ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Load New XML Into Movie?
Oct 16, 2005
I wondered if there was a way to have a few buttons load different xml docs into a single frame. Basically, I've got an image gallery, and I'd like to click a button and have a new xml doc load in and replace the existing. I know I could do this by just putting each gallery section on a frame, placing a load command on each frame for each xml doc, but I wondered how to do this on just one frame?
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I have a button that loads an outside .swf into a blank container. That works fine, however, I want to use the same button to unload that movie. Basically I want it to work as a toggle button.
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Nov 1, 2009
Im trying to load a movie clip when a button is clicked
heres the actionscript im using
on (release) { this._parent.loadMovie("Video.swf", "holder", 1); holder._x = 611; holder._y = -92;}
i want the swf to load into the holder MC, instead its loading the video.swf file and replacing the original swf
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Aug 5, 2009
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Jun 22, 2004
I'm using a test file so I can see how a full website is going to work. I've got 5 layers:Background, title, menu, main contents, Actions.I have an empty movieclip that I call "contents-main". And it is placed in the proper location.On Frame 1 of the Actions panel, I have loadMovie("760-250-main.swf", "contents-main"); This works fine and loads the movie into the empty clip.On the menu layer, I have a button. What I want to do is click on that button and havea different movie load into the movieclip called "contents-main". I have tried everything on the tutorials that I can find and nothing will work.I also tried putting different variations and also putting the unloadMovie before loadMovie statement.
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Sep 23, 2004
every 8 seconds it shows a different item When I click a button and load another movie, and return.the delay between the newsitems is not 8 sec anymore.
When I do the same, it's even faster.
newTickerId = setInterval(myHome.newsTicker,3000);
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Mar 30, 2011
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invisible_mvp1800c.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOU SE_DOWN, loadImage); {
function loadImage(url:String):void {
if(imageLoader != null && contains(imageLoader)){
[Code] .....
Clearly, I'm still learning things in AS 3.
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Jun 7, 2010
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Jan 6, 2009
I have a main SWF with an empty MC holder and all of the main navigation button on actions. When the buttons are clicked it then loads an external SWF into the empty MC. I am having trouble telling the button to load the movie once and then stop loading if someone clicks on the link again. I want to prevent someone from double clicking to cause the animation to blink. *rapidly click on "home" to see what I mean.
All of my button actions look like:
home_btn.onRelease = function(){
loadMovie("images/6661_home.swf", _root.dropzone);
I have read numerous threads but for some reason can't find a fix for this.
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Apr 26, 2009
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import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var revealTween:Tween;
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May 12, 2009
I am wanting to load an SWF file into another movie on the click of a button. I can do this but I want the new SWF to fade in and then fade out when another SWF is loaded.
I'm not to sure where to start maybe using tween transitions??
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Mar 19, 2010
Im trying to load a movie using a button. I just want the button, when hit, to load an external .swf file inside the movie clip playing.
In AS1, (I never did learn AS2) this is what the button command said
on (release) {
loadMovieNum(�About.swf�, 0);
So how would this translate into AS3?
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Jan 8, 2005
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Jun 22, 2007
how i can make the button when i press it do not load movie number twice(x2)?. and when you press again the button load the movie ,i just want to load just one time, the movie and when u click on it don't play again.
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Oct 16, 2009
I've been searching for a way to do this without using html. For some reason i can't have my enter site button load the main movie from the splash page and go full screen at the same time. here is my full screen code: (where do I put my loadMovie script to make both events happen at the same time)
_root.enter_btn.onPress = function(){
if(Stage["displayState"] == "normal"){
Stage["displayState"] = "fullScreen";
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Jul 18, 2006
All works fine untill I do something to the loaded swf.For example if I click a button on the loaded swf the button works but then when I click the button on the main movie to load the next and play the transition the transistion doesnt work.If I dont do anything to the loaded swf the transitions work.Is it something to do with the paths being changed when the loaded swf is acivated?
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Jan 2, 2005
I wrote this AS for my preloader which schould be able to load a movie clip after pressing a specif button in the main sceene:
1) The problem is that to be able to target a movieclip I will need to give it a instance name. Where can i find this function in MX ?
