ActionScript 1/2 :: Hittest On Every Object On Stage?
Feb 27, 2012
I would like to know if there's the way to do collision check on every object on the stage,
I want to make the object such that it falls on a rotated platform and land according to it's angle. I've success fully make it landed according to it's angle before it lands. but the problem here is that, after the landing when I trigger the rotating platform, the object falls when the platform is out of it's hit area. Is there a way such that it will work like a car wiper and wipe the object towards it's direction?
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Apr 4, 2010
If I removeChild an object from the stage can it still be detected by a hittest? I have objects that are tweening off the stage and if they hit other objects they stop their tween i use removeChild to remove objects that I don't want a hittest to occur on which is the nature of my question.
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Jan 7, 2009
ok so if i have an obect called square1 and an object called square2 and inside square2 i have hitArea... i want to use shapeflag to detect an absolute true hitTest on just the area of square1 not the bounding box.... i tried this code and it didnt work...
actionscript 2.0
ActionScript Code:
if (_root.square1.hitTest(square2.hitArea._x, square2.hitArea._y, true)) {
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Mar 15, 2011
I have a function that checks if 2 objects are touching OB1 and OB2, if they do touch it runs the rest of the collision code where OB1 is the character and OB2 is a tile that the player cannot pass through.
I came across an issue where i wanted sprites to be separate from the hitboxes but my collision code works by checking the height and width of an object (you guys know the drill).
So i have a Tile class with 2 parts to it, a bitmap and a movieClip.
So i have this setup(pseudocode):
function collision (ob1 , ob2[loop].movieclip)
This should work right? But it ONLY works for the first object in the loop!
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Jun 20, 2007
Is there an easy way I can hitTest using mousex and mousey on the stage, disregarding any objects on the stage (so it does not register if the user fires an onMouseDown event if it's over a movieclip for example).I tried using a plain _root.hitTest and this.hitTest (in actionscript for the game frame), but it still registers all over the stage including over movieclips etc.
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Sep 13, 2009
I have about 100 movieclips that scroll across the stage from out of bounds. They are supposed to hit another movieclip both in bounds and out of bounds, but it seems like Flash only detects the hittest when it happens within the frame.
if(_root.sceneclip.reef1.hitTest(this._x+300, this._y+350, true) ){
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Aug 26, 2011
I'm getting really tired of AS3 now because I cant get it to do basic things like hit tests which were so easy in AS2. Basically, I generate a number of fish of varying scale, speeds and directions using this on the first frame of the timeline and the constructor function in the file:
ActionScript Code:
function DisplayFish() {
for (var i:int = 0; i < 20; i++) {
var newFish:fish = new fish();
[Code] .....
What I want to do is rather than setting a max / min x/y use a hit test with a side wall MC on the stage, and a hit test between this instance of fish and all other fishes so they bounce off each other. I've tried so many ways of hit testing from within the class with MCs on stage but just cant get it to work.
ActionScript Code:
directionX = 1;
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Apr 6, 2011
I am working on an application where an image serves as cursor. Now i would like to know at any time over which object the cursor is hovering. Sort of like a HitTestObject(*) where i can then see what object the * represents. how i could accomplish this? (and using the mouse is not an option)
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Aug 24, 2009
as the title says i am having two movie clips on main stage one called "land" and other called "char" inside "char" MC i have another MC called "ht1" i want to make hitTest between "ht1" and "land" but everything seems to fail, i've tried using _root, _parent?
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Oct 20, 2010
i have a hit test point on display object, and if i exit stage over that display object, and then run hit test point it will return true, although my mouse is not over stage area any more, like it remembers the last mousex, mousey coordinates where mouse was and reports do i deal with it?i know i can detect mouse_leave on stage and mouse_out on displayobject.
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Jul 10, 2010
I'm coding a really simple 2D platforming game in Flash using AS3. I'd like to define two different types of terrain surfaces that the player can walk on based on classic platforming elements. Type1: the player can walk on, and if the player jumps, they will hit their head on it and bounce back to the ground. Type2: the player can also walk on, but if the player jumps and hits their head, they will simply pass through the surface and not bounce back to the ground.
I am using hitTestPoint to resolve collisions for this. My question is: What would be the best method to test for what TYPE of ground I am colliding with? Each ground type has it's own Class associated with it in my Flash IDE and all the different terrain surface types are in the same movie clip on the stage.
