ActionScript 2.0 :: Comparing 2 Versions Of A FLA?
Oct 8, 2006
Is there a tool that would allow you to compare the script in 2 flash files, and shows you the differences in both of them?
So actually a text file comparison? But perhaps adapted to Flash?
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Is there a chart equating SWF versions to Flash versions? The beginnings of one is here, but it is incomplete.
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Mar 8, 2010
The last FMS update is from January 28,2010. Flash Media Server 3.0.5January 28, 2010
I already have FMS 3.5.3 but it from December 18, 2009
What is the different between the 2 versions?
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Jun 4, 2009
I am working on a website and I've run into a bit of a wall. I want to make the site so that users can choose English or Spanish but I dont want it to load both versions of the site at the beginning. Can I somehow have [url].. default in Spanish lets say and then have a redirect link to [url]... Will that force me to buy two separate domains?
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May 12, 2009
I'm using Vista 64 on a more then adequate laptop, I initially used Flash CS4 and it was great for the past week but a few days ago it started geting really slow, whenever I copy, change frame, select something, basicaly any change action I have to wait about 5 seconds or more for a reaction. I'm using it for simple animation, no symbols, just 3 layers. I have a deadline coming up for my final production and if I can't fix this fast I'm screwed. I've tried every solution I can find, including trying Flash CS3 and Flash 8, nothing seems to fix the slow speed
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Jul 7, 2009
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Aug 16, 2009
I am interested in buying flash however even with the discount given to students as a program it is still a large investment. I was wondering if I am able to buy an older version for example "Flash 8" at a reduced price from adobe or another trusted retailer I know the newer version have updated the program alot but many of the new features will be unused by me and the older version would suit my needs better.
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Jun 8, 2010
I just got the trialversion av Adobe flash CS5 and I wonder if there is a way to get the same motiontween in the timeline as in flash CS3 and earlier versions of flash?
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Sep 19, 2010
I was wondering if older versions of Flash (specifically Flash 8 and CS3) are still available. I'm aware that Flash CS5 is the current version, and I've used it a few times at school. However, I find that the older versions are easier to use, less prone to lag, and come with less features (it might sound odd to want less features, but I don't write Actionscript or anything - all I need are the basic paintbrush tools and animating abilites). Is there anywhere on this site that I can buy/download these versions from?
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Feb 18, 2010
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Sep 5, 2010
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Sep 12, 2010
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May 7, 2011
I am working on a Flash project that will use AS3/Flash 10. I would like to replace the flash object in the DIV element with an image, if they are using an older flash version.
Also, are most flash coders shooting for flash 10 or programming for v9 still?
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Apr 4, 2011
My wish for future versions of Flash is that it should have this option to print entered ActionScript code in the colors. The purpose it that if I would like to analyse the code e.g. on a plane, anyway away from my pc, then I would have it pretty colored on paper, unlike if I would print it black/white via copy/paste into some text editor in order to print.
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Dec 2, 2010
I am new in Graphics and Multimedia Programming and I use Adobe Flash CS5 Professional V11.0 to edit and create some short flash movies.I have an old flash movie which is created by older version of Flash (Macromedia Flash 10 or 8). This falsh movie needs modification because it has some typing errors.
I had a rendered Flash movie (.swf) that I converted to its original format (.fla) with its associated resources like Action - Button - Font - Frame - Image - Shape - Sprite using a Flash decompiler software.
I have edited the shapes which includes the errors by my flash software and save it using the available formats which are CS5 or CS4 which are only allowed in saving options.
I took copies of the old edited shapes and replaced them with new correct ones but when I publish the file to be in *.swf format or expert it to flash it did not work as they are not there at may be a type mismatch but I downloaded and installed old flash software version (Macromedia Flash 8.0) to read and publish them but it gives file reading error and was unable to read or manipulate them at all.
I tried a program that replaces specific shape or all flash shapes but it did not see that also and it is used only with *.swf format.Is there any way to convert or treat shapes in flash as text ?
I searched the web for that but most results coming talks about Shape tweening and I did not find what I want.How I can change the mistakes in these flash shapes and leaving the other things as they are like the action script and the timeline used as I only want to replace these wrong shapes ?
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Apr 15, 2011
We have a really strange problem with a piece of Fluorine integration we've built.We have a form with a Captcha on it; the Captcha image is populated from a .Net/AMF webservice inventively titled GetCaptchaImage.ashx and can be reloaded from a text hyperlink within the Flash.
In some versions of IE (particularly IE8, but it may also be others), irrespective of IE version emulation and wmode, clicking the text link causes the HTTP call to our Fluorine gateway successfully to be made, but the call to the webservice does not follow it. Inspecting the HTTP transactions with Microsoft Fiddler, [code]...
why on earth that second call wouldn't be making it to the webserver? I can't see why the Flash wouldn't be issuing the HTTP GET but, equally, I can't think of any reason why a browser (let alone just this browser) would be suppressing it. I'm not a Flash developer (I run the .Net team here),
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Aug 29, 2011
I am trying to load a flash object and I am having a hard time getting it to work in ie6,ie7, and ie8. The flash object is a button for an uploader. The flash object loads in firefox, chrome, safari, opera, and ie9 fine. I have searched google for answers and I have not been able to fix it. Here is the code that i used to load the flash object (it has changed various times with no luck in ie6-ie8)
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="../flash/s3_upload.swf" codebase=",0,0,0" width="266" height="46" id="s3_swf_1" style="visibility: visible; ">
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
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Jun 9, 2010
Most of the time when it comes to sharing FLA files compatibility is an issue. For me I have CS3 at college, CS4 at work and CS5 at home so saving as a specific version is an issue expacially as most people seem to have CS3. Is there such thing as a converter to allow the opening or saving of different versions? CS5 cannot save as a CS3 which is the main problem for me.
