ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Sound From Other Levels?
Apr 27, 2009
I now have my sound clip working in a container swf (level0).. Can I control this sound clip from other levels that have been loaded into level 1 from the container swf?Would it be something like
PHP Code:
If so, where do I name the music 'mysound'? I have simply dragged the music into the main timeline. Would it be better if I loaded it externally?
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Jan 9, 2005
I believe that my question here is a little hard, or maybe impossible. But here it goes:
How can I, in Flash, get the levels of volume (peak levels) of multiple sound frequencys from an audio file, so that flash would recognize them?
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Jan 14, 2005
Does anyone know of a way to dynamically read the sound levels of a loaded MP3 to help produce dynamic sound visualization in Flash?
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Feb 4, 2011
I have a movieclip on the main timeline with instance name "rpm_display". Inside that movieclip I have another movieclip with instance name "dial_graphics". My actionscript is on this timeline. The tween that uses "dial_graphics" drives "rpm_digital.rpm_counter.text" to compute a value based on the tween position of "dial_graphics".
I need to move the movieclip "rpm_digital.rpm_counter.text" outside of movieclip "rpm_display", but it will not work when its on the main timeline. I have tried having it on the main timeline and putting the actionscript there too using "rpm_display.dialgraphics", but this did not work...
should i use _parent? Not too familiar with AS3.
import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
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Jan 31, 2011
Background: Written a basic flash animation where a number of buttons control 8 signs, and each sign can have 3 different 'faces' There isn't one button per face, as each button can affect multiple faces. (i.e. button a changes signs 1 and 5 to faces x and y, button b changes signs 2 and 6 to faces q and z, etc)Each 'face' is made up of multiple 'sections', a bit like the rotating advertising boards or motorway signs, like this:(can't post links, don't have enough posts. Go to google images and search for this:rotapanel the_southit should be the first resultThis part isn't the problem, it works by having each 'section' as a separate symbol, and face symbols made of of either 4 or 5 of these section symbols. As the buttons are pressed, I hide and make visible the appropriate faces, and everything is good. The idea is that I can easily customise it later by switching out the underlying section symbols to update the whole thing, or create new 'faces' by combining the sections in different combinations. All nice and modular.
Now the problem: In order to try and make the thing look more realistic, I decided to animate the transition between faces by rotating the sections as vertical prisms (think of 4 or 5 toblerones stood on their ends, placed together to make a single surface. If you rotate them all about their centre points at the same time, you can create up 3 different 'faces').The animation is done and works fine, but the problem is controlling it. At the moment, each 'face transition' structure is this:
Face Trans. - Section Name(1) : Spin out animation: Static Graphic
________________________________Spin in animation: Static Graphic
____________- Section Name(2) : Spin out animation: Static Graphic
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Jan 22, 2009
i need to ctrl the audio of a video clip, but im not sure how to do itwhat actionscript do i needi imagine i would need something like_root.video_movieclip.soundlevels = 100%
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Jan 31, 2006
Is there a way with actionscript to detect different sound levels / pitches , etc? It wasnt possible with flash mx 2004, and therefore we had to use a program like flashamp.
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Jan 14, 2005
Any way to dynamically read the sound levels of a loaded MP3 to produce dynamic sound visualization in Flash?
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Jul 31, 2009
I m trying to separte two DisplayObjects 3D into ViewporLaers and controlling their "levels" on rendering.So I have two ViewportLayers: 1 - cardsHolder; and 2 - floorLayer.But floor layer is always above the cards layer (its a memory card game).I did a zip files with the codes and the current result.
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Jan 9, 2005
How can I, in Flash, get the levels of volume (peak levels) of multiple sound frequencys from an audio file, so that flash would recognize them?
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Sep 20, 2009
I used a template from a flash template website but I just realized that the background control was written to control all sounds, now all the video sound and seperate sounds objects stop when I click on this one button. This is the code below that I found on the button. There are others also.
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Mar 10, 2010
I have a child SWF with a linked sound that I want to control from the mother SWF. In the child SWF there are different linked sounds in separat frames. The "Control system" is in the mother SWF.
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Jan 11, 2011
I'm trynig to control an sound of a external SWF but I can't seem to get it right,here is the code i'm using to import the sound
mport;import;import flash.display.Sprite;import;import;import;var _som1:Sound;var _channel1:SoundChannel;var _playing1:Boolean = false;var[code]...
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Nov 14, 2007
I'm doing a project that I have to use scenes in, I have a sound object that i want to be able to control in all scenes. I set up global variables for the sound object and a boolean to check if the sounds currently playing like this :
PHP Code:
_global.sound1= new Sound();
_global.soundplaying = 0;
In each scene I have two buttons a stop and a play button, Heres my code for play:
PHP Code:
_global.soundplaying = 1;
And stop:
PHP Code:
_global.soundplaying = 0;
Doesn't seem to work, if I press play in scene one and go to scene 2 and then return to scene one the sound can be played again on top of the already playing sound object.