Currently I'm testing to see if it hit one type of ground surface, then i'm testing if it hit the other, and then based on those results, I process what I want to happen. This seems to work okay right now, but I'm imagining that I may want to create more than 2 types of ground to collide with. For example, moving platforms. It seems like the code will start to get complex
if(_groundType1.hitTestPoint(_player.x, _player.y, true))
if(_groundType2.hitTestPoint(_player.x, _player.y, true))
View 1 Replies
Aug 23, 2011
I have converted a PNG into a bitmap, then converted that into bitmapData.
I have a object called _player, and I wish to add collision detection, however I can seem to get it to work.
my code is:
if(bmd1.hitTest(new Point(_player.x, _player.y))){
bmd1 is my bitmapData,_player is the object is wish to test against.
I am getting the following error:
1136: Incorrect number of arguments, Expected 3
I have looked around but cannott find what argument I am missing
I have tried
if(bmd1.hitTest(new Point(_player.x, _player.y), 50, _player)){
I should mention that the reason for me taking this approach is that I have a PNG, with transparent areas, I need to test for collisions in the non-transparent areas, which is why I was using this approach
I have a PNG, i import that and convert to bitmap, then convert to bitmapData
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May 26, 2010
My Question is how i deduct the position of the hitTest Objecti mean to say which angle he hit X Y and after hiting it must be goo that angle
here is my code
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
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Jul 19, 2010
Is there a way that only allow hittest of a mc to hit one objects, if it hit multiple object it ignore it?
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Jul 19, 2004
Is there any way to hitTest a MC that is on the main stage with another MC from the library? i want to have multiple instances of the same object but dont want to go around labeling every instance with the same name, and applying the hitTest function to every instance of this MC wouldb't be wise. I have a MC inside an other MC that i am trying to hitTest with a single moveable MC on the main stage. The code i am currently using is:
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Nov 15, 2009
Can an object that is tweening via TweeLite perform a hittest on another object?? I've looked in the documentation but can't find the answer.
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Apr 6, 2010
I was using hitTest to see when sunny (mc) would hit one of five objects I have in an array. But I had to use removeEventListener otherwise it would keep occurring. But now I can't "hit" the next object. Why doesn't the addeventListener work again?
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myClickReaction);
// speeds ALONG NYPOTENUSEvar v:Number=5;
var varObject:String;
var i:Number;
var arrayObjects:Array;
[Code] .....
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Jul 7, 2011
I am trying to make the instance 'red' be removed when all 3 objects have hit it here is my code:
var hit = 0;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hittest);
function hittest(e:Event){
[Code] .....
View 2 Replies
Dec 5, 2009
adding multiple childs to an array these childs are added using timer after a time interval.actually there two classes and child of both classes are added to stage one through timer as i described and other through keyboard event. now is it possible to do this if yes than how?? and is it possible to apply hittest object between these two array.
View 6 Replies
Dec 17, 2009
My first post in but I'm a long time visitor / fan. I'm moving a object with mouse but using some easing values. means it will follow the mouse slower.
Here is the file.[URL].. How can i check hitTest in this situation. even if i do it normally...the object is passing the collision object simply before stopping..because its being moved with mouse..
View 0 Replies
Jun 16, 2004
I'm having troubles activating the HitTest, passing the objects name as a parameter through a global function. Let's say there is the following function on the main timeline:
_global.fallIntoBasket = function (fallingObject) {
if (_root[fallingObject].hitTest(_x, _root.basket_mc._y+(_root.basket_mc._height/2)-7, true)) {
trace ("teste");
I then call this function passing the this._name of the object as a parameter in a onClipEvent (EnterFrame) on each of the falling Objects action box. The whole detection thing doesn't work though... but if I place the hitTest code on each of the object, and change the _root[fallingObject] to this it works. Can I not pass hitTest through a function?
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Dec 15, 2004
ive recently made a game in which you have to avoid some big evil round planets. i found out the in the making of that that using the function hittest uses square objects. i dident bother much then with it, i just brought out the ol'e algebra book and looked up the distance formual and made my own hittest. now my questyion is is there a more refined way of using hittest for a more irregular object than a circle.
