoint menu)
3) Click FlashPoint button and select Insert Flash movie from the flyout menu.
4) Browse and specify where the target flash movie was located. Click Open to import it to the slide.
3. Can the inserted Flash movie also be captured when turn the whole PowerPoint to a single Flash movie for web distribution?
Yes, FlashPoint is a powerful PowerPoint to Flash converter, the flash inserted in original PowerPoint will be extracted and re-created into the final Flash movie accordingly.
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Jun 4, 2009
I am working on a website and I've run into a bit of a wall. I want to make the site so that users can choose English or Spanish but I dont want it to load both versions of the site at the beginning. Can I somehow have [url].. default in Spanish lets say and then have a redirect link to [url]... Will that force me to buy two separate domains?
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May 12, 2009
I'm using Vista 64 on a more then adequate laptop, I initially used Flash CS4 and it was great for the past week but a few days ago it started geting really slow, whenever I copy, change frame, select something, basicaly any change action I have to wait about 5 seconds or more for a reaction. I'm using it for simple animation, no symbols, just 3 layers. I have a deadline coming up for my final production and if I can't fix this fast I'm screwed. I've tried every solution I can find, including trying Flash CS3 and Flash 8, nothing seems to fix the slow speed
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Jul 7, 2009
Do you think that flash mx and flash 8 are outdated to learn for beginners? What do you suggest to a beginner entirely new to flash, the new ones like flash CS4 or begin with older ones like flash 8 and slowly build up?
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Aug 16, 2009
I am interested in buying flash however even with the discount given to students as a program it is still a large investment. I was wondering if I am able to buy an older version for example "Flash 8" at a reduced price from adobe or another trusted retailer I know the newer version have updated the program alot but many of the new features will be unused by me and the older version would suit my needs better.
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Sep 19, 2010
I was wondering if older versions of Flash (specifically Flash 8 and CS3) are still available. I'm aware that Flash CS5 is the current version, and I've used it a few times at school. However, I find that the older versions are easier to use, less prone to lag, and come with less features (it might sound odd to want less features, but I don't write Actionscript or anything - all I need are the basic paintbrush tools and animating abilites). Is there anywhere on this site that I can buy/download these versions from?
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May 7, 2011
I am working on a Flash project that will use AS3/Flash 10. I would like to replace the flash object in the DIV element with an image, if they are using an older flash version.
Also, are most flash coders shooting for flash 10 or programming for v9 still?
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Aug 14, 2009
if it is possible to have an exit button in an embedded flash SWF in powerpoint that will exit out of the flash presentation and advance to the next slide in the Powerpoint? Say for example the flash swf is on slide 30. When you get to that slide the flash plays and when it's done. Within the flash there is a button to advance to the next slide.Is this possible?
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Oct 23, 2010
I have a flash menu with buttons which need to open Powerpoint presentations. At the moment, getURL does not work. Would fscommand work? how to use this? I am using CS5 and PPT 2007.
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Sep 13, 2011
I have a Flash file that I would like to import into PowerPoint. First a few pieces of information:
1. I use a Mac but have a Parallel system at work so I have access to Windows PPT 2008. I am using Flash CS5.
2. The Flash file is not huge, it's just these animated curtains that open up to reveal a logo and text.
1. I have found the only way to import the Flash file is to export as a .mov and then import that into PPT. This works great EXCEPT for that the text and logo look blurry in PPT. I have no idea why.
2. Is it possible to export a .mov file with just the curtain animation but with a transparent background so that when I import into PPT, we can just type the text directly within PPT and not have to include that in the Flash file?
3. I read online that you can import SWFs into Windows PPT but I have not been able to get that to work either.
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