ActionScript 2.0 :: Button = Show Movieclip?

Feb 5, 2004

I am making a mp3 player, and i would like to have a "lamp to flash"(movieclip if posible) when i pause the player. My action script is until now this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show Movieclip Upon Button Click?

Aug 3, 2009

I am building a navigation menu with buttons that call and show a movieclip just below the button. I have no more compiler or output errors. Despite this, I still dont have a working navigation menu.The movieclips are only found in the library and are being called by buttons on the timeline. I currently have all the actionscript on frame 1 on a separate layer of the main timeline. None of the buttons or movieclips have code associated with them individually.The code I have created is as follows (I omited some bc the functions get repetitious).

va html_con_mc = new MovieClip


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button To Show And Hide A Movieclip

Dec 9, 2009

I want a button to show and hide a movieclip (see attached files for source) the Button is a Movieclip and has been coded using a tut I got from some where but I am stuck on how I can get it to do the show and hide part <edited part> forgot to Add that I also want to make a Text box say Grid On and off


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Show/hide Movieclip Via Button?

Sep 24, 2009

I've been looking on google, but I have found nothing at all on this, which is surprising as it is very simple to make (I have done it in AS2).I was to have a button that can hide a movieclip. Then another button which will show it again.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: If A MovieClip Is On This Frame, Show A Button On The Stage?

May 12, 2011

Basically I have a movie clip that comes up on the stage and plays to frame 230. I have placed a stop(); inside the movieClip on frame 230. I would like to have a continue button come up outside the movieClip on the stage when that movieClip reaches 230.I was hoping this would work but I am having trouble. This code is on the stage level outside the movieClip.Both the continue button and the movieClip are on the stage.

if (movieClip.currentFrame == 230){
continueBtn.visible = true;
} else {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show / Hide Movieclip When Click On The Button

Sep 28, 2010

I just did a button and 3 movieclips. What i want? Well, when i click on the button to change the movieclips. click 1 = movieclip 1 when i click again on the button it change to movieclip 2 My problem is that i can`t make so it can change to movieclip 3.So when i click it must be something like this> click 1 = movieclip1, click 2 = movieclip2, click 3 = movieclip 3 so on...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Button Functions - When Click The Button, The Mc Does Not Stop Playing And The Text Does Not Show Up?

Nov 8, 2009

I'm designing an interface for a class, and the buttons that I am using all have multiple functions.For example, when the story button is clicked, I need the mc to stop playing and change to text (in the same window/screen, just no mc playing).  The mc is 31 frames long, but if there's a way to just make it loop continuously until told not to, Currently, my code looks like this:

function story(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(32);}credits_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,credits);[code]...

When I click the button, the mc does not stop playing and the text does not show up. 

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Actionscript 3.0 :: MovieClip Don't Show Up

Nov 27, 2009

I'm tryng to add a movieclip trough a class using this code:[code]the trace returns the position like if it was on the stage, but it don't shows up, its just not visible.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show Movieclip After Pressing Another?

Jul 23, 2010

Im trying to show a new movieclip that only shows up when i press another one.

The movieclips to press are nested inside another movieclip so i need them to call the other movieclip which is in the stage.

To explain better menu1 is inside cont3. Menu_down is in the stage and i need to call it after pressing menu1.

Btw menu1 is showing an external swf also,is there any problem with it?

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Flash :: Show The Border Of Every Movieclip?

Aug 16, 2011

how you display a border around every MovieClip in Flash. I've done it once but I can't seem to find it at all. What happens is that a blue (I think) box is drawn for the bounding box of the movieclip, and it does this for every movieclip automatically, so I don't think it's creating a border manually for every movieclip you add.

In addition this box doesn't rotate with the movieclip, instead it is just a square that completely surrounds the movieclip. If the movieclip rotates, the square just gets bigger or smaller to match.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show A Part Of A Movieclip?

Aug 18, 2009

i would like to know if there is a way to hide only a part of a movieclip in flash. (i am not talking about putting a jpeg or a png over it to hide it xD)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show SWF Instead Of Image In MovieClip?

Jul 28, 2011

Nevermind, I got it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show 'over' For Button?

Apr 7, 2010

I created button myself.After clicking to this button i go to label.How i can show 'over' for this button?(not 'up')
public function gameMenu():void
homeBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, homeScreen);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show MovieClip With Keypress Not Working

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying to make an interactive presentation, where you can push down on different keys and show different layers in my image. [URL]. If you open this .swf and press the "Q,W,E,R,T" keys you can see what I mean. It was working fine with the layers associated with the "Q W E" keys, but once I started adding more, I cannot press and reveal more than 3 layers at once (try pressing different combinations of three keys at once and you should see that not all of the layers appear, but each key works individually).

Here is my AS3:
import caurina.transitions.*;
mc_aerial.alpha = 0;
mc_01.alpha = 0;
mc_02.alpha = 0;
mc_03.alpha = 0;
mc_04.alpha = 0;
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, mc_aerial_KeyDown);
function mc_aerial_KeyDown (e:KeyboardEvent):void{
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: MovieClip Hide/Show On Release?

Dec 6, 2009

I'm making a Flash AS2 Dress-up game and I want to show/Hide movie clips on release of a button like this one;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Hide A Movieclip With A Listener?

May 17, 2008

an example of a show/hide a movieclip with a listener. That is, i was planning to have a boolean flag variable showSubMenu and if it's true the submenu will be visible and if false it's hidden???

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Delay A MovieClip's Show Up Time

May 29, 2010

I want to replicate one of the Flasheff's function with AS2 script. The delay show function, where I can set how many seconds should a movieClip wait before it actually shows up.For example, I create 3 vector shapes on the stage. I convert them to movieClips (symbols). Instance names:

- one_mc;
- two_mc;
- three_mc;

When I test the movie, I want one_mc to show up right away, then after 1 second two_mc to show up, then after another second three_mc to show up, you get the idea.