2) I cannot understant how I schoul put a loadBar being a small movieclip on the main timeline, I think( the same timeline the container clip is at ) or maybe not ? well I am bit confused now..
Well I have done already a sceene preloader for my site and it works perfectly and i did not experience any problems as Im having now with this new kind of preloader.
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Feb 25, 2004
i'm having this weird pb i don't understand, could someone help me? i'm driving crazy here..what i do is load a movie from a movie but the 2nd movie load a variable. when i test the 2nd movie, it loads its variable and displays it as wanted, but when i load it from the 1st movie, the 2nd movie loads but seem not to load anymore its variable..
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Jul 12, 2004
In my main Flash movie, I have an XML-driven menu that is loading external swf files into a "container" movie clip within the main Flash movie. (I have that part working nicely.)
I want to have "go to next movie" and "go to previous movie" button on the main Flash movie, which would load different external swf files into the container movie clip. My problem is, I don't know how to tell Flash which external swf file should come "next" or "previous" based on what is selected in the XML-driven menu. It seem like I need to pass a "NextMovie" variable through the XML file to the main Flash movie, and then have a button pick up that "NextMovie" variable and use that as the file name of the next external swf to load... but I don't know how to make that work.
how I can get these "next" and "previous" buttons knowing which file to load, all from the XML file?
This is what my xml file looks like, in case that helps.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<menu name="menu">
<item name="Menu Item 1" action="gotoLoadMovie" variables="somemovie.swf"/>
<item name="Another Item" action="gotoLoadMovie" variables="anothermovie.swf"/>
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Dec 3, 2009
I'm currently making an animation which will eventually exceed the 16,000 frame limit (don't ask haha), so, short of making two movies and having to just start up the next one, what is the code for loading a movie? I presume they need to be in the same directory? So basically all I want is on the last frame of the movie the code executes and the second movie file opens up and starts. I guess I'd want the current movie to close, too.
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Feb 12, 2009
I Have 3 Movies:MAIN.SWF, contains loading movie actions for Nav.swf and Home.swf.NAV.SWF, contains navagation menu loaded on Level 2 in Main HOME.SWF, contains slideshow for home page loaded on Level 1 in Main In NAV.SWF, there is a MOVIE CLIP "graphmc", which contains a BUTTON "graphicbtn", When this button is clicked, I'd like the HOME.SWF (which is loaded into Main.swf on Level 1) to fade out and unload, and load and fade in Graphics.SWF in place of it.
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Apr 2, 2009
I am pulling double duty with this question as it serves two purposes. I am developing a total flash controlled ad system for myself, but also need to use the same theory for a project for work.
Concept: I have a main movie (ad rotator system) that I then want to randomly load other swf's (individual ads) into this main swf after a set period of time. The random load I got set no problem. The problem I am having is to get it to move to the new Frame label of the main movie which then loads the smaller swfs. I am using the LoadMovie with nInterval time delay command in flash to load the movies.
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Apr 6, 2007
I have successfully dynamically loaded Jpegs into my flash document(using PHP), but then I have another small problem.When I dynamically load the image (example: image_icon_bluesky.jpg) I then need to tell the MC that is holding the loaded image that it needs to do this...
on (release) {
_root.image_bluesky.alpha = 100;
SO basically every time a new image is loaded in my sort of "loop" script. I need to tell the image that it needs to put specific code onto the MC using specific "image" details for that specific image.
I hope this is clear. Basically what I'm trying to do.On my flash stage I already have MC's that have their alpha properties set to "0". Lets say there are 3 images. One MC is called Blue, other is called Red and the last one is called Yellow.Now using AS + PHP I have dynamically loaded 3 Jpeg's .
and so on for each image....I have tried to explain this as well as I possibly can. I just wanna know if this is possible or if there is a simple way of doing it
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Mar 28, 2010
I am making a flipping page book in flash and have had to create sections in different movies because it kept crashing when i tried to have all the pages in the same movie. I have 3 movies 'page flip4', 'pageflip4-2', and 'page flip 4-3' . I have used the code below to go (flip bacwards) from 'page flip4-2' to the frame label ''backflip'' in 'page flip4'..This works fine
on (press) {
loadMovieNum("page flip4.swf", 1);
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