ActionScript 2.0 :: Unload/Load Movie Clips In Parent Movie From Buttons In Child Movie?
Feb 12, 2009
I Have 3 Movies:MAIN.SWF, contains loading movie actions for Nav.swf and Home.swf.NAV.SWF, contains navagation menu loaded on Level 2 in Main HOME.SWF, contains slideshow for home page loaded on Level 1 in Main In NAV.SWF, there is a MOVIE CLIP "graphmc", which contains a BUTTON "graphicbtn", When this button is clicked, I'd like the HOME.SWF (which is loaded into Main.swf on Level 1) to fade out and unload, and load and fade in Graphics.SWF in place of it.
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Jul 30, 2010
I am loading external swf's into a main load.swf, using a Moviecliploader object. What I basically want to do is that, after an external movie, say home.swf, loads another external swf, say about.swf, home.swf should be unloaded.
home.swf is loading about.swf into the _root.mc_holder, which is placed inside load.swf. I want all external files to be placed within this holder. Now this is working with some files, but not with others. My standard code within all files is this:
//code within home.swf to load about.swf
var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();var ldrlistener = new Object();loader.addListener(ldrlistener);ldrlistener.onLoadStart =
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Jun 25, 2009
I have an external swf (sub.swf) that loads into my main swf. The external swf has buttons of its own...that I would like to use to load additional external swf's in its place. I click on the buttons and nothings happens.
My current code is as follows:
All of the following code is in my main.swf
//Location where the external SWFs will load
var Xpos:Number=18;
var Ypos:Number=10;
External swf has no code except for a stop action.
I pieced this current code based on various articles I've found on the net.
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Aug 2, 2006
1) i have all my actions in its own layer on the main timeline, so all is well there
2) i have a movie clip with a rollOver and rollOut events attached to it
3) inside the movie clip when the rollover happens and the movieclip stops at a certain frame, i have another movieclip that appears. the movie clip is a link to a website, it works properly on the main timeline but without the proper actionscript it of course will not work inside its parent movie clip
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Jan 13, 2010
I am wondering how to correctly reference child/parent movie clips when creating event handlers? I have a button within a movie clip, which is within a movie clip.This is what my handler looks like right now:
this.DropMenus.DMSeats.ButtonSeats.addEventListener("click",SeatsOver) ;
The button instance name is ButtonSeats Problem is, I get this:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
Also, if I were to move the vent listener directly into the movie clip where the button is located, how could I reference the parent/ parent timeline(the main timeline)? Am I correct to understand that .this refers only to the current clip?
View 8 Replies
Jun 16, 2003
I'm working on a Flash MX application which involves a Parent movie and a Child movie.
I've loaded the Child movie into the Parent movie using LoadMovie. The instance name of the Child movie is Child1.
In the Child movie I have a user-defined function called getChildXML (we don't need to get into more details about the function).
The point here is that I want to call the getChildXML function from the Parent movie. I've tried something like Child1.getChildXML(); but with no luck.
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Oct 23, 2009
I have a label I am referencing form a movie clip inside the movie clip which contains the "label_2." Here is the code I used: MovieClip(parent.parent).gotoAndPlay("return_2"); Now I need to reference a instance name of a movie clip in side the same scene.
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Jul 15, 2009
I have multiple movie clips on stage (all in separate layers, of course) as well as buttons on stage to play each movie clip. There are buttons inside each movie clip. The problem is that the buttons inside the top layered movie clip work, but the others in the movie clips below don't.
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Mar 28, 2010
I am making a flipping page book in flash and have had to create sections in different movies because it kept crashing when i tried to have all the pages in the same movie. I have 3 movies 'page flip4', 'pageflip4-2', and 'page flip 4-3' . I have used the code below to go (flip bacwards) from 'page flip4-2' to the frame label ''backflip'' in 'page flip4'..This works fine
on (press) {
loadMovieNum("page flip4.swf", 1);
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Jun 5, 2004
can I script a buttons to unload a movie clip or swf, then load a different movie?
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May 27, 2009
i am trying to use the Tween class to change the size of movie clip to certain height.the code works for me but when resizing the parent, it effects the child.i tried the height and scaleY property for the thum, but does not work.
ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
View 6 Replies
May 24, 2009
So I want to make some movie clips function as buttons to load some external swfs. I have this action script on the mc's:
on (release)
loadMovie("Chuck.swf", "motionmc");
It was working when it was a button, but now nothing happens?
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Oct 1, 2003
I have a movie. In it are some buttons and a dynamic text field. When I press the buttons is should load text from a database into the dynamic text field. If I run the movie by itself (ie. not by LoadMovie()-ing it into a different movie) the dynamic text field gets filled with text and all is well and good. However, when I use LoadMovie() to load this very same movie into my main movie, the buttons no longer work; the text field stays empty.
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Jun 16, 2003
I want the current swf to unload and the new one to load only after a transition occurs. Is there a more efficient way to do this than if. switch()?
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Oct 5, 2011
I'm loading a movie in externally. The external movie has a button to unload itself from the main movie. It loads into _root.calContainer. The button is called xButton. This is the script that's not working:
_this.xButton.onRelease = function() {
I've also tried. _root.calContainer to no avail.
View 1 Replies
Feb 5, 2009
I'm working on a pretty neat interactive music remixing site where you remix a song, then interact with a music video to make some cool stuff happen. I saw a few related posts on here, but I've got a bit of a more specific problem. originally I had the controls set so that whenever you click the mouse on the background (which I set as one giant blank button), that it would load a movie clip and unload the previous one:
This has been working fine, although now I'm trying to change the overall controls to assign every key on the keyboard to load a particular movie clip at the mouse x,y when pressed AND to unload the movie clip when it is pressed again. I think I might be applying the code to the wrong portion (in a blank frame in the timeline, not as part of any button or movie clip). I had the code setup so that I wasn't getting any errors, but nothing is happening when pressing the key. I also don't have a start on how to tell if a key has already been pressed, to perform a second action when pressed again (to unload the assigned movie clip). Here's what I've got so far:
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Sep 7, 2007
I am attempting to build a site using load movie commands. I have a navigation movie with 4 buttons, on the press of each button I uesd this script.
this loads an animation and plays into the news reader. on the press of a button to go back I have loaded a seperate back animation using this script
The problem I now have is I want to remove this clip at the end of the animation and return to the root navigation.
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Sep 13, 2009
I'd like to control a movie clips current frame by another movie clips action script.I realise the following controls the outside (root) frame time line:
but I'm not sure how to apply that to my other movie clip. I'm guessing it would be something like this:
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Sep 7, 2007
unload some duplicated movieclips. Sometimes the script is not unload all the movie clips. And on frame 2, how to say by scripting "not go to next frame if all the movieclips is not unload"? Well the script is:
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Jun 25, 2009
I have my flash website set up with the following structure:
Scene 1:
- Menu buttons located in Scene 1 -> navigation_mc
- Page 1 (Company page) located in Scene 1 -> companypage_mc
- Page 2 (Portfolio) located in Scene 1 -> portfoliopage_mc
- etc... a total of 4 pages.
As you can see, I have each function of the website in its own layer and movie clip, so my question is how do I access a movie clip outside of the current movie clip?
I want my company_btn (company button) in navigation_mc to navigate back outside to scene 1 and proceed to play the contents of companypage_mc. companypage_mc is visible = false, and I would like to make its visibility true and start its tweens from frame 1.
Inside navigation_mc:
company_btn -> On Click, go to scene 1 and play frame 1 of companypage_mc, making visibility = true.
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Dec 3, 2009
I'm currently making an animation which will eventually exceed the 16,000 frame limit (don't ask haha), so, short of making two movies and having to just start up the next one, what is the code for loading a movie? I presume they need to be in the same directory? So basically all I want is on the last frame of the movie the code executes and the second movie file opens up and starts. I guess I'd want the current movie to close, too.
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Sep 24, 2010
I am having trouble with looping my flash that contains multiple movie clips. Each movie clip is on it's own layer and within the movie clips, the last frame I use this code to go and play the next movie in the parent: MovieClip(parent).nextFrame();My problem is that when the last movie clip of the sequence plays,I want to restart the entire thing and play the first movie clip again (a continuous loop).
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Jun 5, 2011
As most of you don't know, I've been creating an rpg game. And, after several tries of art making, etc, I have finally moved back into coding the game. And now, I'm stuck on the equipment system idea. At first, I thought I would just place a bunch of goToAndStop's for each movie clip to go to a frame that has that certain armor piece. This was my first idea for an equipment system. However, after doing some research, and realizing how much lines of code could be saved, I started looking into simply adding and removing movie clips from the character as my new equipment system idea. Now.... on to the problem.
