ActionScript 2.0 :: Absolute Position Of Nested MC?

Sep 26, 2010

I need (convert) absolute position of nested mc ( on the stage. I noticed that the function localToGlobal could do this, but I could not figure out how. Maybe I could do workaround with counting positions of parent clips, but that sounds lame. how to trace this on the Stage? (trace(;

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newComponent.x = customComponent.myTextField.x
newComponent.y = customComponent.myTextField.y
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding Absolute Position Of An Object

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I'm often finding a need to get a stage-relative position of objects in my game, which are often buried several layers deep as children of children of children, etc, often with differently scaled/moved/rotated parents. The position i want isn't quite relative to the stage, but a main holder object i have on it called lvlHolder (see code below). I wrote a function to deal with it that recurses up the display list, accounting for each object as it goes, to get a global position. It's worked so far, but one thing it doesn't account for is rotation. I'm finding a need for that now, and i'm not sure how to account for rotation of objects, to rotate offsets from them,

My function is below. how i should enhance it to accomodate for the rotation of each parent object? Also any tips on optimisation would be good, as i'm using this a LOT (roughly twice per frame, per object, for physics calculations) I'm also wondering, in similar situations i've seen something related to transform matrices used


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Position Of Nested And Rotating Mc

Sep 27, 2010

I have a movieclip ( containing multiple movieclips (, And the parent clip is rotating (rotation). I need to know position of the nested mc when its moving trace returns the static value. But the value is static value based on the starting point of the moving clip, is there a way to get absolute position while the clip is rotating?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnResize - Get Position Of Nested Mc?

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I'm trying to make a menu that resizes its size when browser is scaled. I've been able to do that, but I can't get the position of the text inside the menu bar to change position when resize.this is the code:

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
bar1._x = 114;
bar1._width = Stage.width-228;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nested MovieClips Position Regarding Stage

Jan 23, 2009

I have a master MC that's added to the stage via addChild(p2_mc). Inside that p2_mc, I have others MC'S (added to the stage manually, not via addChild). One of them is instanced fond_mc. I want to position that fond_mc in the middle of the stage using that line of code WHEN the stage is resized. Obviously, the following line is into the resize function:
fond_mc.x = stage.stageWidth/2;

I works but returning faulty results because it uses left corner of the mc instead of registration point, which is top and center. I tried all math formula I could think of to no results. Keeps positioning the fond_mc wrongly. I know this is related to registration OR stage measurement. Is there a way to reset stage.stageWidth values INSIDE the resize function?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nested Movieclip Global Position (with Scale)

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Feb 23, 2009

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I have a problem that's driving me nuts.  A real catch 22 it seems.  I have a tutorial for creating a real cool mp3 player.  The player shares url data ( allows others to embed the player among other things) so the addressing must be absolute.  It works fine on my pc when I run from my local wamp server. Al my addresses are preceded with http://localhost.  If I leave http://localhost in the url's it won't run on the server that I upload to and if I use the url from the server it won't compile.  The addresses are in an xml file whiched is referenced in a class called PlayerDocumant  the reference also uses an absolute address to reference the xml file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Absolute 3D Rotation In CS4?

Aug 26, 2009

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I looked around, and the latest reference I saw was from 2008 stating that the standard FileReference browser does not support retrieving the user's file's absolute local path unless it's an AIR app, and indeed there's nothing in the docs suggesting otherwise. The reasoning behind this is apparently some misguided security concern... I get it's not a great idea to let any Flash app know your directory structure, but if the user actually grants your app a file, I think it doesn't invalidate the security model to know just that file's absolute path.

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Flash - How To Find Absolute X / Y And Z Coordinates In AS3

Feb 11, 2011

I have been working on Flash AS3 project. I am designing a 3D system. Consider a MovieClip A which is at (0,0,0). A contains B which is at (10,10,10). If I rotate A by 10 degrees then the position of B with respect to A remains the same but position of B with respect to the system changes. To find Global X and Y of B, we have the function localToGlobal but it does not tell anything about the Z property. How to find that?

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Mar 31, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Absolute MC Coordinate Values?

Jan 6, 2009

our collaborators misposition the registration points of MCs.Here's the deal: we need to recover the REAL MC's coordinates (not the ones based on registration point). Is it possible? How? I've tried some code already (like getBounds and getRect functions) but all of 'em consider the registration point.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling And Absolute Width

Jun 18, 2010

i was wondering if there is a method to get the width of an object that is a child of a child of a child ....n times, and is scaled.

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e.g. like there is a function "local to global" for objects coordinates

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but does the scaleX and scaleY refer to absolute scaling or scaling relative to objects parent?

