ActionScript 2.0 :: Calculating Position In A Movieclip From Progressbar?

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to jump to a position in the mc by clicking on a progressbar that is 388 pixels in width the total frames of the mc I am trying to jump to with the progressbar is 3348 my function is:

Actionscript Code:
progressBarMC.progressBar.onRelease = function(){  mc.gotoAndPlay(mc._totalframes / this._xmouse * 24); trace((Math.round(mc._totalframes / this._xmouse * 24)));};

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I am developing a game for mobile in AIR (as3). I have created some bots for this game that initially just wander around. But when a bonus enters the stage, they have to move to the bonus.The detection of a new bonus and moving of the bots works fine, but there is something wrong with the manipulation when a new bonus enters the stage.Basically, this is how it works (or I try to make it work):My bot moves along with his rotation as a parameter. (works fine)

private function moveToNextLocation():void
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var speedX:Number = Math.sin(angle) * _speed;


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Sep 6, 2011

I've a movieclip representing an arrow (with registration point in its middle). When I click a button, the arrow must point to a certain movieclip on stage. I use this code to execute the Tween:,1,{rotation:degrees});
But I can't understand how to calculate the degrees. I tried the following with no luck:
var degrees =Math.atan2((clip.y-arrow_clip.y),(clip.x-arrow_clip.x))*(180/Math.PI);
I found the following is working but I can't completely understand why:
var degrees = -(Math.atan2(arrow_clip.x-clip.x, arrow_clip.y-clip.y))*(180/Math.PI);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calculating Distance Witin A Movieclip That Moves?

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xdist = Math.round(_root._xmouse - _parent._x);
ydist = Math.round(_root._ymouse - _parent._y);[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fluid Layout Stop Changing Resize Position When Movieclip Is At Certain Position?

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I added a Menu_mc on my stage. Initially, this should be at the center of the stage and when I click on it, it will tween on the upper left corner of the browser. However, when I resize the browser, the Menu_mc goes back to the center of the screen.

I have tried separating a different actionscript file where it is specifically for initialization of the object and another one for resizing. And then when I call it on my main AS file it goes like this:

// Add the symbols to stage
var Menu_mc = new Menu_MC();


But it seems futile.

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btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,follow Cat);
btn02.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,stopCat );


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Jul 3, 2009

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background.redsquare.x = 300;
background.redsquare.y = 300;

comes up with TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.

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redsquare.x = 300;
redsquare.y = 300;

This works fine but how can that be when surely you must access the red withen the background rather then just accessing red?

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IDE :: Way To Get 'MovieClip' To Move From Position A In Keyframe 1 To Position B

Feb 3, 2010

What i'd like to do is have a menu/site map that adjusts when you click on a certain icon. For example, I have a AS3.0 flash file with, say, 5 keyframes with 5 buttons that are in different positions on each key frame. The buttons are set to gotoAndPlay the various keyframes. I can set up a tween that links frame 1 to 2, 2 to 3 etc. but what I would like is a tween from, say, 1 to 3, then 3 to 5, then 5 to 1 - basically in a random order rather than sequentially through the key frames. I could set each of these tweens up individually but the site is for a portfolio that I would like to keep adding to and to do this individually would mean an ever increasing amount of tweens.Basically, is there a way to get a 'MovieClip' to move from Position A in keyframe 1 to Position B in another keyframe without a set of tween frames? I'm sure this is simpler than I am making it sound but I don't seem to be able to work it out.

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var bg1x = new Array(0, -1280, -1014, 0);
function jumpTobg1X(number) {
gradientNav_mc.newX = bg1x[number];

I have tried a bunch of if/else statements but I can't get it working. I can't figure out how to write it properly. I tried something like this:


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Actionscript 3 :: Move Movieclip Position Opposite Of Mouse Coords On Other Movieclip

Jan 26, 2011

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I have tried many different ways but to no avail. I have done research but no one has been able to give me a solid answer. Anyone know of a way to accomplish this. Keep in mind this it needs to work regardless of the image size.

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Feb 10, 2010

I have a movie clip called "myMC". I set its x value as such:

var myMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
myMC.x = 100;


I know I could proboly acheive this with a math equation but is there a function that can get the exact global position of "myShape"? So that I can position another movieclip or sprite around that movieclip?

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is it possible for me to give a movieclip the same position as another movieclip. meaning they will be on top of eachother and when one moves the other moves as well.i know you can do it with the mouse:[code]It would be a great way to cheat the program as im having some problems, but this would fix it. the 2 movieclips though is in a class and the other is on the stage.

