ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Navigation With Button?
Nov 9, 2009
I am a total newbie with AS, I have this error.. TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at all_new_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
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Jan 2, 2010
I am completely new to AS3, and am trying to learn the basics, but have been having issues with what I think should be a simple command. I need to have two frames, the first one with a simple button that when clicked loads frame two and on frame two a seperate button that when clicked loads frame one.
When I try using the following type of event handler, i can link from frame 1 to 2, but not back and get an error message:
(TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mc1_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
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Feb 17, 2008
I understand how to create simple buttons as reuseable classes, but how could you create a next button that does something similar to the AS2 "goto and stop nextframe", and a back button that does something similar to the AS2 "go to and stop previous frame".On each frame that the user navigates to, is a movie clip, within that movie clip is then another button with a go to and play "Frame Label" action required, that navigates within the movieclip to a specific frame.
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May 9, 2009
My navigation file just doesnt seem to work heres the code:
function navigation(event:MouseEvent):void{
trace("button was clicked");
} home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,navigation);
I have labels home, news, about, portfolio, contact. I keep getting this error
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label instance6 not found in scene Scene 1.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at whywontyouworkdamyou_fla::MainTimeline/navigation()
and my buttons dont work. I am seeing spaces in the word navigation why rofl its ok in edit mode? The Fla [URL].
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Jan 6, 2010
I am All Programmer when it comes to anything including flash. I got into making games not to long ago and some people use frames to navigate from the main menu to the game screen and so on (which I have no idea how to do). and some people encapsulate the game inside of a class and call it from the document class and add and remove it when please
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Aug 26, 2009
I'd like to have a function that tells a MovieClip to go to a specific frame and then in this frame, look for a scpecific tag in an XML file, based on the frame's label, and then take some text (a bunch of actually) that is in the XML node and put it on a TextField.
For example, clicking on a "Next Frame" button it will go to the next frame (which has a label "intro") of the movieclip and then search "content.xml" for the tag that contains the attribute name equal to "intro" and then put the content of the ".@TEXT" node into an empty TextField that is already positioned in this "intro" frame. Am I obligated to have the code in this specfic frame? I'm doing it because if I have too much text within textfields in an FLA file it becomes incredibly lagged and therefore impossible to work.
I've tried to use the event ENTER.FRAME to do that but it rendered the
SWF lagged and consomming way too much memory.
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Nov 11, 2004
I'm trying to build a nav bar with 3 buttons, using only 1 frame, and no tweens, as only.The wanted efect I can achive with 2 buttons:
>> here <<
With the 3 buttons I get this:
>> here <<
What I want is: a button can only became active (going up) when all other buttons are inactive (down).In this last example some buttons don't wait until other buttons are inactive, they become active right away!In this last example using the 3 buttons I use this code:
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May 31, 2009
I'm trying to create something similar to this url...but don't understand how to do it programatically.[code]I've named my frames "Funny old man", "Angry mother", and so on and so forth. How can I accomplish this?
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Oct 14, 2010
OK so I have a flash project consisting of four keyframes with "stop()" on the first frame so that it doesn't play through.I have "next" and "back" buttons on each keyframe so that you can navigate between the frames.However, I have a problem where the buttons seem to remember the frame they were on and they skip keyframes when navigating back and forth.Example:I'm on keyframe 2 and press the "next button" and it takes me to keyframe 3.I'm now on keyframe 3 and I press the "back button" and it takes me back to keyframe 2.I'm back on keyframe 2 and I press the "next button" and it takes me to keyframe 4???I have basic code on each keyframe.On keyframe 2 I have this code:
next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextone);
function nextone(event:MouseEvent):void
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Nov 4, 2010
I'm using flash for the first time to create my graphic design portfolio and I'm having trouble keeping the file size small, and can reduce it by (hopefully) doing the following:
My resume has a lot of classic tweens with alpha channels (to create fadein/fadeout effects) and as of right now, I need to create a separate layer of fadein, fadeout for each transition. IE: My resume to portfolio page needs one 20-frame transition, my portfolio page to resume needs a 20-frame transition, my 2nd page of my portfolio page to my biography needs a 20-frame transition, etc. It's getting out of hand.
I could easily remedy this by using a lot of separate fadeins fadeouts and then coding buttons to navigate from, say, frames 120-130 (resume fadeout) then go to frame 160-170 (biography fadein), then navigate to a static page. I'm not sure if this is possible, as my buttons would have to change functions each frame.
Another possible way is that currently for each button I have different layers in order to direct the button to different frames, and have placing hem in the same spot. I'm wondering if there's any way to have buttons go to separate frames on different frames, if you get what I mean (on frame 120 it'll go to 130, on frame 150 it'll go to 160 but still be the same button". Right now each button is coded with on release gotoandplay <frame>.
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Jul 14, 2009
I have a show I'm trying to create, I need to put the navigation buttons on different places on each frame due to content.
on (release) {
on (release) {
on (release){
I can get the symbols that I'm using as buttons to work in the first and second frame, but they will not work after that. Each frame has a
stop ();
Action applied to it.
