ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculating Position Of Rectangle Corners

Jan 14, 2010

i'm in the middle of attempting to write my own collision detection algorithm because the built in 'hitTestObject' function seems to be incredibly inaccurate (it's registering 'hits' when the objects are still a considerable distance from each other).I need to be able to calculate the position of each of the 4 corners of a rectangle, based on its rotation. Obviously one of the corners will simply be the rectangle's x and y coordinates. I have made a little test program to make sure I am calculating the positions of the corners accurately - it works when the rectangle is rotated to 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees, but produces strange results for any other angles.[code]

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My idea was to create a method for drawing rectangle with rounded corners, but while being able to specify which of the four corners (any, all, none,etc.) you wanted to round. The method below does the trick, but for some reason my corners don't match the same curves that I get using the same radius with drawRoundRect(). In other words, if I call my method (and set all four corners to be rounded) and compare that with the same call to drawRoundRect() the actual curves of the corners are slightly different.

HTML Code:
public function drawComplexRoundedRect(startX:int,startY:int,rectWidth:int,rectHeight:int,radius:int,canvas:Sprite,roundTopLeft:Boolean=false,roundTopRight:Boolean=false,roundBottomLeft:Boolean=false,roundBottomRight:Boolean=false):void{
[Code] .....

Then compare
HTML Code:
var canvas:Sprite = new Sprite;
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var canvas:Sprite = new Sprite;
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| |


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private function moveToNextLocation():void
var angle:Number = _rotation * 0.0174532925; // 1 degree = 0.0174532925 radians
var speedX:Number = Math.sin(angle) * _speed;


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May 18, 2009

public function onMouseDownHandler(e:MouseEvent) {
//trace("mouse down clicked!");


I am drawing a rectangle with the above code in as3 inside a area. Problem is that, when i try to acees the drawn rectangle x and y position it is showing 0,0. if i drag the drawn rectangle and try to access the x and y position then also it is calculating from the 0,0 position. first time when i draw the rectangle it is drawing well by dragging the mouse but why the x and y axis is 0,0; if i try to set the x and y position manually then when i try to draw by dragging , it is not drawing relative with the mouse.

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var newHotRect:MovieClip = new MovieClip();;, 0, 100, 100);

But how would I make another rectangle on top of that (the black one pictured) that is approximately 15% from the right?

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.tabstyle {
corner-radius: 10;
} </mx:Style>
<mx:TabNavigator tabStyleName="tabstyle" />
However, I also want the bottom corners to have a radius.

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Jun 21, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Draw Box With Rounded Corners

Jul 16, 2004

I need to draw a box with rounded corners. I can't get a hang of it. I want to draw it from the following variables:
boxwidth = 200;
boxheight = 200;
radius = 5;
How do I draw this? You should see the artwork I have (by mistake) created while trying to get it right.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draggable Triangle With Interactive Corners

Jun 16, 2010

I am working on a draggable triangle in AS3 and the corners must be interactive. To each corner a bitmap will be attached (in my example for now it's just a name of a city). When dragging a specific corner, the bitmap/cityname (attached to it) should fade in from 0 to 100 alpha. If the bitmap/cityname won't reach 100 of alpha, when Mouse Up, then it should fade back out to 0 opacity. If it does reach 100 alpha when Mouse Up, then it should stay that way. However, if another corner is dragged, then the cityname which is currently at 100 opacity should fade out again. Well I've got the draggable triangle figured, I've got the corners citynames appearing and disappearing when they don't reach 100 alpha. What I can't get to figure out is the last bit - the cityname currently at 100 opacity fading back out to 0 when a different corner is dragged. Hope it's at least a little understandable. I'm not sure my code is perfect (this is my first time in AS3) so don't mind if something is not the way.[code]

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