Flash :: Curving Text In Flex Without Converting To Raster Graphics?

Nov 2, 2011

Can you add curve effects to text in flash without converting it to a raster format? Either applying the effect straight to the text, or converting the text to a path and applying the curve effect to the resultant path?

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var d:Date = DateField.dateToString(myDateField.text,"DD/MM/YYYY");
testTextArea.text = d.getSeconds().toString();
Error: Implicit coercion of a value of
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public static function makeRect( obj:DisplayObject, ...
var g:Graphics;
if(obj is Sprite){


//1119: Access of possibly undefined property graphics through a reference with static type flash.display:Graphics.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Game - High Score With Graphics Not With Text

Jan 1, 2010

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Flex :: Flash - Converting IDs To Account Name

Nov 23, 2010

I am using Adobe Air to get data from SalesForce, and present it in a datagrid. I am using a query to get the data, and then put it into an arraycollection that is bound to the datagrid, this works correctly and the data is displayed. The problem is that I want to convert the Account Id in the Event to show the account Name. To do this I am using the following code:-

_serviceWrapper.query( "Select * From Event order by StartDateTime asc", new mx.rpc.Responder( eventQueryHandler, faultHandler ))}
protected function eventQueryHandler(qr:ArrayCollection):void {
var acctIdss:String = "";
for each(var contact:DynamicEntity in qr) {
[Code] .....

This works and displays the Account Name, the problem is that when I use this script and then Sync Changes to SalesForce all the records that have been displayed are identified as needing to be syncronised even if they have only been displayed. If I skip the function eventQueryHandler, and link my query to the OnQueryResult function then there is no problem, but only the Account Id can be displayed. How can I stop Air marking these records as having changed, or is there a better way to achieve this?

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Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to take images I am placing in a flex canvas component to a bitmap. I was able to get to the point where I'm not getting an error but then no image shows up and the image I save out as a jpg is blank. I imagine I'm not setting the bitmap data correctly but can't figure out what I am doing wrong.

Here is the code where I am converting it to a bitmap:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing From Raster To Vector?

Aug 5, 2011

I'm working with a bit of code I ran across to see if I can convert it for a magnifying glass effect on swf's. It's written to work with raster images but in my case I've created swf's from the pngs I have to reduce their weight.The code I'm working with is filling the rectangle (magnifying glass) with the beginBitmapFill method. I'm kinda lost (being pretty new to Flash/AS3 programming) as to how to accomplish this with vector images. The key lines I'm dealing with are

ActionScript Code:
var curBd:BitmapData;
var curBmp:Bitmap;
curBmp=new Bitmap(new BitmapData(...;


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Flash :: Library For Converting Flex TextLayoutFormat Data To HTML And CSS?

Apr 8, 2011

I have the job of recreating a flex app in HTML and CSS. The existing app makes considerable use of TextFlow to layout content. For several reasons I need to be quite accurate (within a few pixels) with positioning.


Ideally I'm looking for a library I can use to translate these many attributes into "proper" html and css. The current technology stack is PHP at the back end and javascript at the front end, but there would be little problem in using any other language to do the translation.

Failing that I guess I'll try and write my own, using the api reference as a guide.

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Professional :: Performance Optimization Vector Vs Raster?

Jan 28, 2011

I am trying to improve the frame rate of a game that draws many floor tiles. Currently, the floor tiles are vector graphics and stored as different frames in a movie clip. I wanted to experiment with rasterizing a floor tile and seeing if that would provide any frame rate boosts. I did this by converting one of my tiles (one of the frames in my movie clip) to a png and replacing the vector version of this tile with this raster version. I then tested two worlds--one filled with tile A (vector) and another filled with tile B (png).
In all my tests, world with tile A (the original vector version) outperformed the world with tile B. I am guessing that the reason I am not getting the expected performance gains is because I am still rendering the tiles in the old style and not using any strict bitmap drawing calls?why it is that this method fails to boost rendering speed? Would I have to switch my rendering code to strict bitmap draw calls?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting Style Code From Classic Text To TLF Text?

Jan 10, 2011

I've got a project that currently uses classic dynamic text fields that pull in information from an XML file. The text contains a 'keyword' that's referenced in the XML, that can be situated anywhere in the complete sentence. This keyword needs to be a different colour and font size... but as I said, it can appear anywhere.

Currently this works by getting the keyword from the XML, finding its length, finding the index of where it starts, splicing the main string, and then setting TextFormat to the number of chars in keyword, which changes the font size and colour for just that keyword in the sentence.

This works great for the classic dynamic text boxes. It doesn't however work with TLF text, it just applies the new format to the entire text field. I don't have any experience with TLF text as I've just upgraded to CS5 and now need to make this work in Hebrew.The code snippet for the keyword colour change looks like this:Where screen01Norm & screen01Key are things pulled from XML & screen_01.txt_box_combined is the text field.

var newFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
newFormat.color = 0x319aca;
newFormat.size = 50;


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Professional :: Deform / Warp Raster Images Like In IPhone App Wobble?

Sep 17, 2010

I am very interested in applying the warp/deform effect seen in the iPhone app Wobble (it lets you define regions on a raster image and then deforms those regions as it gets input from the accelerometer or the user's touch as if they had adopted faux soft-body physics) to a game I am making, but I'm not sure how this effect was achieved. How I might program an analogous effect using Flash and as3?

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Actionscript 3 :: Draw An Anti-aliased Bezier Curve In Raster?

Mar 26, 2012

Does anyone know a decent algorithm for drawing a anti-aliased (smooth) quadratic bezier curves in a raster?
I could simply draw them as vectors and then copy the image to a raster..

Is there any clever yet freely available algorithm to draw the curve directly to the pixels? I am currently using the algorithm implemented here:[URL].. I am doing this for learning purposes and because I am hoping it would be faster than using the copy pixels from a Shape option. Here is an example showing the none-smooth bezier is faster than the regular bezier:[URL]..

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May 27, 2010

can anyone explain when I goto publish my flash file certain graphics and text are disappearing from the swf file?

For instance just some static text and also a graphic i've copied three times.. two show up but the third doesn't? really annoying help!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach Graphics Instead Of MC Cause A Graphics File Size Is Relatively Small Than That Of A Graphic?

Apr 9, 2005

I was wondering about MC and hey can help to lag a game out. I set up an advanced class system so i don't have to use MC to simulate walls, all i use isthe x,y,width and height. Well anyway since i don't need MC anymore I was wondering if there is a way to attach Graphics instead of MC cause a Graphics file size is relatively small than that of a graphic, I think. If anyone could tell me thats true and show me a way to attach graphics that would be nice. I haven't tried it yet but maybe if I exported the graphic from the library imihgt be able to call its name, but it doesn't have an instance name so im stuck.

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IDE :: Can't Seem To Link Text - Graphics Or Buttons To A URL

Jul 29, 2009

I'm fairly new to CS4 and like Dreamweaver CS4, the changes have been hard to over come in some areas. I can't seem to link text, graphics, or buttons to a URL. I get a message saying "Current selection can not have actions applied to it" When I was working with text originally, I found that I couldn't click to bring up the URL, but I would right click and open in a new window.

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