Flash :: Setting Up Frame By Frame Menu Navigation Vs. All Code?
Jan 6, 2010
I am All Programmer when it comes to anything including flash. I got into making games not to long ago and some people use frames to navigate from the main menu to the game screen and so on (which I have no idea how to do). and some people encapsulate the game inside of a class and call it from the document class and add and remove it when please
I have two movieclips on the stage mc1 and mc2,the navigation for mc2 and mc1 is in mc1 as as3 and MovieClips suddenly now that I've added some tabs into mc2 (new layer, no instance names yet) the navigation code in mc1 has stopped working,if I change the initial stop command to a later frame in mc1 I can navigate back to the first frame and then to one other place in the menu but after moving away from the first frame I can't seem to get any of the buttons to work, its only if the stop command is on a later page that those buttons will workon the main timeline i'm using;
how I access variables in a frame on the stage with code from a frame within a movieclip?(basically passing variables from a stage frame to a movieclip frame)
i have As code with functions on frame 1-6 i want on frame 7 to have a clear code that will remove all the functions from frame 6. I need only the AS code to be cleared on frame 6 no where else... so the functions that are there no longer work in the rest of the animation.
I have a timeline with a bunch of frames. At the beginning of my timeline (frame 2) I have actionscript that makes movieclips that are transparent (alpha 0) visible, and also some rollover and link/button code using a tween class. On frame 3 I have other movies that are visible etc. Frame 3 has stop code, and a frame anchor named "page2". For instance for the moviedclip "page_1" I have this code:
Got to the point where the hole in my AS3 knowledge is getting large!Realising I have confusion about the relationship of:Body of code on first frame of AS3 file.(Which I have so far used to create instances of library objects using addchild and make calls to class code).Is this code called the document code? What do people call it?Numerous classes linked together by extending each other etc.Library objects (usually graphical objects)Should it be done differently? have the following problems due to lack of understanding:Addchild complicated from a class but straight forward in main body code.Cant call functions on the main body code from classes, because class code does not know the main body code exists?
I'm unable to make it work :Flash exports the first frame in the SWF file as a PNG file, unless you mark a different keyframe for export by entering the #Static frame label.When publishing the fla, the png is build from the frame that is currently displayed in flash (if my timeline is at frame 3, frame 3 get exported)
Is it possible to set the frame count of a video manually in Flash BUilder 4? How is the frame length of a video determined in Flash Builder 4? I need to do this in order to trick video format converters into thinking that my video is actually x frames long instead of just 1 (my swf video is controlled completely through as3 code and thus resided on just the 1st frame). This way, the video format converters will be able to automatically (and correctly) convert my videos to another format (flv is desired). Another solution to this would be a converter that actually automatically converts based on video length rather than frame count, but I have already thoroughly searched for one and one doesn't seem to exist.
Is there a way where I can compile or build different frame rates into the various layers I create using an action script?? I.e. If there are say six layers running in a particular player, each layer should be running at a different frame rate, independent of each other
The problem am facing is am playing multiple media content in multiple layers (masked, so that it appears as if all the layers are playing in the same level) and each media content played in different layers needs to be played at a different frame rate to get a good visual effect!
I was thinking of adding frame on top of my home poage to give users better navigation with a meun on top.But how do you make when you press the button in flash the hyperlink will make the frame at the bottom or specific frame page to change?
I'd like to have a function that tells a MovieClip to go to a specific frame and then in this frame, look for a scpecific tag in an XML file, based on the frame's label, and then take some text (a bunch of actually) that is in the XML node and put it on a TextField.
For example, clicking on a "Next Frame" button it will go to the next frame (which has a label "intro") of the movieclip and then search "content.xml" for the tag that contains the attribute name equal to "intro" and then put the content of the ".@TEXT" node into an empty TextField that is already positioned in this "intro" frame. Am I obligated to have the code in this specfic frame? I'm doing it because if I have too much text within textfields in an FLA file it becomes incredibly lagged and therefore impossible to work.
I've tried to use the event ENTER.FRAME to do that but it rendered the SWF lagged and consomming way too much memory.
I'm trying to build a nav bar with 3 buttons, using only 1 frame, and no tweens, as only.The wanted efect I can achive with 2 buttons:
>> here <<
With the 3 buttons I get this:
>> here <<
What I want is: a button can only became active (going up) when all other buttons are inactive (down).In this last example some buttons don't wait until other buttons are inactive, they become active right away!In this last example using the 3 buttons I use this code:
I'm trying to create something similar to this url...but don't understand how to do it programatically.[code]I've named my frames "Funny old man", "Angry mother", and so on and so forth. How can I accomplish this?
I am have an issue with getting my xml file to point to a specific frame in my flash movie. Below is the code I used for my action. The xml menu is simple there are a list menus buttons ie.<menu7 name="CONTACT" url="Contact"> I labled the frame contact and get nothing.