I made somewhat irregualr objects have hittest boxxes so that it was split up into many smaller parts, this gets kinda tedious if its really irregualr or if i need to move it around on the screen btw if anyone wants ta c the game i made [URL] avoid everyting , and shop at the store on the planet , u can go over the big planet in lower left corner but not the ones in orbit a few bugs still like only way to restart is the reload button in browser
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Apr 26, 2005
i am working on a game called "virus". you click somewhere on the screen and the virus goes to where you click. you have to dodge random moving white blood cells, and if you hit them you lose. everything is working. except for one thing. scoring.
i have made a movieclip with a dynamic textbox in (score), and in the movie clip there is a section where the number in the score textbox goes up really quickly, a section where is goes up medium, and a section where it goes up slowly. i want to make it so that when you get closer to the center of the movie, for the score to go up quicly, and slower as you get further out. i have tried hittest with movie clips in the centre of the stage, but it doesnt seem to work.
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Oct 14, 2011
I've attached a zip with a few custom classes and a .FLA. Ignore the custom classes. I'm getting repeated
"Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Environment_fla::MainTimeline/hitTest()".
I understand that this error means I'm asking it to reference something that's no longer there. How better to hitTest many objects in an array. My game involves creating a bunch of balls that will fall into buckets. I need to keep track of how many touched the buckets, how many fell off the screen, and remove each accordingly.
Here is the code from my main FLA
ActionScript Code:
var ballTimer:Timer = new Timer(200);
var changeTimer:Timer = new Timer(50000);
ballTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, throwBall, false, 0, true);
changeTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, changeColor);
[Code] .....
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Oct 13, 2005
Right now I'm working on an advanced hitTesting engine, and What I'm trying to do here is create an engine that will detect collision with one object instead of two. That basically means that if any other objects touch this movie clip, the hitTest will return True. Right now the .fla containing the engine has nothing but a circle that can be moved using arrow keys and 8 squares that disappear when touched by the circle. Obviously, I could do something like:
if (circle.hitTest(square1)) {
do so and so
} else if (circle.hitTest(square2)) {
do this and that
} etc...
But that would be too long, since the engine has to be able to contain 100 squares without too much change in the code.
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Oct 24, 2006
Just like the picture below, I only want the codes execute if the object touches the side of the rectangle, but not the corner, how do I do that?
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Mar 24, 2012
For days now I have been trying to get this hit test to work and which ever way I try it, it always comes back to the same result. I get a hit on the last item I pushed into my array but none on the previous items I pushed in. Also if I put a .sort() on the array it only gives a hit on the last item of the array, no matter which one I push in.
The idea is that I want to drag and drop objects onto the stage, they may not overlap so I need a hit test on the objects so I can make them undroppable when the hit test is true.
This is the part I have for dragging the objects to the stage, and adding them to arrays for the hit test.
private function onClickDragBuilding1ToGameField(e:MouseEvent):void{
building1Placeholder.x = mouseX-25;
building1Placeholder.y = mouseY-25;
Now if I run this I can add the object to the stage just fine no errors or other issues but the hit test only works on the last object I added to the stage/array and not the previous object I added to the stage/array.
Sso I drag the first object to the stage. (no other object are available yet so nothing happens, this is as it should be) Then I drag a second object to the stage, this reacts to the first object and returns the hit test as true. (Also great and working as it should.) Then I drag a 3th object to the stage, this reacts to the 2nd object I dragged just fine and return a true value, but it does not react to the 1 object I dragged onto the stage. Then when I drag a 4th object to the stage it will react to the 3th object I added, but not the 1st ad 2nd object.
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Jun 30, 2009
I am new to flash and im trying to make a game. Im stuck on hitTest. I have many black boxes falling down and I want the game to reset when the black boxes touch my red circle. I used this code for my boxes:
myInterval = setInterval(addbox1,500);
function addbox1() {
[Code] .....
My red circle is controlled by the mouse. The code for that is:
[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag(this, true); }[/AS]
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Jul 9, 2011
i'm breaking my head over something, and will be very grateful to any creative ideas:
I created kind of drag and drop game: i have cards that should be placed on squares.
in case the card touches any square, the square changes it's color. the problem occurs when the card touches 2 squares at their middle: they both change their color.
in fact, I need that only one of the square will change it's color, and it should be the square that the card touches it with "the most of him". i thought of using the hitpoint but i know it won't work, because in case the card touches both square in the middle it won't work..
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Mar 20, 2012
regarding adding multiple childs to an array these childs are added using timer after a time interval.actually there two classes and child of both classes are added to stage one through timer as i described and other through keyboard event. now is it possible to do this if yes than how?? and is it possible to apply hittest object between these two array.
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