I'm looking for some help converting as3 code to pixelbender code in an attempt to improve the performance of my application. This as3 code goes as follows. I scan through the Number values of a bytearray in chunks. Lets say this chunk lenght was 100 numbers I read 2 numbers (left and right) and try find the maximum values. The numbers in my bytearray are PCM data so there is millions of them and this code can often take a long time to execute, especially on a low spec machine.
The whole aim of this is to render a waveform as quickly as possible. I know very little about pixel bender. I can basically make a new file and create a shaderJob of it in flash but I'm really uncertain how to approach this...
Got to the point where the hole in my AS3 knowledge is getting large!Realising I have confusion about the relationship of:Body of code on first frame of AS3 file.(Which I have so far used to create instances of library objects using addchild and make calls to class code).Is this code called the document code? What do people call it?Numerous classes linked together by extending each other etc.Library objects (usually graphical objects)Should it be done differently? have the following problems due to lack of understanding:Addchild complicated from a class but straight forward in main body code.Cant call functions on the main body code from classes, because class code does not know the main body code exists?
have button listener code on main timeline: Code: endPanel.playAgain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAgain); which lets my button within a clip call a function (function is on main timeline as well) later, that clip advances through its frames and the button seems to be losing it's listener code. the button still has the same instance name and is persistent throughout the clip. why is it only recognizing the code when the clip is on the first frame? You would assume that an instance name would retain it's listener code throughout the timeline no?
is there a code for Actionscript 2.0 for the "Auto-Resizing and Centering your Content" Tutorial all my code is in AS2 and i cant change it.url...I get an error in AS2 in the line function updateSize(e:Event)
i have a .swf which i have downloaded on the internet it is a animation that i would very much like to have it in my .swf however, when i am loading it and trying to control the .swf i get a error code.TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::AVM1Movie@10d52701 to flash.display.MovieClip.
i searched the net for this error and it is because the .swf is compiled in as1/2 therefore i am unable to get it's "object" and control it.i have also decompiled the .swf and read the codes, but the codes are mostly done in as1/2 and i have no clue what it does, as i just started learning as3 , and have never touched as1/2.the below is the code decompiled, from what i understand it is used to "shift" the parts of the animation. which is a "fish" body part, to create a very smooth, swimming action. i have tried converting it to as3 code but i get errors where it cant find the variables.
function corps(objet) { i = 0; for (;;) [code].............
Since Action Script is an interpreted language, and it is clear by decompiling animations that the code is still in there, is there any function that lists the code of a function or class as a string?asically, I want to create a suite of components for developers that lets them make modifications to or at least view the code behind a component while the animation is running, and that way make it easier to find bugs, instead of having to stop the animation, dig up the code for that class, and recompile it. It would be even handier if it was possible to edit code while the code was running, so the next time Flash encounters that code, it will instead run the new code. Yes, if used unwisely, that could cause a lot of problems, but the benefit outweighs the risk, and that feature is used in such development environments such as Visual Studio.
Likely, the only solution to that would be to give each class a "code" variable, likely a String. Then when the users click the button to view that certain source, it checks for the "code" variable and displays the contents. The problem is that you have to remember to update the variable each and every time Perhaps I can write an extension for FlashDevelop that does that automatically? It could just update that variable at compile time.
Are there any other swf to HTML converters, I know there is Wallaby and Swiffy from Google, but does anyone know any others, that support ActionScript. I want to convert a swf file to HTML, but the swf has some ActionScript (AS3) code inside it that is used to populate the swf. I want to be able to convert this into HTML and use JavaScript to populate the HTML version.
This will probably seem a moronic question, but I've only been using Actionscript for about a week... Either way, I've written a very long and complicated (8500 lines w/ autoformat) code for a game I've decided to program. The game is functional, the AI can respond to outside inputs etc, and I know reasonably well how to use SharedObjects.
What I'd now like to do is make a menu system surrounding my game that can pass variables in and out of this existing program. The program is currently in the shapely form of a Document Class, meaning the code runs on load. I'd prefer if there was a way to simple make the code run upon being called. How would I best do this? The only inputs presently used are keyboard inputs...
I have the following code for a game how can I extract pieces of the god for example the enemy and make it run as an external class as via seperate .as file?
I converted a .swf file into .fla file using Sothink SWF Decompiler. I can open the file with Adobe Flash Professional CS5, but I cant see the source code. The only thing that I see is the timeline layers. I want to change the background picture of the Flash and save it as .swf.
I'm working on a project that involves making a globe in flash which will have many particular points (all the worlds major cities by using their longitudes and latitudes). It's all 2D made to look 3D.To make the "Sphere," I put together some code that stacks a bunch of ovals that creates the illusion of space, ala the code below...