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Oct 2, 2010

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How do i get a child's coordinates relative to the stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Absolute Path To Filesystem In XML?

Mar 10, 2009

I think I know the answer to this one already, but am looking for any workaround or solution (php??)

I have a AS3 .swf that will be hosted on a client machine running from a web server and viewed in a browser.

It loads a list of images, etc from xml and then displays them. Fine. The problem is, the client wants to be able to put absolute file/network paths in the xml eg: file://filepath or \Serverpathetc....

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Actionscript :: IDE - Pull In Absolute Path

Dec 22, 2009

I have a flash file that is pulling in images from a folder and a .txt for text content. The code for the .txt file:


It cannot find it? What am I missing I can't figure out how to get this to work, and I want absolute paths. I'm sure it's really simple, I just can't figure this out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Absolute Targeting In A Loaded Swf?

Sep 15, 2004

i'm in the process of building a movie that is to be loaded and played into another main swf. the targeting (which is multi-level) works fine when the movie is played by itself but when it's loaded and played in the main swf some of the targeting doesn't work. i've tried using _parent. and stuff like that but it's not working. any ideas? can someone point me in the right direction? the frustrating thing is that some of the targeting does work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1010 Error From Absolute Links

Nov 17, 2009

I Have a quick question concerning absolute links in flash. I have a Flash gallery that is populated by php and xml. I was using relative URL's in all of my URLLoaders and everything worked fine. But when I moved my source files on to a different server and switched to absolute URLs, I got a 1010 Error. Could this be a flash player security issue?

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Changing The Link Path To Absolute Between The Index.swf And 1.swf, 2.swf?

Mar 24, 2010

im trying to embed an swf file in facebook. To cut the story short, the swf im trying to embed is loaded fine but stops at preloader stage (0% of 1) and is not progessing as if it has missing link and couldnt locate something (the files struscture is one main swf file; index.swf loads other 5 swf),But, when i tried to load it up directly from browser, it works fine. I have been advised that changing the link path to absolute between the index.swf and 1.swf, 2.swf etc would solve the problem.

My questions will be:

-how do i change this path, because i couldnt seem to find any link that reflects the connection between those files?

-Is there any feature in flash that would be able to show this link rather than diggin up every symbol?

-If changing the path wouldnt solve the problem, what could be the reason this error is happening?.

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Relative/Absolute Link In Posting F4V File To The Web?

Jun 12, 2009

I am working in Flash CS4.  I have successfully run a .wmv file through the Media Encoder, converted it to a f4v file, imported it into Flash, and published it with a skin to a folder on my hard drive.I am learning this on my own (no one else in my state agency knows Flash - we are just getting started with posting videos on the Internet, and this is the test case).I get the following four files in one folder on my hard drive (I have put in parentheses what I think the files do, please correct if I am wrong):
oil.f4v (the movie file)

Test.html (the html page in which the swf file is embedded to play back the movie)

Test.swf (the swf file that is embedded in the html page)

SkinUnderPlayStopSeekMuteVol.swf (the skin file that is linked to from the Test.swf file??)
My question is:  As long as these four files stay in the original folder, the html page plays the movie perfectly.  As soon as I rename the folder, nothing works.  It appears to be a question of re-establishing a relative/absolute link among the files? I want to post these to my live site in order to test, but of course that won't work yet either.

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Automatic Absolute To Relative Paths Conversion?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a bunch of Flash (.fla) files where I need to convert all absolute (root) target paths in timeline scripts to relevant relative ones. Doing it manually in Flash CS4 is very tedious work and using "replace" action is tedious too as there are multiple nested timelines. Is there any way to automate this task?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External SWF Using Absolute Path?

Feb 27, 2011

I am having trouble loading an external swf on a server using the absolute path. This external swf uses webcam streams and is loaded in the original swf file using the URL request code. I can load other swfs but just not that one. I have set the permission of the external swf to allow write/read/execute

//Loads the augmented SWF into the main timeline.
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
var loader:Loader = new Loader()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Absolute Path To File Via FileReference?

Sep 8, 2011

I am wanting to allow a user to select an image from their computer to use as a BG. FileReference does this job well, however it does not provide the absolute path to the selected file.
I want the selected BG to stay in their "save" (local SharedObject cookie) so that it can be loaded the next time they come back. But since FileReference only provides me with the filename, I'm not sure how to go about storing this information for later. I could, I suppose, store the image data into the cookie directly, but that would be terribly inefficient since many BG images are rather large for a cookie.
how I can go about finding the image file path that the user selected, or efficiently saving the image they chose?

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