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Jan 10, 2011
I'm making an application and I can't seem to find a way to control my sound of an external SWF(SWF2) from the main one(SWF1).Here is the code I'm using to control the timeline of external SWF that is placed inside of the main movie
var loadAnimBox:Loader = new Loader();
var vid_mc:MovieClip;
function startLoading():void {
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Apr 26, 2004
I have a button on my main scene which creates the varaiable "soundoff", then if one of the placed swf's when loaded detect the variable it stops all sounds,
if(soundoff == true){
This works fine but does not target sounds placed in movieclips in the loaded swf's timeline. I've tried targeting them with the _root. command and using linkage but I can only stop the sound in the main timeline level.
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Apr 8, 2005
I have a loaded SWF file in _level1 that has audio in the timeline. I am trying to control the volume of this loaded SWF with a 'mute' button in the main SWF file. On the first frame I'm using the code:
my_sound = new Sound(_level1);
and then on the button script I have:
mute_btn.onPress = function(){
my_sound.setVolue(0);//mute volume
but it's not working. Is the new Sound(_level1) not valid?
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Sep 4, 2005
I am having trouble controlling sound instance on the main timeline from with a movieclip.
On the main timeline contains the following code:
root.createEmptyMovieClip("beat_mc", 100);
beat = new Sound("beat_mc");
The main timeline will render the sound at the volume 10 value. However, I anticipated the volume to be set at a 100 from the Jukebox's controller.
It would seem logical that the jukebox code should respond to the instance "beat", but it doesn't.
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Jul 23, 2006
I now changed my movie up to where a "empty movie clip" is created that plays songs on maintime of movie. However, I still want to have a tab where it says "sound controls" be automated so that when users roll over it, it slides in and shows controls for sounds instead of them always being present. This roll over effect is the simple AS:
soundtab.onRollOver = over;
soundtab.onRollOut = out;
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Apr 22, 2012
On my Main SWF i have a Flv that has no sound
When i play the Main SWF the volume is 0 which is good, But when i click on the button to load the 2nd SWF the sound comes on for both FLV's when i want the 1st FLV to stay at 0 volume and the 2nd FLV to play with sound at 100.
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Oct 1, 2002
I am trying to create a movie that has 3 different background sound loops for the user to choose from as well as an on/off button.I followed one of the Kirupa tutorials which enabled me to create 3 different buttons that linked to the 3 sound loops in my library. The problem is that I don't know the actionscript required to stop whatever clip is playing and play the newly selected background sound chosen by the user.Also I am trying to have one of the loops playing when the movie starts as a default, and also to have a mute button
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Apr 8, 2005
I have a loaded SWF file in _level1 that has audio in the timeline. I am trying to control the volume of this loaded SWF with a 'mute' button in the main SWF file. On the first frame I'm using the code:
my_sound = new Sound(_level1);
and then on the button script I have:
mute_btn.onPress = function(){
my_sound.setVolue(0);//mute volume
but it's not working. Is the new Sound(_level1) not valid?
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Nov 21, 2002
I've am trying to create a sound control to control the sound of an imported FLV file. The problem is like this. I recorded a video using a video camera and than using the iMovie, I've converted the movie to QuickTime format. Than I use Sorenson Squeeze for Flash MX to compress the video. I manage to compress the files into FLV format and than imported it to my Flash file. Now I want to add a sound control to the movie to control the volume.
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Apr 7, 2009
Is it possible to start and stop a sound file from a separate class? In the first class, "House", I have called the MP3 using the following:
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Aug 23, 2009
i've discovered that the only way to sync loops adequately in flash is to put them together on the timeline.
is there any way to change the volume of each layer with actionscript? i'd like to dynamically mix between loops.
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Feb 5, 2011
how to assign a volume control component available in the video components library to an externally loaded swf once it's loaded into my main flash movie? I want to feature the volume control at the bottom of my main flash so that when you click a button to load the swf that volume control will be able to start controlling it's volume. Also, I want to be able to load several swfs and once each one is loaded--only one playing at any given time--into the main flash that same volume control can control them. Is this possible and, if so, how do I do it?I'm using CS5.
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Aug 18, 2009
I have a Loader that loads external SWF. The external SWF has sound. I'd like to stop, pause and play the sound.
This only mute the sound only and the sound is still runnung.
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Aug 16, 2010
I have a flex application in which multiple sound files are used in various parts of the application. Can i have a single sound handler, which will take care of volume control fo the entire application at once. How can i do that
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Feb 1, 2009
I'm new to Actionscript and also new here. I've seen a lot of posts on this topic here and elsewhere, but forgive me, as I am having a hard time getting my particular Actionscript to work.
My goal is to have an external mp3 start playing by default, then continuously loop back to the beginning and play each time it reaches its end. All the while, I need to be able to play and pause the mp3 with buttons.So far, I believe I have everything working correctly EXCEPT for getting the sound to loop while retaining the functionality of my buttons.
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Apr 7, 2009
Is it possible to start and stop a sound file from a separate class?In the first class, "House", I have called the MP3 using the following:
public var mySoundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("tune.mp3");
public var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
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