ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing Variable From A Movie Clip

Aug 30, 2009

I've got a simple ActionScript 1 FLA. The SWF will take incoming variables from SWFObject. e.g. txtVar01, txtVar02, txtVar03 On the first keyframe on the main stage, I have a dynamic textfield, whose 'Variable' name is 'txtVar01'. When I view the SWF in a web page, via SWFObject, the value in the textfield matches that taken from the SWFObject variable. BUT - I have a MoveClip in the FLA, which has 2 other dynamic textfields, called txtVar02 and txtVar03.

When I view the SWF in the web page, these are empty, even though variables are being passed via SWFObject. I guess because the dynamic textfields are within an MC and not on the main stage, they can't access the variable names. I tried adding this to the first frame on the stage:


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Flash :: Accessing Movie Clips Variable?

Apr 17, 2011

how can i access a movie clips variable from its parent...??? i've done alot of way but still failed,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A Movie Clip In A Loaded Swf

Oct 22, 2009

I am loading a swf file(As2.0) into my As3.0 application. The loading rocess works fine. I want to know how i can acces a button in the loaded swf through my as3.0 program. For example: i have a movie clip in my loaded swf called submit. In my as3 program i want to be able to wrie functionality foe the submit button.
this is my AS3.0 code
//------------Load swf into the application-------------//var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("test.swf");mLoader.load(mRequest);gameLoader.addChild(mLoader);
In test .swf i have a movie clip called pressBtn. I want to be able to access this movieclip in my AS3.0 code. gameLoader is a movieclip on the stge of my as3.0 fla.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing Properties Of Movie Clip?

Apr 26, 2010

I have the following prob :

I created several instance of the same MC like this


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Movie Clip In Stage From Class

Nov 14, 2010

I have a movieclip in stage with instance name 'ts'.

I have a class

How should i refer to MovieClip 'ts' in stage from my Test class. Say for example I want 'ts' to gotoandstop at frame2.I tried root.ts but received a error.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A Movie Clip In A Parent Scene?

Oct 31, 2009

*Scene 1:
- MovieClip1


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing 'Label' In A Parent Movie Clip

Nov 4, 2009

What is the code to make you jump to a "Label" in a parent movie clip, when clicking on a button.Lets say the buttons name is push_btn and I am in mc2 and the label is located in mc1.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Movie Clip In Stage From Class?

Nov 14, 2010

Iam new to actionscript 3.0. I have a movieclip in stage with instance name 'ts'.

I have a class How should i refer to MovieClip 'ts' in stage from my Test class. Say for example I want 'ts' to gotoandstop at frame2.I tried root.ts but received a error.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing A Movie Clip On Stage From Class

Feb 19, 2009

I have a Flash file with Movice Clips that are placed on the stage at author time. Let's say one of the clips is called "stageClipMC".[code]Tracing "stageClipMC" return "undefined". From this class, how would I access the clip on the stage? I have tried different variations on "MovieClip(root)" and "MovieClip(stage)" to no avail.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Class Instances From Another Movie Clip?

Jun 2, 2009

I have a movie clip on the root which contains my menu. And another movie clip which plays my video. Basically when i click a menu item it calls a function which i want to able to send a command to my video player to play another video.

This is code inside my video player movie clip (i've missed out the including of the class and various config stuff - below is just so you see the name of the class instance)

var MDVideo:MD_VideoPlayer;
var videoPath:String = "assets/ski_video.flv";
MDVideo = new MD_VideoPlayer(videoPath, local_config_obj);


How do i access the MDVideo instance from my menu movie clip?

i know its probably been answered here before but I havent been able to find exactly what i need to make it work. Plus this is my first time doing AS3 so

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Child Swfs Loaded In A Movie Clip?

Apr 29, 2010

I am building an interface that loads swfs externally into an array(pre-loader) my code places these swfs into a container movie clip on stage when called.I am trying to access the swf that is now a child of the movie clip so i can rewind, pause, and play the swf.Currently they are loading in just fine, but my code isn't able to touch the swf. The swfs also play all the way through when they are loaded so when i change to the next one of the sequence my swf is already at its end frame.

Here is the code:

Actionscript Code:
stop();//Variable creation-----------------------------------------------------------------var _swfLoader:Loader;var _swfRequest:URLRequest;//creates an array with all the swfs locations inside--------------------------------var _swfPathArr:Array = new


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Movie Clip Inside A Button With ColorTransform

Nov 2, 2010

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Can anyone tell me how to use the colorTransform function on Movie Clips inside of buttons. Is there another way to indicate this path? I am using CS4 and actionscript 3.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Child Swfs Loaded In A Movie Clip

Apr 29, 2010

I am currently building an interface that loads externally loaded swfs into a movie clip on stage. I have no problem loading them in and switching between them. I am, however, having an issue accessing the swf, so that i can rewind, pause, and play the loaded swf.