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Button Colour To Show It's Selected?

Nov 21, 2009

I have buttons with black text. The buttons (not the text) change colour to red when you rollover them. I can't seem to work out how to get the colour to stay red when it's clicked to show that it's selected. Do I make a duplicate symbol which is already red to replace it when clicked? And I'm also unsure of the actions I'm supposed to use if any??Another thing, when I click on a different button, I don't want the previous button to still be selected.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hide / Show With Only One Button

Mar 9, 2012

I'm not happy with my hide/show function..... the code works, but I think it is a waste of space on my stage that I need two buttons to hide and show a movieclip... there must be a better way


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show When A Button Has Been Clicked On?

Jul 8, 2004

i want to show when a button has been clicked on (visited), by changing the colour (or just another pictogram). How can i do this? (for an example, go [URL] you see the small icons, once visited, they turn blue). How can i do this? Is it just a simple actionscript?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Popup Menu To Show On Rollover In MovieClip

Aug 20, 2010

I got this movieclip. With actionscript I attached a new movieclip to this one, as a popup menu, which will show on rollover. Inside this movieclip, it automatically makes textfields, as menu options (information I receive from a XML document). The problem is, that I cannot get it to respond on a onRelease function on those text fields, and I do not know why.

Heres the code for the textfields
Actionscript Code:
marray = explode(",",mn);
var sizes = 0;
for(var i=0;i<=marray.length - 1;i++){
mc.menu1.createTextField("txt"+i, i+59, 0, sizes, 100, 25);
mc.menu1["txt"+i].onRelease = function() {
getURL("[URL]", "_blank");
mc.menu1["txt"+i].text = marray[i];
sizes = Number(sizes) + 25;}

I tried to make a onRelease on one of the links, but it just wont work probably.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Parameters - Show One MovieClip And Hide Another

Nov 8, 2011

I am new to flash parameters but from the research I could find so far it seems that this should be fairly simple. I have a flash file that has a movie clip in it. In this movie clip there are two movie clips. What I need to do is show a one movie clip and hide another. I basically only need to set up the reading of the flash parameter code in flash...
var imageToShow:String;
var paramObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;

This is basically what I have... I'm not sure what to go on to next or if this is even correct.
if (parameter == "image1") {
image.image1.alpha = 1;
image.image2.alpha = 0;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Hide And Show Created MovieClip?

Jan 15, 2007

I want to hide my mouse and instead of the mouse I want to see a movie clip that I created. How do I attach it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Show And Hide MovieClip Buttons

Jun 2, 2010

I was looking to make 2 buttons; one that hides a movieclip that is playing on a slide, and one that shows it again. I've heard theres a few ways to do this but none of them are making much sense to me (i previously made some buttons that play, pause and stop a movieclip, and I think I am stuck in the wrong frame of mind to do these next 2 buttons...) How to tackle this task.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Show MovieClip Inside Created Scrollpane

Jan 10, 2004

I create a super simple .fla using flash MX 2004 professional. I put this code under the button I created.

on (release) {
var mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("trianglemajor", 1);
mc.createEmptyMovieClip( "triangle", 5000);
with (mc.triangle) {
lineStyle (5, 0xff00ff, 100);
[Code] .....

I just see a blank screen when I click on the button. My objective is to show the movieclip mc inside my created scroll pane?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show And Hide A Darned Button

Apr 13, 2009

I need to progress. [URL] The Adobe documentation assumes you are an expert with Flash and there are no clear cut examples of how to even show and hide a darned button, well, I can't find any referrences. I can imagine what I want to do with flash, but getting anything out of it cracks open my brain. Programming is not fair!!! for us graphic artists. Examples of things I want to study are loading images to the stage on a specific event such as "if(enterFrame == x)" ideally I would like the images to load from a directory on the server and ease in the image.

Basically I want to keep it simple yet effective. Alot of the code I see out there is double dutch to me and appears to go in the wrong direction of simplifying things. I can understand the basic fundamentals, but I wish when people post examples like myMC1.visible = true; that they explain that myMC1 is just a name chosen by the writer to look for an item called myMC1 or go the extra step and color code the code BLUE for actual code, RED for names of items given by the writer that exist on the stage etc etc...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get InputText Value With Button And Show It In TextArea

Jul 30, 2009

I'm a beginner in AS3. I need to pass the inputtext value to text area, with a button. I know is a simple tasks but I'm really desperate cause I just test several ways, including external classes without results. With this code, I can get the value of the button, but I need to get the input text field userName. I suppose that I need to pass the value of input text to String, but I don't how!

I post my code here:
import fl.controls.Button;
import fl.controls.TextInput;
import fl.controls.Label;
import fl.controls.Slider;
[Code] .....

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Professional :: Show An Image On Button Click?

Mar 31, 2011

We need the button to display an image on a button when clicked for a tic tac toe game. 

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Get Text Button To Show Another Symbol

Jul 23, 2011

All I want to do is make a text button show another symbol? Basically, I have 16 icons which I want to eventually be buttons as well, and I want to show them in two different orders. So I have my two buttons for the different orders, and I have my icons in the orders as two different layers, and I've tried using the code snippets to show the icons but I keep getting an error message and it doesn't work, instead my buttons disappear. I just want to be able to click a button and the order of my icons changes.

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Flex :: Remove OK Button From Alert.Show?

Nov 10, 2009

Can i remove the OK Button from Alert.Show() message which displays by default?Update:private var myAlert : Alert;

public function showAlert( message: String, title : String ) : void


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