ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling YouTube Video Sound Overriding Sandbox Restriction?
May 12, 2007
We are quite familiar with action scripting but are facing an awkward situation. We need to call different instances of youTube Video into our own swf and play them. Now as youTube video is from a different domain, the Flash sandbox restrictions naturally come into play. We are loading the youTube swf into a clip using the MovieClipLoader Class.
If we remove the instance using the removeMovieClip() command the video is removed but the sound continues. We have even tried the MovieClipLoader unloadClip() method but that too did not yield results.
We wish to be able to kill the sound object or atleast mute it so that it does not play even after the movie clip containing the video is removed. As the swf belongs to a different domain we are unable to control the sound object directly through script. We have even tried loading another youTube instance into the same movie clip after first removing it using the removeMovieClip() command, then creating it again, and finally loading the youTube instance using the MovieClipLoader class, but the earlier sound still continues to play even while the second clip sound also plays.
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Error: Request for resource at [URL] is denied due to lack of policy file permissions.
*** Security Sandbox Violation ***
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*** Security Sandbox Violation ***
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createEmptyMovieClip("video_mc", 10000);
video_mc._x = 150;
video_mc._y = 5;
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Mar 18, 2011
I have the site: [URL]
There are videos there and they play fine and get removed when I change pages. The problem is, if I leave a video playing and then switch pages the sound continues even though the video disappears. How can I make the sound stop? I have done quite a lot of research. My video's appear code is:
this.video_mc.loadMovie("youtube video");
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Sep 3, 2011
I was making a player which calls videos from youtube and displays it in my flash playback component. The script loads the videos fine but when i want the flash to load the same video ID from an external XML data source, it loads the youtube player API but not the video. Here is the code
var my_player:Object;
var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();
my_loader.load(new URLRequest("[URL]"));
[Code] .....
This script loads the video from with an specific ID which i have defined at
Later I defined and XML file called "videos.xml" where I passed the youtube link and tried to call the video from that xml file in flash. But the problem comes there. Here is the xml code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<VIDEO url="[URL]" id=1/>
<VIDEO url="[URL]" id=2/>
How to call the video from an XML file?
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Nov 5, 2010
I am trying to put a youtube video in a flash file,this is my code,
movieMC.loadMovie("" );
closeBTN.onPress = function(){
I have this actionscript on one layer and created the the movieMC and closeMC. I have then put movieMC on one layer and actionscript on another.However this does not work, where am I going wrong, is there another way to do this.
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Feb 23, 2011
i have a site and in the home page i have an embedded youtube video, the div that is containing the player is initially hidden (display:none),so, when a button(video) is clicked, i hide the content of the page and show the youtube player, all works ok, but i would love that when the button(video) is clicked, the player shows up and start to reproduce the video automatically, but i've faild in each attempt, i'm using a code that i find in other web and made some changes
swfobject.addLoadEvent( ytplayer_render_player );
function ytplayer_render_player( )
i've post the entire code i'm using, so, how can i make autoplay here,
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Apr 12, 2011
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Jun 22, 2011
Can i upload videos to youtube using an as3 based Adobe Air application, record it, send it to a server and then submit to a youtube account channel?
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Sep 28, 2011
How can I get the video ID alone from this src?
Is there any predefined option available for that?
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