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Component ProgressBar And Loader?

Jun 17, 2009

The progress bar doesn't work if the .swf movie that's being loaded is being loaded into another movie. If the loader is on the main stage it works fine both in testing and on the internet.For example, I created a parent movie and a child movie with a loader and progressBar. The child movie works perfectly by itself. If I load the child movie into the parent movie the progressBar doesn't work.

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Way To Change Way ProgressBar Component

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Flex :: HTTPService Progressbar?

Nov 10, 2009

How can I set a progress bar that may start when an HTTPService is sent and stop when the HTTPService ends?I followed code given here but encountered following error Type was not found or was not acompile-time constant: ProgressWin.Don't know whether ProgressWin.mxml is a component or module or what. I just created a new ProgressWin.mxml file and pasted the code you posted but following error popped out before

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Flex :: Loading Progressbar?

Jan 5, 2011

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
!-- -->


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Sep 20, 2009

I want to know is that a way to get position of MovieClip A in MovieClip B.Let say in MovieClip B (MovB), I have an MovieClip A (MovA) moving around, and I would like another MovieClip C (MovC) to follow the MovA moving around inside MovB.

I tried below,

MovC._x = MovA_Instance._x;
MovC._y = MovA_Instance._y;

It get the position, but not the correct 1.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loader &amp; ProgressBar Does Not Work On IE?

Jan 4, 2009

looking for solution for this problem. i was looking all over forwritten solution, but nothing came up. so, here i go once again..i have build a flash project where the most of the contentexternally loads in to the main movie. for each chapter i made a"Loader" component, and a "progressBar" connected to the "Loader".during buildng i was re checking that all is working well (testmovie with "simulate download"). then, i was uploading it to myserver and when i view it on "fireFox", or "Safari" , it allworking. but, when trying to view it on "IE", i never see the"progressBar" and, all the Actions that relate to the "on

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Component Progressbar Is Striped

Jun 16, 2010

Component progressbar is striped when size is unknown but I have:
root.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
function onProgress(event:ProgressEvent):void
progressbar1.setProgress((event.bytesLoaded/event.bytesTotal)*100, 100);}
So I use setProgress() so size is known - so why I have striped progressbar ?

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Flex :: How To Make Progressbar Skins

Sep 29, 2010

I wanna set a custom skin on my progressBar, but it's not working out the way I want it to. My skin has 3 different colors on it (green, yellow, red) and green should show until it's about 50%, then I want the yellow to appear after green and the red at 90% after green and yellow. So at 100% they should all show.The problem is that the ProgressBar only sets the width of my skin so all colors are showing at all times. But if I use the indeterminateSkin but dont set indeterminate to true that doesn't happend.How can I make a skin that doesn't just change width? Atm I'm just using a MovieClip for a skin.

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Flex :: ProgressBar For Large Function?

Nov 23, 2011

I have a function that when called takes about 10 seconds to run. like to add a simple progress bar to show the user something is happening but the progressBar dot run until the function is finished

private function bigFunction(event:Event):void{
var progress:ProgressBar = new ProgressBar();


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Aug 27, 2009

I have two different part of a file, I am downloading them together, and i want 1 progressbar to track the progress! i have tried:

ActionScript Code:
private function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Progressbar Can't Show Its Progress

Oct 2, 2009

I am using ProgressBar Component i have upladed the flash file to my site.firefox 3.0 show the progressBar moving but ie7.0 doesn't.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ProgressBar Fails When SWF Is Loaded Into Another SWF?

Jun 25, 2008

I've got a child SWF that loads images from XML. in that child I've got a progress bar component tied to the loading if the image.When I test that child on it's own, the progress bar displays as it should.The problem comes when I load that child into it's parent SWF file. The progress bar magically disappears, and I get this message

TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChildAt()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Make A Progressbar?

Feb 16, 2011

I want to make a progressbar. I got a blanc bar and I want to let a red bar grow (from left to right).

I got this code so far:

var StartDatum:Date = new Date(2011, 01, 16, 12, 38, 15, 0);
var EindDatum:Date = new Date(2011, 01, 16, 12, 59, 15, 0);
var TotaleTijd = EindDatum.getTime() - StartDatum.getTime();


There is no error so the code is ok...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Images With Progressbar?

Feb 28, 2012

i have code for save image in server via php:

private function saveIntoServer (event:MouseEvent):void


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