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May 30, 2008
I've been scratching my head over this problem for two weeks now, trying to test (destroy) my router, internet connections, and flash apps to try and solve this problem. First of all, what I am trying to do: I've got a php socket server set up, and on localhost and lan connections with XMLSocket the server and flash clients work fine. But from the internet only some versions(or at least that is what I suspect) seem to connect. There is only one instance in which the connection worked, the client actually asked for a policy file... but I haven't been able to ask that guy's flash version yet. Is there anything different in the latest flash versions that prohibits XMLSocket from connecting to worldwide IPs?
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May 23, 2011
I've been looking for Flash versions of the iPhone ui components, like the picker, for a while now and haven't had any luck.
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Feb 10, 2004
I have an icon on the stage, that when the user drag's I want them to drag a copy, be able to release it, and go and get another one, whilst leaving the orginal in it's place. I've tried the code below, but it only let's me make one copy.
on (press) {
startDrag(this, true);
on (release)(
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Sep 2, 2009
I have two lines. One is straight and one is curved. Both were created with the Flash Graphics interface. How would I compare the different Y value for the curved line for any given X. In other words, how do I find a point on curve if I used the CurveTo method.
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Jul 26, 2010
I have a swf made in Flash CS4. It works fine in firefox and older versions of flash player in IE, but it doesn't work in recent versions of IE and Safari In this case just I can hear the music.
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Aug 3, 2010
I have a video player (just an out of the box flvplayer) where I pass in the video files using flashvars. I'm using swfobject to load the swf and pass in the video file. All standard code, nothing fancy or custom. This works perfectly in all browsers on both mac and pc... except recent versions of Firefox on the PC. On recent FF/PC machines the player loads but the video doesn't.
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Mar 27, 2009
We purchased the Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5 a few days ago and everything is running smoothly.We have a website where users can stream live and other users can see the live stream can sign in and broadcast in live. Other users can see the live stream. This is already working. However we would like to use the Dynamic Streaming's capability. We have users who have low-band and have other ones who have broadband Internet connection. We already know how to determine the users' speed and offer them the best suitable stream.But! The problem is that how we are supposed to make 3 different versions from one live stream? Yes, I know that we can use the Live Encoder to do the job but the thing is that we don't want our users to install anything on their computer.
Is there a way to do some server-side AS to produce three different quality version from one live stream? Or is it possible to integrate the Live Encoder in the background to do this?If not, then I suppose the only way we can solve this problem if our users stream 2 different versions at the same time, a low-band and a broadband. However I'm not sure that this would work and also it would require some amount of bandwidth from the streaming users' side. So I would like to avoid this solution.Is there a way to do this encoding procedure in the background? With recorded videos it's not a big deal, we can use ffmpeg but we are just stuck with this live stream encoding.
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Aug 22, 2011
Since recent versions of Flash have come out (perhaps the last few weeks), when loading up the website, [URL], the flash loading bars show, various SWF files in their layer appear, but then when loading completes, the web page goes blank (usually black, sometimes white). This occurs on Windoes 7 (64), Vista and XP. It occurs in IE9, IE8, and various Firefox browsers. So, I am comfortable believing that it is a recent Flash player issue.
The HTML page loads a file "back.swf" which in turn loads "menu_eo.swf" in level 10 and "intro_eo.swf" into level 5. What it looks like is that when the intro page finished loading and moves to the correct frame, the screen goes blank. My clients rarely update their Flash Player, but I asked them to do so this morning. They had the same problem in all those other browser and operating system after updating to Flash Player 10.3.1832.5.
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Apr 4, 2012
In IE you can add the version=11.1.0 to the end of the codebase attribute of the object tag. Is there something that will force Firefox to do the same upgrade?
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Jul 13, 2010
Abobe seems to only list the most recent debugger version, even though I can target previous players in build.
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Jan 15, 2012
Can we compile a SWF for (let's say) Flash Player 11, but still let people with older Flash Player versions run the SWF? E.g. if they have the latest version of Flash Player we will take advantage of the features in that player (eg H264 encoding of video) but if they have an older player we will just use older features (in this case VP6 encoding).
I've tried compiling for the latest version, FP11.0, but when you run this in older Flash Players it complains that libraries aren't available, even though that part of the code is not executed as its placed within a conditional statement which checks the version of the Flash Player. Surely we don't need to compile a SWF for each different Flash Player and have a condition in the HTML page which decides which movie to load?
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Jun 22, 2009
I've been trying to come up with a way to stop people from using hacked versions of an swf application, either by creating a new one, by decompiling, hacking and recompiling the whole thing or simply by stealing the swf and hosting it somewhere else.This would only be useful for interactive applications, such as games with high-score tables or multiplayer games.
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