ActionScript 2.0 :: Converting Smiley From Text To Flash?
Sep 1, 2006
I have dynamically loaded a text file into flash. In this text file, let say it contains the following message:"Hi! How are you doing? : D I've just got this great game! : P. Blah Blah Blah"I want flash to render out a smiley that is a movieclip in the library instead of : D and : P.
I am creating a chat application. I want my smileys to appear on the same line in my sentence (inline). But it doesn'y. It looks all scattered and messed upPlease refer to pic2.jpg in the attachment. Thats is how I would like my smileys to be displayed in my output textfieldBut this is how it appears (refer pic1.jpg in thettachment)pic3.jpg has a screenshot of my dynamic textbox propertiesThe chat messages will be displayed bottom-to-top in the output textbox. This is the order in which I type msgs into my input textfield:Hello {followed by an hand waving smiley}This line will have a smiling face {followed by a smiling face}this line will have sad face {followed by a sad face}
So I recently started using flash AS 2.0 ~6 weeks ago when I was bored over summer. I decided to make a 2 player maze racing thing, but I am having a problem. What I plan to do is, once one player has finished use AS 2.0 to check if the other player has already finished, and if not, set the alpha of a big smiley face image to 100. This is the code I have at the moment which isn't currently working (the code is put on the 2nd player. Instance names: player_2_end = the finishing point for player 2, thumbs_up_p1 and thumbs_up_p2 = the big smiley face picture with the alpha currently at 0 that I need to change to 100).
Can you add curve effects to text in flash without converting it to a raster format? Either applying the effect straight to the text, or converting the text to a path and applying the curve effect to the resultant path?
I've got a project that currently uses classic dynamic text fields that pull in information from an XML file. The text contains a 'keyword' that's referenced in the XML, that can be situated anywhere in the complete sentence. This keyword needs to be a different colour and font size... but as I said, it can appear anywhere.
Currently this works by getting the keyword from the XML, finding its length, finding the index of where it starts, splicing the main string, and then setting TextFormat to the number of chars in keyword, which changes the font size and colour for just that keyword in the sentence.
This works great for the classic dynamic text boxes. It doesn't however work with TLF text, it just applies the new format to the entire text field. I don't have any experience with TLF text as I've just upgraded to CS5 and now need to make this work in Hebrew.The code snippet for the keyword colour change looks like this:Where screen01Norm & screen01Key are things pulled from XML & screen_01.txt_box_combined is the text field.
var newFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); newFormat.color = 0x319aca; newFormat.size = 50;
I need to convert a text document into XML where each paragraph is its own node. Example:
speech_xml=<speech> <paragraph>I was born and raised in a small town... </paragraph> <paragraph>In the late 80s I was elected to the state Senate.... </paragraph>
I have used some text and coverted it into a button,
I have done my up over down and hit frames,
I have gone into actions and used the following code,
on (press) {getURL (""); }
when i do a test movie i get the follwoing error
**Error** Symbol=Symbol 96, layer=actions, frame=1:Line 1: Mouse events are permitted only for button instances on (press) { Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1
I am currently working on a task that will take 2 years and calculate them (one year being from an XML document, and the other automatically generating the current year), returning a result and have been successful..
function loadXML(loaded) { if (loaded) { _root.begin = this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue; MyDate = new Date();
Now in Phase 2, instead of middleyear_txt.text being just a text number, I was hoping to make it into graphical digits.
So 2007 - 1997 = 10. I have 1 through 10.png, so I was hoping to find a way to make 1 = 1.png, 2 = 2.png, 3 = 3.png, 4 = 4.png, etc...
Is there a way in actionscript to convert an image to text data, i want to do an air app that converts an image to text and saves it in a text file, i also need a way to convert that text back to an image,
i create a textfield(with some text in it ) and then i want to convertit to a shape. How would i do that + is it posssible to shape tween texts using nothing but actionscript?
My input textfield is called Minutes. var pMinutes = Minutes.textvar sMinutes:Number = Number(pMinutes) I use it in a timer, and when i try to add a value to Minutes (ex. 5) in the swf the timer displays 59:59, if i add a value (ex. 5) in the .fla the timer goes well but i have to add a value before exporting... so the textinput is like a normal read-only text field.
Is there anything wrong with following snippet of code?
var d:Date = DateField.dateToString(myDateField.text,"DD/MM/YYYY"); testTextArea.text = d.getSeconds().toString(); Error: Implicit coercion of a value of type String to an unrelated type Date.
I have used a tool to convert a pdf to a swf but i need to be able to select and hightlight the pdf's contents. How would I do this using flex/action script?
