ActionScript 2.0 :: 10,000 Movieclips Hidden, Will Affect Speed?

Nov 20, 2006

I have 10,000 movieclips, but all are _visible = false , everyone of them is hidden. I want to know, the fact that they're hidden, in terms of the processor usage, is as if they don't even exist? Or are they causing some burden on the processor, and hence affecting the speed of the movie?

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I am generating movieClips dynamically using attachMovie and then using a setInterval to animate them. However, if I repeat the operation the second set of mcs move twice as fast, the third set three times as fast etc. I can't for the life of me work out why.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Speed Up The Preloader - Place The Movieclips And Sounds In The Timeline

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How can i speed up the preloader. And where should i place the movieclips and sounds in the timeline. Should i check the export in firstframe or not?

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Professional :: Change Speed Of Symbol Without Changing Speed Of Entire Movie?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Increasing Enemy Speed /cannot Seem To Change Speed

Mar 23, 2010

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Components: Combo Box / Set Of Keys As Will Not Affect

Jun 28, 2011

I have been making a game and have recently found out about the Combo Box component, I love it and it works really well, except for one thing.You play the game using the arrow keys, and when you press the arrow keys the character moves, AND it changes the value in the Combo Box, I do not want it to affect the combo box.Please do not say use the WASD keys or another set of keys as this will not affect it, because this is not an option, they are already being used!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Gradients In Bitmaps Affect CPU

Jan 20, 2012

I'm confused by a tip in Adobe's own documentation that says:Avoid using gradients, because they require many colors and calculations to be processed, which is more difficult for a computer processor to render.I understand how this would be true in a vector shape fill, but they aren't specifying vector. It seems to be implied they include bitmaps too, since the next couple tips are bitmap related.If they do in fact include bitmaps in this tip, can someone explain to me how this is possibly true? In a bitmap a pixel is a pixel. I don't see how it matter that the pixels form a gradiated color or not, the software still has to read and write each pixel regardless.

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Flash :: Affect The Entirety Of An Array?

Jun 26, 2011

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IDE :: Why A MouseEvent.CLICK Would Affect Only 1 Of 5 Items

Oct 28, 2009

Is there any reason why a MouseEvent.CLICK would affect only 1 of 5 items, whereas a MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER and MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT affect 5 of 5 items when each event listener is applied exactly the same way?For some reason, of the 5 images I've imported, only the last image is able to be clicked and have click actions applied, yet it is able to receive the ROLL_OVER and ROLL_OUT messages. So that leaves me thoroughly confused.

Here is the code I'm using, I'd greatly appreciate your help ---

import XMLManager;
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import MakeHand;


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Dec 28, 2009

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cam.setMode(320, 240, 10);cam.setQuality(0,99);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: If Statement Doesn't Affect For Loop?

Jan 15, 2011

I wrote a function within a function to control 2 Tweens.(the 2nd one isnt in the function, it's called)My problem is... is that it works for the first time.. the button is hovered over and all the other buttons show themselves and then disappear again, except the one you're over. Then I do it a 2nd time and it doesn't work. why is it only working right one time? and why isn't the if statement I put in the local function affecting the for loop? The 2nd time it takes the button you're hovering over with it and fades it out. (even though the if statement registers according to trace)this is the code

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var shortInst:Array = [btn1, btn2, btn3, exit];


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Jun 3, 2011

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Jan 22, 2010

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But does allowing a class to be dynamic slow down the entire class for regular property getting/setting?

For instance, let's say I have this class (pretend those properties have setters as well):

public dynamic class Hero
public function get endurance():int
{ return _endurance; }


Obviously, calling and setting the "magic" property will be a lot slower, but will all properties become slower to get/set just because the entire class is set to dynamic?

Is it better to not set the entire class to dynamic, and instead create a new dynamic object, "additionalStats" where properties can be get/set to instead?

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Jul 11, 2009

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How do I separate the three sets of images, so that scrolling through one set doesn't affect the other sets on the stage?  Each set has about 30 images each.

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Do Objects That Are On Stage But Off Screen Also Affect Memory Upon Playback?

Nov 27, 2009

In my flash scene, I want to put several items off screen (to make things easier) which are going to rush through the scene (they are very big in size) but I worry that they might slow down the movie as it's playing.

But if I have things off the scene (out of view upon playback), do they affect the speed of the movie (affecting the memory and slowing things down)? To give you a better idea here is the scene: There is a vehicle moving quickly and the camera is facing the right side of the vehicle, so we can see the moving landscape behind the vehicle. I can either create a very very long landscape and movie it all one time (if having the long landscape off the screen does not affect the movie's speed), or I can create certain points of the movie where I ad and take away from the landscape.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control The Visual Affect With Camera Class?

Aug 1, 2010

I've checked the document:But still don't find info on how to control the visual affect(like lightness, saturation and so on) of my pc camera.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Does GetTimer Function Affect Output Time

Feb 8, 2011

Does the getTimer function affect the output time? so it's seen different in each country? I've created adigital clock using the time received from a php. Customers see a different time than mine. (php file works perfectly and output the time in my timezone).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader Sound Settings Affect The Swf It Loads?

Jun 6, 2011

my preloader music now fades out as the progress bar completes (the preloader code is below with the new code in bold). However, the new code added to the preloader seems to be affecting the sound in the main swf (the bigger swf that the preloader loads - 'lesson.swf' - which is a series of exercises).

The exercises in the main swf have sound cues for right and wrong answers. The first time the main swf loads, there is no sound at all in the exercises. If I navigate to another page of the website and come back to the exercises, the sound is normal. But if I navigate to another page and come back a third time, the sound is audible, but reduced in volume. If I keep switching off the page and back to the page, the sound varies from no sound to full sound to about half the full volume.

Is it possible that the code on frame 2 of the preloader, the code that sets the volume for the preloader music, is also applying to the main swf, so that whatever point the preloader progress bar gets to before the main swf loads becomes the volume of the main swf? The first time the preloader runs, the progress bar goes all the way from left to right and the sound volume fades to zero. Then the volume in the main swf is zero. The next time the preloader runs, it only gets a little way across before the exercises come up, and the sound in the exercises is full volume. Is there a way to fix this? I should add that if I comment out the new code that fades out the preloader music, all the sound works normally.


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Flex :: Changing Width / Height Can't Affect Contents

Jul 13, 2010

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