Here is the code:

ActionScript Code:
//Variable creation-----------------------------------------------------------------
var _swfLoader:Loader;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing The Stage Dimensions Of An External Movie Clip

Oct 7, 2008

Im trying to downgrade an AS3 project i have and i've run into a bit of an issue. Specifically... when loading an external movieclip using MovieClipLoader i want to access the stage height and width of the movie. I have tried using:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Syntax For Accessing An Object In Another Movie Clip?

Jul 5, 2011

I have an object named "Defer" that I need to access. That object only exists in frame 2 of a movie clip named: B2_mc. The other 4 frames of the movie clip B2_mc do not contain the "Defer" object. When I try to access "Defer" with the following code:

Defer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, B2Redd);
function B2Redd(event:MouseEvent):void{

The .swf doesn't run and the error message says I'm attempting to access an undefined property. I've never tried to access an object that wasn't on the stage, so I know my syntax is wrong for trying to access "Defer" since it's not on the stage. What's the correct syntax for drilling down to an object that may be buried deep somewhere?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash MX] Accessing A Component From Inside A Movie Clip?

Mar 21, 2005

Okay I have this problem and I can't for the life of me figure out what's wrong. Here is an outline of what is happening:1. I have a movie clip that contains two components, a combo box and a check box.2. The combo box has the instance name "comboBox", and the check box has the instance name "checkBox".3. The movie clip is exported for actionscript with the identifier "test".4. I run the following code:

attached = _root.attachMovie("test","componentContainer", 1);
attached.comboBox.addItem("A", 1);[/AS]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delete A Variable Containing A Movie Clip Class And Recreate It With A Different Movie Clip Class?

Jul 1, 2009

In my project are pages of text with each word having a button that when pressed will display a movieclip presentation about that word (its pronounciation and spelling etc..). In the project I am working on now I have over 450 unique presentations of words to deal with. I don't want to have all of these hundreds of movie clips on the stage and tell them one at a time to stop and rewind and then have one play each time a word button is pressed. That seems to be very inefficient to me.

add movieclips to the stage using addChild(movieclipname) and remove them using removeChild(movieclipname) but there is a problem. I have hundreds of unique movieclips and I don't want to have to manage hundreds of variables containing the indivudual movieclip instancess. It is a real pain having to figure out what instance is still on the stage before i delete it.In Adobe Director all I have to do is this:

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Accessing Components Nested Inside A Movie Clip Instantiated At Runtime

Jul 31, 2009

I am having this problem with actionscript 2:

I have a class that instantiates a movieclip from the library, eg: myBar:MovieClip = level0.AttachMovie("debugbar", "debugbar_mc", 999);
myBar is an instance variable in the class.

Now the important part - debugbar in the library is a movieclip that contains some components - buttons and textInputs. The problem comes when trying to access these components.

I would have thought that this would work: myBar.input_txt.text = "hello";

in order to set the text of "input_txt", the instance name of a TextInput component on the timeline of the movie clip (frame 1 of a 1 frame mc).

This does not work. Infact, I cannot access any specific "component" properties - they come back undefined. I cannot added event handlers for the component events either.

I can however set and retrieve MovieClip properties for the "input_txt", such as _x. However there is one added strange thing with this too - setting _visible to false doesn't seem to work (however perhaps a component by default overrides this).

I tried casting it to a component, such as:
var temp:TextInput = TextInput(myBar.input_txt);
which gave "temp" as null. Without casting, it gives the path to correctly.

It almost seems like the components are somehow broken when trying to access them this way - or that they cannot be accessed this way?

The thing is, I was able to access all of this before, when the code to do it was placed on the timeline (frame 1, the only frame) of the debugbar itself, where the components were placed at authortime.

I need to have it in a class though, as I need to pass in certain objects that need to be accessed by the mc. I am rather baffled as to why all this doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Variable Within Movie Clip?

Oct 30, 2010

On frame 1 of the main timeline I have a movieclip. The 1st frame of the movieclip stops, and requests a password. When the password is correct, the movie clip plays and stops again on frame 2 - where the user enters their name. I've named this variable 'name_txt', and the submit button will only continue if the variable is defined.

The problem comes when I try to get a dynamic text box in the main timeline to show the user's name - it just stays blank even through i've experimented setting the var / instance names to 'name_txt'. I think I have to set the variable to global or something, but cant seem to get it to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use A Variable To Name A Movie Clip?

Mar 19, 2004

I am trying to duplicate a move clip and then set some of it's properties with actionscript. What's the notation to do this?

Here is my guess:

duplicateMovieClip(_root.event, ("event"+i), i);
[event+i]._y = ([event-i]._y)+([event+i].height);
[_root.event+i].eDate = ("4/2"+i);


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Referencing A Movie Clip By Using A Variable?

Jun 2, 2009

I have been using this line of code to fade in a movie clip:

new Tween(background_mc, "_alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 100, .5, true);

Now, I want to accomplish the same thing, only this time by using an element from an array (bg_array[currentSlideNumber]) that stores the instance name "background_mc"
I've tried the following, but it doesn't work:

new Tween(bg_array[currentSlideNumber], "_alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 100, .5, true);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using A Variable To Target A Movie Clip?