I have a project where I'm working in Flash CS4 on a presentation that runs in ActionScript 1.0. I need certain lines of text to be hyperlinks. I have two instances in which there is an e-mail link and a URL link which are part of a larger block of text, and one instance with just the URL alone. So far I used the method where I used the Properties window to make the box static text and the text fields I require have been made into links, as well as making other instance dynamic text. Thing is the HTML version of the file works all right, but the swf version doesn't hyperlink properly. If I click on the link, it accesses my browser but does nothing else. Let me know if there's anything else I need to elaborate on from my end.
Currently I have sketched out this small code just to see how it might work. Each text box receives a seperate word one is the game word/the other is a hint. I was hoping to have a new one appear each time I tested the Movie but I cannot seem to get it.
import; import; var allWords:Array;
I'm trying to read date variables from an external text file. I'm using the LoadVars method and it is working fine for regular string variables. I'm running into trouble trying to convert some of those strings into date variables so I can compare the current date to the targetDateX variable from the text file. I'm working on a countdown timer for a list of different times/dates. It will display the time left until the first event, then after that event the time left until the second event. I'm running the code in a for loop and everything is working except being able to convert the string with format (yyyy,mm,dd,hh,mm) into a date variable- I've attached a sample of where I'm having trouble.
I have to convert a flash file to a big screen it will just be animation in Flash CS4 and there may be jpeg graphics imported into the animation. I have been given screen dimensions to use but they are in millimeters. This is the information I have been given :-
Bumper banners: w- 1,200mm x h- 6,048mm Full screen: w - 8,062mm x h- 5,184mm Small screen: w- 8,062mm x h- 5,184mm
The video needs to be DVD quality full PAL MPEG2
1. What should I do to make this scale properly from Flash on my PC to a big screen tv. Do I need to obtain the size of the big screen in pixels and make the animation this size in flash?
2. Also I wondered if you knew what bumper banner means I have emailed the person I am dealing with back and still awaiting a response?
3. I have been told that it needs to be in full PAL MPEG2 can flash convert to MPEG2 and will this have any affect on the scaling or quality of the animation?
4. Also does it matter what frames per second I use I am using the default of 12 fps is this ok?
I have an animated GIF file that I am trying to convert to Flash using Adobe Fireworks. I can't get the Flash version to loop. I want it to replay indefinetely. I have attached the files so somebody can take a look.
I don't know Flash and the only reason I am using Fireworks (a trial version at this point in time) is because another person said this was the best way to do this.
Does anyone know of an effective way to do this, besides using converters? I created a menu like controller that will control the PPT once it's been converted to a swf. I've tried everything, and am hoping I won't have to just copy the data into an .fla by hand.
I have to convert a flash file to a big screen it will just be an animation in Flash CS4 and there may be jpeg graphics imported into the animation. I have been given screen dimensions to use but they are in millimeters. This is the information [code]...
The video needs to be DVD quality full PAL MPEG2
1. What should I do to make this scale properly from Flash on my PC to a big screen tv. Do I need to obtain the size of the big screen in pixels and make the animation this size in flash?
2. Also I wondered if you knew what bumper banner means I have emailed the person I am dealing with back and still awaiting a response?
3. I have been told that it needs to be in full PAL MPEG2 can flash convert to MPEG2 and will this have any affect on the scaling or quality of the animation?
4. Also does it matter what frames per second I use I am using the default of 12 fps is this ok?
Does anyone know what the best way is to convert a flash file to a .mov or .avi file?I thought maybe if I did "export" to a quicktime movie, it would do it, but when I was looking at all the settings, there are so many of them, I don't know what to choose!I have received specs that the flash file I have need to be converted to a .mov file, and here are the specs:Video must be a minimum resolution of 720 x 540. It will be resampled to 1280x540. Video chould be progressive video, square pixel (1:1) and supplied in .mpgeg2 or uncompressed .mov format.
I have a game that I made in flash, and now I want to take all the movieclips I have and export the images into something that I can use outside of flash. What would be the easiest way to do this? I would rather not use screenshots, plus, I need to keep the transparency.
I want a little greeter guy on my website. I have received a .mov from Adobe Premiere with a transparent background. I opened this in Adobe After Effects, went to composition->add to render queue, I set the output format to FLV with RGB+Alpha and Audio included. I then uploaded the FLV to my webserver, opened the FLV from my server into Flash Professional, chose a FLVPlayBack Skin and selected the "already deployed" option for the source of my file. I then File->Export to a .swf and upload the .swf back to my server. When I embed this into my home page, the guy does not load all the way, I get about 5 seconds worth. The SWF is around 50 KB and the FLV is around 18,000 KB. The video is 1 minute 15 seconds long.
Is there a application (Or way in coldfusion/ to be able to convert a swf to a image file? It needs to be ok quality and needs not to be too slow.
I am writing a script that lets a user record their voice and then saves the file as an MP3 format. I'm recording using [URL] which works fine and the WAV is saved. However, I need to convert that file, on the drive, to mp3 before I move it along the pipeline.
I have a lot of experience in the PHP/Python/Ruby/C world, but this is my first foray into AS3,