Basic want/ overall achievement wanted: Create an equipment system, which will basically attach movie clips (items) onto characters, which themselves will already be attached movie clips on the stage.
Problem: What is the exact code to do this? And Is there a better way to do this for an equipment system (a less laggy or more efficient way perhaps that I'm not seeing; Check the code below to get a better idea of what I'm talking about)?
Part of the code (or basic idea of code; see comments for extra details
//Don't worry I have an OnEnterFrame function here;
//attachedObj= the character; figure= the MC name of the character;
attachedObj = attachMovie("figure", "figure"+1, 1);
View 2 Replies
May 14, 2009
i'm a designer trying to step up my flash skills and have a scripting problem that's causing me trouble. essentially i have a child swf loaded into a container in a parent swf and want the child to be able to instruct the parent. to explain in full, the child contains an flv with bespoke video player components. it's container sits in one frame of the parent. when the flv finishes playing, i need the parent swf to move onto another frame.
as it's a controllable flv, it isnt possible to predict the exact length of time the child will need to be present, so it literally needs to tell the parent it's finished playing at that very point.
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Dec 26, 2011
I'm having a hard time working out the most appropriate way to move a child movieclip between parent objects.
I'm creating a board-game type game wherein I've dynamically created an array of 'Square' movieclips, with no visual elements, which are arranged in a 10x10 rectangle on the stage. I then dynamically add the appropriate types of piece movieclips to the various squares with the addChild() method. In general, a square should only have one child piece at a time.
All of this works well for setting up the play area, but now I'm having an issue with moving a piece from one square to another. I want to have the user click a square with a piece on it, then click the destination square to move the piece. I have the logic for determining where a user can move any given piece to, but I don't know how to actually move the piece.
The pieces are all different class objects that extend both a base class I call Piece as well as the MovieClip class. The main issue is that when dynamically adding the various pieces to the squares, I don't provide them a unique name to access them later. I don't bother with unique names because I have no way of knowing which piece instance will be in a given square, so using getChildByName(name:String) isn't very useful.
So I can think of two routes that I can take: Making a getter/setter for the Square class that manages a private Piece property (as well as the adding and removing of the child piece to/from the parent square), or using getChildAt(index:int) to try to access the child piece.
I want to go with the first route as it seems to be the most maintainable to me. My problem is that I can't work out how to manage empty squares in this scenario. My instinct is to null to private _piece property of one square once I've moved the child piece instance to another square... but I'm fairly certain that the private property is a reference type, and nulling it out will null the actual piece object even after it's changed parents.
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Nov 22, 2010
My player movie clip has a smaller movieclip within it. Because the smaller movieclip is not within the parent clip it changes the x,y,width,and height value of the player movieclip and throwing everything off! To adjust I have to add (-2ndmovieclip.height) to everything i want to do. This is sloppy and I don't like it. Is there a better way to have a child within a movieclip without it affecting the parents properties? i want the parent to keep its original x,y,width,and height properties but the child keeps adding to them!
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Jul 31, 2010
i want to make an presentation,, for which.. at frame i click a button on frame 9 it goes to frame 10 and plays.. like my script on frame 10 is below
and when i click another button to go frame 1 from the same page at 10,, placed beside the loading external swf ,, it goes,, but the loaded external swf file is not going ,, or the external file not cleaning,, not removing.
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Apr 15, 2003
I have a button ( 3 buttons ) and each button is assigned to Load a movie. When you click one of the buttons, the LoadMovie on Level 1 is good. Now here is my problem, how will I unload the current movie before Loading the next one. I want to UNLOAD the CURRENT MOVIE first before loading another MOVIE.
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Sep 7, 2002
My flash movie has two scenes at end of scene 2 i have load another movie using loadmovie. Now I wanna unload the loaded movie and directly go to scene 2 . Is there anyway by which I can directly jump to scne 2 instead of going through scene 1. I am using flash 5 and both moovies have same dimensions.
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Jan 4, 2009
I'm making a shooting game but there won't be much of a challenge without enemies that point and shoot. Is there an easy way to make them do that?
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