ActionScript 2.0 :: Activating A Movieclip Onmouseover?

Dec 1, 2004

What I want to do is:I would like to have a button (I know how to do this), and when the user mousesover the button, I want a movieclip to be activated.So:When user mouses over my home button, my home_ani clip will be accessed. I would want to goto the frame 2 and play of that movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Menu - Changing Color Of Text OnMouseOver

May 16, 2004

My menu(code is by scotty)has 3 movieclip buttons, with text. I broke apart the text to change the color onMouseOver. Problem is the button only works when the mouse is pointed over the actual text, so it doesn't work properly, because the text is obviously very small. I can't put a "field" behind it, because it will become part of the MC, and thus will change color.
Here's the example: [URL]
File is here: [URL]

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on (release) {

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May 3, 2004

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on (press) {
toolbox.onpress = function() {


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Sep 27, 2006

I understand that when applying html text to a textfield you can have an anchor tag call a specific function. however, is if you can call a function on rollover of the anchor tag?


Instead of this...

<a href='asfunction:_root.test'>Click here to call the test function</a>

I'd like this...

<a href='' onMouseOver='asfunction:_root.test'>Rollover here to call the test function</a>

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Keyframe OnMOuseover [FMX]

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Before I ask let me explain the swf. Basically I have a logo (mc) on the first keyframe. Then I have like four more keyframes each containing a different movieclip with that some logo with different animations. Now what I want to accomplish is. onMouseover I want to randomly jump to any of the keyframes containing the animations. To give the effect of a random animations on the mouseOver event.

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Flash :: TLF Text Is Preventing OnMouseOver Event?

Jul 8, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Background Image OnMouseOver

Aug 21, 2006

I have movie that has two different images... When the movie is loaded and reach the end, I have large button that onMouseOver effect has new image (smiling girl). The problem is that I want her to smile all the time while the mouse is over animation. That should includes the case when someone trys to type something and finally press small button to submit data. But when mouse cursor is not rolling over she should stop smiling...

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Sep 26, 2010

i have this code that should get a face (eyes, shape, etc) in motion on Mouse Over. The thing is i dont know how to loop this onMouseOver code so it works like an onEnterFrame handler (while onMouseOver).Another way to put it: as long as the mouse stays over the Mclip i want the code to loop. How can i do this?Here is my code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Elastic Image ... Action - Onmouseover - Bounce When The Clip Loads

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CS3 : Keep Button From Activating Until After Mc Plays?

Jul 17, 2009

I have a simple movie clip of fading in text displaying on page with a sound. also have a button that allows user to go to the next frame. It is an exercise for students that basically goes like this: object presented in each frame, spelling (text) for that object fades in on mc with sound attached to mc, then button activates to let them move on to next. Since they are trigger happy, I don't want the button that allows to move on to activate on the frame until AFTER the movieclip and it's sound have played out (which is like 2 seconds so not a long wait) - otherwise, they would just keep clicking next and not listen to the material presented (it's very young children).

How do I set this up? I knew it's likely very simple, but I'm a newbie. Of course, I could always just do it on the timeline, but I have a ton of material, so am trying to use actionscript to be more efficient. for even younger kids, am considering setting this up so they can move to next frame through any keypress. I know how to set up a certain key, but not ANY key.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activating A Swf Without Click?

May 20, 2010

I' am building a web site where i have a navigation which also works by pressing the (4) keyboard buttons, up, right, down, left. When the web site loads the keyboard navigation works only after i click somewhere on the screen.

The same things happens in Safari, Firefox and I.E.Any thoughts about how can i make this work without the need to click somewhere on screen before it works?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activating An Animation?