Jul 29, 2010

I found this tutorial which seems to do exactly what I'm trying to do (the only one I've found to date), except his technique doesn't seem to work for me at all. It doesn't really seem to say anywhere which version of Actionscript he uses, but at least it seems to show that what I'm trying to do is possible for someone, which is a start.I'm trying to do exactly what he describes--I have several squares on a grid that are numbered, eg.grid_0101, grid_0102, grid_0103, and so on, for about 100 squares altogether, and I want to be able to target a given square dynamically.This is the basis of the code I started with:

var digsquare_x:String = "01";
var digsquare_y:String = "03";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying A Variable In A Movie Clip?

Jan 21, 2010

I've been animating with flash for a while but I've recently wanted to get into game programing. I've learned a lot in the past month and I'm trying to create a fairly simple point and click adventure game with some basic stats and scoring. I'm facing a somewhat simple problem and I'm not sure how to get it to work in AS 3.0.

At the beginning of the flash I've established my variables to keep score while exploring the game.

var Health:Number = 1000;
var Day:Number = 1;
var EXP:Number = 0;
var Money:Number = 1000;

What I'm trying to do though is set up a movie clip with menu options that, when clicked, brings up a screen that displays those stats as well as a couple extra menu options. What I can't figure out to do is how do I display those variable inside the movie clip.

When I create a dynamic text field and place "info_day.text = String(Day);" i get an error unless I create a variable within that movie clip. And when I do that the variables in the movie clip are not affected by the chances of the variables in the main flash.

how do I have the variable in the movie clip to accurately display the variables established in the main part of the flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Not Getting Initial Value For Variable?

Sep 21, 2010

i am doing a photo album type site where all photos (which are movie clips) appear small and when clicked they enlarge. when the enlarged photos are clicked the movie clip continues and they go small again.

as you'll see from the code below i am doing this by basically saying if the photo is small, play the movie clip from frame 2 which enlarges it until a stop value at 30, and then change the variable value. if the photo is large and then it is clicked play the movie clip from 31 to a stop action at the end and then change the variable value.

everything is working fine except i am not receiving the initial value of the variable "picbtn_position" which is set on the main timeline to value "mainscreen". can anyone help me as to what is going wrong here? maybe i have to do something else to get a variable value from the main timeline to the mc.

here is the code on my movie clip:

on (release) {
if (picbtn_position == "mainscreen") {


and here is the code on my main timeline for the initial variable value:

var picbtn_position:String = "mainscreen";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using A Variable In Movie Clip Call?

Aug 4, 2011

I want to use a variable in my movie clip code. Right now I generate a random U.S. state name and assign it to "correctAnswer". Then I want to assign that to myMovieClip.correctAnswer.gotoAndStop("down"); The problem is that the variable is not recognized and is seen as correctAnswer instead of the U.S. state that was assigned to it. My code is below.

ActionScript Code:
// Correct answer is randomly generated and can be any U.S. state name
correctAnswer = "utah";
// Using the variable correctAnswer this should come out as myMovieClip.utah.gotoAndStop("down");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash5]Using Variable As Movie Clip Name?

Dec 3, 2002

I want to cycle through several movie clips for a training application. I plan to use an array to hold the clip names, and a variable (CurrentClip) to set visibility and allow me to use a single pause/ play button throughout. For the visibility, I've found that...
CurrentClip._visible = false; does NOT work. But... setProperty (CurrentClip, _visible, false); does work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using A Variable Name To Address A Movie Clip?

Dec 17, 2005

how to refer to a movieclip's name through a variable.If I set root variable "currentMovie = bigRed_mc;", how can I use that variable name to instruct the movie to address the movie clip name stored in said variable?

for instance "_root.currentMovie.gotoAndPlay("destroy");" wouldn't work because it would simply look for that movie clip name and come up empty.I thought "_root[currentMovie]gotoAndPlay("destroy"); would work, with or without parenthesis, but it comes up with syntax errors either way. Can you use a variable to store and refer to a movie clip name and it's properties?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Variable To Reference Movie Clip?

Jul 24, 2008

In AS2 I used to be able to reference a movie clip using a variable like this: Code: var target = nameofmovieclip; I've been looking for an answer on how to do the same thing AS3 but with no luck. I'm trying to create a dynamic homing missle, but unfortunately everything I've tried just generates errors.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX04] Using A Variable In A Movie Clip?

Nov 7, 2008

I couldn't find anything with Google on how to do this, so I'm posting it.I have a code on the first frame of a movie clip that goes to and stops at a different frame in the movie clip depending on a variable that was set outside of the movie clip. It doesn't work, and the movie clip just plays through like normal

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change A Stage Variable From Within A Movie Clip?

Jun 21, 2011

I have a movie clip that is executing some code. When this code is complete, I want it to change a variable that is defined on the stage (root?). I know how to get the condition part of it, but quite literally: what do I put to change a variable located on the stage from within a movie clip?

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