//AS3 function magicTrigFunctionX (pointRatio){ return Math.cos(pointRatio*2*Math.PI); }
Now, my problem is that in order to assign the longitude and latitude information I need to be able to address each oval individually (not only which one, but also eventually the angle/radians of each oval for the latitude) and I've run into a snag...I don't know how or perhaps exactly what to do, because I know how to make it a symbol and class if the object was already made visually using the oval tool in the tool bar, but I can't figure out (after taking a bit of time looking up on how to use arrays and classes) how to do it in the AS3 code where I actually made the "sphere."
how I access variables in a frame on the stage with code from a frame within a movieclip?(basically passing variables from a stage frame to a movieclip frame)
i have As code with functions on frame 1-6 i want on frame 7 to have a clear code that will remove all the functions from frame 6. I need only the AS code to be cleared on frame 6 no where else... so the functions that are there no longer work in the rest of the animation.
I am All Programmer when it comes to anything including flash. I got into making games not to long ago and some people use frames to navigate from the main menu to the game screen and so on (which I have no idea how to do). and some people encapsulate the game inside of a class and call it from the document class and add and remove it when please
I have a timeline with a bunch of frames. At the beginning of my timeline (frame 2) I have actionscript that makes movieclips that are transparent (alpha 0) visible, and also some rollover and link/button code using a tween class. On frame 3 I have other movies that are visible etc. Frame 3 has stop code, and a frame anchor named "page2". For instance for the moviedclip "page_1" I have this code:
As stupid as my question might sound, i have spent the last 2 weeks reading oop books; but could use some guidance. I have a flash project that is basically a supped up slide show. On the stage i have the following: main_mc (instance name = images_mc) = movieclip which holds "pictures" ui1 (instance name = ui1_mc) = user interface that allows user to draw on picture (when drawing is enabled) ui2 (instance name = ui2_mc) = activates invisible hit areas (buttons) on select pics, when hit area is clicked, we jump to another pic in the main_mc.
I accomplished all of this on the timeline, but am updating the code to OOP. I am having A HELL OF A TIME trying to figure out how to store references to the instances (images_mc etc..), so i can control them from varying class files. I have found it is easy to control the instances from the documentclass, but not from unrelated class files. Example: images_mc.stop(); works in document class; but ovieclip(Parent).images_mc.stop() doesn't seem to work from any class file.(ui2 class file for example);
Note the red code, I need to repeat this an unknown amount yet multiple times but with the number on the end of enemy incremented by 1 each time. It starts with 0 as you can see the code just above the red. I heard about for loops using 'i' but im unsure about how to use it.
edit: ah, this forum isnt letting me highlight red. Everything in this editor is also failing. well, when I say code in red i mean this code:
I'm looking for a way to have my main timeline code interact with code inside of a symbol.I'm tying to get my timeline inside the symbol to gotoAndPlay(10) when something happens in my main timeline code.
I'm looking for a workaround to the "AdSense does not let you choose only images but no flash" issue. I'm rather a newbie to JS, but is there any way for one script to prevent other scripts embedded in a site from detecting the presence of the flash plugin? Even if it doesn't work with AdSense, it would be nice to know if there's a hack to do this that might work in other settings.By the way, I suppose I wouldn't care if it failed to work on IE or obsolete browser versions.
I have attached a simple test fla.I am trying to centralize my code in all my movies using dot notation instead of spreading my code all over the place. It never works, I must be doing something wrong.The test .fla has a movieclip with a timeline animation. I used the linkage identifier to name it 'reload' AND named the instance 'reload'.
I have 2 tables,a main table with a field code as primary key, and other table detail, named p.e. DetailTable, with 3 fiels as primary key.What I want to do, it's a delete a row in MainTable, all the rows in DetailTable,where field code is the same as field code in MainTable should be deleted too.Here is the SQL to create the tables.
var sql2:String = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MainTable [code]....
when tables are created, insert data. I connect without problems, delete a row in MainTable (see the code), for example delete row with code=4, but in the DetailTable, all the rows with code=4 are NOT deleted Why?
[CODE]// Inside a class private var conn:SQLConnection; public function constructorClass(){conn = new SQLConnection();ConexionBD();}[code]...
I've literally been staring at this for 7 hours. I'm missing something.I have two movie clips on the stage. The instance name of the first is puzzleAK. The instance name of the second is pieceAK.The first is linked to a custom class called GeoPuzzle. The second is linked to a custom class called GeoPiece.The code compiles but throws an error (as explained).The code in the main timeline:
Is there a way to make code on the timeline and code in a separate AS file communicate with each other?I have two buttons, a yes button and a no button.I have a confirm box which is a movie clip. In the movie clip I have the two buttons on it and code so that every time one of the buttons is clicked it runs a function.I have the rest of my code for the movie (so the code to make the confirm box appear) on a separate AS file.Is there a way I can define the functions on the movie clip and run the functions with the separate AS file?