ActionScript Code: on (rollOver) { thestate = true;
I have build a hybrid site where the navigation at the top is Flash, and the bottom is html. On all the pages, I have used straight html with no frames. That's all fine, but the client has one page that must be loading an external page into a frame. So I have a frameset where the top frame has the Flash navigation and the bottom frame loads the external link. This works fine, but then when I click to one of the other links in the Flash navigation, it loads that page into the frame where the Flash movie (nav) is. I tried to set the links in the Flash nav to the window being _self, and _top, and this just loads it in a new window.
I downloaded a basic flash menu from iStock to use on a site I am making... but I am having an issue: Basically the component will let me drag instances of it onto the stage... , but when I try to edit any aspect of the component... it changes every one I have on the stage. All I want to do.. is to be able to script each instance to gotoandplay on a certain frame... the scripting is as follows:
I did some searching on this topic and couldn't find anything relevant. My problem is basically that I have build a hybrid site where the navigation at the top is Flash, and the bottom is html. On all the pages, I have used straight html with no frames. That's all fine, but the client has one page that must be loading an external page into a frame. So I have a frameset where the top frame has the Flash navigation and the bottom frame loads the external link. This works fine, but then when I click to one of the other links in the Flash navigation, it loads that page into the frame where the Flash movie (nav) is. I tried to set the links in the Flash nav to the window being _self, and _top, and this just loads it in a new window. Does anyone know a workaround for this?
I am coding a simple movie timeline in Flash CS5 actionscript 3.0. I have all my buttons working except for the Play button which I would like to code to say "go to next frame and play". Here is my current actionscript:
fastforwardBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame); function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(4025); } stop(); gotoStopBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_2); function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame_2(event:MouseEvent):void { [Code] .....
I'm trying to attach this action on the first frame of the movie that I'm planning play.When I play the movie for the first time, the code executes as expected. However, when I restart or rewind to the first frame of the movie, the code no longer executes. I'm not sure why this is happening, as it seemed added actionscript code to a frame seems pretty straight forward.
Here i'm actually not talking about a problem but rather wanted to raise a discussion thread. (Kirupa you may also move this thread to some other more relevant section. Few of my good colleagues till prefer writing code on the Flash timeline, on the frames (code as bigh as 100-150 lines), rather than using external AS files, when rest of the world has reached to AS 3.0 which is close to Java (OOP).I'm just wanted to know the big benefit of writing the code on the frames. I know that it is highly un-manageable and I have personally faced many instances of code not initializing, or behaving strange on a frame.
I am a total newbie with AS, I have this error.. TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at all_new_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
OK so I have a flash project consisting of four keyframes with "stop()" on the first frame so that it doesn't play through.I have "next" and "back" buttons on each keyframe so that you can navigate between the frames.However, I have a problem where the buttons seem to remember the frame they were on and they skip keyframes when navigating back and forth.Example:I'm on keyframe 2 and press the "next button" and it takes me to keyframe 3.I'm now on keyframe 3 and I press the "back button" and it takes me back to keyframe 2.I'm back on keyframe 2 and I press the "next button" and it takes me to keyframe 4???I have basic code on each keyframe.On keyframe 2 I have this code:
Code: next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextone); function nextone(event:MouseEvent):void
so I have created a basic flash navigation menu bar for my website. I have added the bar into a frame on my dreamweaver page. I was just wondering if it was possible to link the buttons on my flash bar to open the pages into a different frame, the main frame below, my navigation bar? The code I have at the moment for my "home" button is the following:
and this is opening the "home" page in a new window. Is it possible to make it open it in my main frame (called mainFrame)? When I change _blank to _self it opens the page in the same frame where the menu bar is, not the mainFrame below it.
I have a show I'm trying to create, I need to put the navigation buttons on different places on each frame due to content.
Code: on (release) { prevFrame(); } or Code: on (release) { nextFrame(); } and Code: on (release){ gotoAndplay("Scene1")}
I can get the symbols that I'm using as buttons to work in the first and second frame, but they will not work after that. Each frame has a Code: stop (); Action applied to it.
I have tried: copy and pasting the same symbol into multiple frames, dragging new symbols into multiple frames, creating folders for each frame and dragging new symbols into those folders then onto a frame, and I'm still not having luck. This presentation is set up to run in Flash 9 with Bottom up loading order and ASP2
i have an animation that its something like a safety lock that make an entire loop, so i want some script that when i click lets say "about" it goes to "about" and stop, and them when i click lest say "contact" the animation goes to contact but without start over, i mean, i want to that to start from the last point, i dont know how do it in action script?on realease if is at "frame name" goto and play "frame name", and stop at "frame name".
I want to play 2 separate labels in a movie clip in any order when clicking a button that lives inside that movie clip.
Here's what I have on the button: on (release) { gotoAndPlay("location_rev"); gotoAndPlay("residences"); }
Currently, the playhead is going to "residences," entirely skipping "location_rev." I've thought of an if statement to ask Flash to play "residences" when arriving at the end of "location_rev," but I'm not entirely sure how to go about that.