Mar 13, 2004

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Feb 3, 2010

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Professional :: Re -activating Script After Stop

Jan 10, 2010

How do I stop a script from running, or remove it from a swf at a specific frame, (on its own layer "actions") and then start it again, or script it again on another frame further down the timeline?If I try and put the same script on another layer, past the stop(); or anywhere for that matter, flash gives me a duplicate function definition error.Lets say my swf is embedded in an html and its url is When you navigate to that url the swf plays, all scripts work, buttons work to link to frame anchors back and forth within the swf and all is fine. As long as you remain at and link with a gotoAndPlay(frame), or gotoAndStop(frame) function from the script internally in the swf.However lets say one of those buttons goes to (urlRequest... essentially navigating away from the swf, .and at there is a link to go back to, when you choose to navigate back to that frame in the swf, it does, but the script no longer works.

The script is on all anchor frames, and works intially in the swf when you play the movie for the first time, the movie stops (stop();) at a specific frame, and continues to navigate around to specific frame anchors and back and forth, the script continues to work as long as you are within the movie so to speak. However if you decide to go to, essentially leaving the movie and then at there is a link back to a specific frame, when I link back to the swf, from, the script no longer functions?I cannot imagine this is not something that quite a few people use, a combination of flash pages and html pages and interlinking them back and forth, I just cannot find ANY info searching exhaustively on why the script will not work after returning to a swf frame after navigating away to anywhere else and then back to the swf frame needed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Frame Labels And Activating Them?

Oct 23, 2009

I have a game I am working on currently, and say I have an animation that plays (this is in a seperate mc) when you click. So it's basically a function. Anyway, one the animation plays through inside the mc, the last frame I put:

ActionScript Code:

After this, I added five or so frames on a seperate layer with another animation on it, put the same code on the last frame, and gave the first keyframe of this second animation the label name "reload".If I then go back to the main stage, how would I code it so that if, for example, I press the down key, it would play that particular frame label?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Activating A Page Without Opening It?

Dec 29, 2009

I was given a .FLA containing a banner and was asked to create an input text field and a button that, when clicked, opens a new window with the address, say "" where "..." is what the user types in the input text field. The page the user is sent to then performs some action. Now they're asking me to make the page automatically perform that action, as in, they want the .FLA to send the value typed in by the user to that page at [URL] without the user actually going to that page at all. Is this flash-related or even possible?

In short what I'm asking is: Is it at all possible, in principle, to hand a value over to a .php page using flash and then make that page perform an action without being opened? If so could you point me in the direction of how to do it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activating A Href Link From Swf?

Jul 4, 2010

I've created a button in html using a href. (HTML Button)

I also I have a button within a swf which I want to activate my a href button when clicked on. (Flash Button)

I know that i will prob have to use the geturl function but do not know how to implement it.

Here is the a href code in my html

HTML Code:
<a href="SITC.flv" rel="shadowbox[movie];height=330;width=587" title="SITC FLV"><img src="button.jpg"></a>

and here is a link for an example


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Activating Webcam With Flash?

Sep 18, 2010

I am trying to activate a my webcam and run a live stream from it. Im running into problems though. I can get the webcam to turn on(the green light comes on). However, nothing is displayed. I have copied the code i am using to try and achieve this, hopefully its just a simple mistake.I am using Flash Builder 4 to put all this together.

package camera
import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activating The Application At Later Date?

May 25, 2005

i am builing an application which will use a feature called "deffered sms".It means that user will enter the sms and the phone no. and a date and time and will submit this info to the application.when the time and date will come this application will send the sms that was written on that day for deffered sms.when the user had entered the sms and time , he will certainly close the application and the application will no longer be active. my application will store the time and date in a variable .How would my application will come to know that the specified time has come and then it should send the sms.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activating Lightbox 2.0 From Flash

Mar 14, 2007

Im using the Lightbox 2.0 [URL] And a flash movie in the same page. Now ive got this thumbnail slider in the flashmovie with thumbnails loaded from an xml file. As soon as i hit a thumbnail i want the Lightbox to show the full image of the thumbnail.

I've got everything set up and if i test if the Lightbox works with an html link it works perfectly:

HTML Code:
<a href = "path/to/image.jpg" rel="lightbox" title="my Title">Lightbox test</a>

Now my question is how do I call the same action in AS?

I understood the rel attribute refers to both the Lightbox JavaScript and the StyleSheet. But i really dont know how to set the rel attribute in flash.

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