ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 - Pageflip Assistance With Adding Additional Page?

Nov 14, 2008

I'm running in to a problem where I've added additional pages (20+ pages in total) and everything after page 16 is transparent.

//pageflip version 2.02 (200405031400)
//(for the latest version, always check at http:url....)
//this code is written by Macc 2004.05.03[code].....

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ActionScript Code:
canflip = false;

There is this code below that is used to tell me how to use a button however I do not understand it.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pageflip/page Marking System?

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[URL] and mess around witk the post-it block in the middle of the pages, on top part of the catalogue.)Since the pages are loaded externally thru a xml file, I don't know how to refer to the page that is to be marked, how can i add multiple markers...

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I have 3 issues i've not been able to figure out how to do:

1) I've not been able to dynamically resize the pages to fit the stage dimensions as it changes, the content MC gets placed into the stage with this code line

addChild(pageFlip = new PageFlip(ContentMc, stage.stageWidth / 2, stage.stageHeight));

i have also set the stage to

stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

but i cannot figure out a way to dynamically target "ContentMc" from the document class, it either disappears or looks squashed.

2) second issue is that the "hit area" for the mouse is too wide, meaning that if you click almost half way up the page it activates which restricts the amount of usable content area for links and such, how can i reduce it to the lower corners?

3) how can i add other MCs to specific pages from the document class?

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I am using the Free pageflip v2.2.5 by Macc/IpariGrafika


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XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<icon image="carouseldogs/icon1.jpg" image2="carouseldogs/icon1a.jpg"
tooltip="How we help"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pageflip Free From

Aug 6, 2009

When i load the book into my flash website, it works.. when i load it second time it doesent.. (i cannot "grab" the pages anymore) I know this is a long shot, but the pageflipper is pretty i thought maybe some of you know whats up.

I tried to rewrite all references to _level0/parent etc ect.. that does not sem to be the problem.

Its easy to recreate "bug", simply replay timeline from frame 1

btn.onRelease = function(){ gotoAndPlay(1) }

I'll send you a nice postcard from denmark if you can help me with this one!

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Apr 6, 2006

I need to Automate the Page flip where the user has no control. Make it into an animation per say. I know it can be done. But I can't seem to figure out how. I can make just the first page. But I can't make it keep going. You guys know what I'm talking about right?[URL] Here's the code and notes...


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Target not found: Target="/security" Base="_level0"

I named the movieclip "security" (without the ", of course), and applied the appropriate script to my button but I keep getting that error.


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Mar 5, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Main Timeline - Get Any Assistance?

Nov 24, 2009

I have a simple problem that I've been working on for hours, trying to go through trial and error myself. But here's the problem. I have a function on the main timeline named startClips. Now, I want to call this from from within two movie clips, the other nested inside the other. In other words, I have a movie clip called holder, and inside of a holder, I have a movieclip called homebase. Now, here is all the code I've been trying to use to access the startClips function which is own the main timeline from the movieclip homebase:


I can't figure this one out. Can I get any assistance.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assistance With Determining Which Item Has Been Selected

Oct 1, 2009

The request has been to modify the first item by including an FLV player. This I've done and have working without flaw.My trouble arises when users select any of the other 4 tabs and then attempt to return to the first tab where they should see a transition into the playing FLV. This is not happening after the initial load. It's been quite awhile since I've worked with AS but I figure this issue should be able to be resolved if I inject a condition to determine what item is selected.

The AS for the "accordian" is:

ActionScript Code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


This isn't working. In fact, it seems to be skipping the initial condition if(t == "welcome"). If the nave is determined within the var navs:Array, how then can one determine the selected location?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Page To Flip Books?

Jan 19, 2010

i purchased a flash template which contains flip books. they said i can add new pages to books but i couldn't

i added new pages to action script and i made new pages' movie clips in library

but the new added pages are transparency at the prewiew.

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IDE :: Adding Interactive Scroll As Element Of Page?

Jul 24, 2007

I created an interactive image pan (750 x 300). I then tried to add the 750 x 300 panning image as a movie clip as part of a larger stage (750 x 550), so that it was a band across part of the stage with static content above and below. When tested the scroll keeps going off the end of the image? How you can add the interactive scroll as an element of a page rather than just on its own without the scroll going off the end of the image?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assistance Unloading Flv's From Swf's Imported To Main Stage?

May 11, 2009

I have my main.fla which imports external swfs that contain flv's. I have three buttons that navigate the main timeline to frames 2-4. At frames 2-4 an external swf gets loaded into an empty movie clip via this code. Each loaded swf acts like a menu with some nice vidoes loading in the background.The problem i found is the flvs continue to play as i navigate between menus, which makes the main swf/fla slow down becuase the pc is working harder to deliver all the stuff running in the background. I've added this code to frame 1 of my empty movie clip that is in my library that has the instance name 'menu1'I keep getting the error "Access of undefines property mc1"I have the source files for my site here if you can take a look and see what I'm doing wrong. I have removed this code so i don't get the error and have tried other things to no avial.

var loader:Loader = new Loader(); addChild(loader); loader.load(new URLRequest(MovieClip(this.parent).src));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assistance Unloading Flv's From Swf's Imported To Main Stage

Sep 15, 2011

I have my main.fla which imports external swfs that contain flv's. I have three buttons that navigate the main timeline to frames 2-4. At frames 2-4 an external swf gets loaded into an empty movie clip via this code. Each loaded swf acts like a menu with some nice vidoes loading in the background.
The problem i found is the flvs continue to play as i navigate between menus, which makes the main swf/fla slow down becuase the pc is working harder to deliver all the stuff running in the background. I've added this code to frame 1 of my empty movie clip that is in my library that has the instance name 'menu1'
I keep getting the error "Access of undefines property mc1"
I have the source files for my site here if you can take a look and see what I'm doing wrong. I have removed this code so i don't get the error and have tried other things to no avial. [URL]
var loader:Loader = new Loader(); addChild(loader); loader.load(new URLRequest(MovieClip(this.parent).src));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assistance With _rotation Property For Tween Class?

Feb 4, 2006

if there is a way to use the _rotation property with the Tweening class to make a movie clip continually to rotate from it's current position instead of starting back at the original position and doing the same rotation again.

I'm trying to make an movie object rotate 90 degrees by clicking on a button and then when you click the button again, the movie rotates 90 more degrees. I don't want it to start over and do that same 90 degree rotation with the Tween class.

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