Flex :: Viewing Flash Source Code After Converting .swf To .fla?

Mar 29, 2011

I converted a .swf file into .fla file using Sothink SWF Decompiler. I can open the file with Adobe Flash Professional CS5, but I cant see the source code. The only thing that I see is the timeline layers. I want to change the background picture of the Flash and save it as .swf.

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i = 0;
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with (_root.player) {
// Controls Player Speed


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Specifically flash.display.BitmapData.

I've seen the swc file, header-like classes, and some implementation files for

fl.*, but not flash.*!

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recommend use firefox or chrome browser,because the IE browser's FPS is low.chinese site, url...if you have interest,you can download my source code,it contain english comment. url...

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ActionScript Code:
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;//import tween class
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;//define how stage scales


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Aug 26, 2010

i have a Air Project in which i have added three extenal source folders. but when i reopen project or strat flash builder again i get icon on those folder like this but when i open the configuration for that project and try to validate the path and adding it again i get message like this but the path is valid. proof is this pic what could be possible error,,, is there any way that i when ever re-open project i get no warning and able to navigate through the linked source code. now i am doing it

1- deleting on of the linked folder

2- again adding that folder.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Script Source In Source Path Cannot Be Found

Jan 11, 2010

So inside my src folder I have my app.mxml file. I have a source directory pointed to my actionscript library.It appears that Flex does not look inside that source directory including an .as file within the master mxml file.

<mx:Script source="com/domain/something/somethingelse/app.as"/>

I could just have the main app.as file inside the src folder along with my app.mxml file but it would be nice if it could live in the actionscript library.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Source In Source Path Cannot Be Found

Aug 21, 2009

So inside my src folder I have my app.mxml file. I have a source directory pointed to my actionscript library.It appears that Flex does not look inside that source directory including an .as file within the master mxml file.[code]I could just have the main app.as file inside the src folder along with my app.mxml file but it would be nice if it could live in the actionscript library.

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