I have tried: copy and pasting the same symbol into multiple frames, dragging new symbols into multiple frames, creating folders for each frame and dragging new symbols into those folders then onto a frame, and I'm still not having luck. This presentation is set up to run in Flash 9 with Bottom up loading order and ASP2
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Oct 17, 2005
i have an animation that its something like a safety lock that make an entire loop, so i want some script that when i click lets say "about" it goes to "about" and stop, and them when i click lest say "contact" the animation goes to contact but without start over, i mean, i want to that to start from the last point, i dont know how do it in action script?on realease if is at "frame name" goto and play "frame name", and stop at "frame name".
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Apr 24, 2007
I want to play 2 separate labels in a movie clip in any order when clicking a button that lives inside that movie clip.
Here's what I have on the button:
on (release) {
Currently, the playhead is going to "residences," entirely skipping "location_rev." I've thought of an if statement to ask Flash to play "residences" when arriving at the end of "location_rev," but I'm not entirely sure how to go about that.
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Apr 17, 2009
I have some dynamic text fields in a frame called ExerciseFrame (which contain different random numbers, texts, ... and other variables.) When I navigate to another frame called helpFrame and back to the exerciseFrame again, all variables and text fields and other random numbers,... are reset. I mean text fields which contained many data in them becomes empty! I do navigation by a button in exerciseFrame with a simple
eventListener( gotoAndStop("helpFrame");
And in helpFrame another button with this code
How can I keep the state the whole exerciseFrame unchanged when navigating away from it and back to it again? version: AS3 - Flash CS4
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May 23, 2010
I've got an interesting issue with the actionscript in my file. I've created a slide show with 27 labeled frames - they've been labeled "frame 1", "frame 2", "frame 3", etc... My issue is the first time everything works perfectly, if you hit next or previous. It goes to the correct frame. On the last frame if you click next it should take you back to "frame 1" and basically loop through all the frames again if you keep pressing next. The problem is it goes back to frame 1, and then next doesn't work on this frame. I don't understand what's going on considering the first time around - these frames work perfectly.Here's the code on frame 1:
Actionscript Code:[code]........
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May 24, 2010
I've got an interesting issue with the actionscript in my file. I've created a slide show with 27 labeled frames - they've been labeled "frame 1", "frame 2", "frame 3", etc... My issue is the first time everything works perfectly, if you hit next or previous. It goes to the correct frame. On the last frame if you click next it should take you back to "frame 1" and basically loop through all the frames again if you keep pressing next. The problem is it goes back to frame 1, and then next doesn't work on this frame. I don't understand what's going on considering the first time around - these frames work perfectly.
Here's the code on frame 1:
ActionScript Code:
/*Navigation Code */
nextbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonNextHandler);
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Jul 21, 2011
Fail to control my timeline with the gesture swipe; I have tried but without any success. ive created frame labels at every 20 frame as a navigation points and some motion tween between each 20 frames.
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Aug 7, 2009
I have two movieclips on the stage mc1 and mc2,the navigation for mc2 and mc1 is in mc1 as as3 and MovieClips suddenly now that I've added some tabs into mc2 (new layer, no instance names yet) the navigation code in mc1 has stopped working,if I change the initial stop command to a later frame in mc1 I can navigate back to the first frame and then to one other place in the menu but after moving away from the first frame I can't seem to get any of the buttons to work, its only if the stop command is on a later page that those buttons will workon the main timeline i'm using;
ActionScript Code:
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Aug 13, 2011
this is the scenario...
main timeline---> two movieclips
in one of the movieclips (which is navBar_mc) i have my buttons in a drop down menu. so it is one level deep i am the other movieclip (content_mc) i have the content that is to be manipulated by pressing the buttons.what would the code look like to target the content? i know i have to go up a level and then address the sibling mc, but when my code looks like this....
it finds the main timeline ok, but when i address the sibling mc on the same level, it gets lost.
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Jul 7, 2009
I need to make a navigation bar using flash. how to use a button symbol.
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Feb 10, 2002
I was thinking of adding frame on top of my home poage to give users better navigation with a meun on top.But how do you make when you press the button in flash the hyperlink will make the frame at the bottom or specific frame page to change?
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Aug 1, 2011
i want the main page to drop off after button press
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May 24, 2010
I would like to start out by saying I am very new at this and am working on a portfolio website in flash CS4 and currentlyhrough the tutorials over at Now my problem is In the portfolio section I want a preview of the pics like a thumbnail on the bottom with a scroll bar to scroll through them all, but at the same time I would like to have buttons to navigate through these photos at the same time. I have got it to work, the only problem is let say i'm using the buttons to navigate through but then stop and go to the scroll bar on the bottom and click on one three of four pictures in front of where I left off, The image loads and everything is fine but when I go back to the buttons it continues off from where it last left off not where I clicked on the scroll bar.Here is the code that I currently have:
//load the thumbnails...
var thumbLoader:Loader = new Loader();
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Feb 12, 2011
I have created a simple navigation bar that has 6 buttons. the bar was created using movie clips then by putting an "invisible" button underneath. as for the action script:on the main stage in an actions layer i have:[code]I have this code for every button, except the names of the movie clips change. All the movie clips do for now is have a graphic go from black to red.The action script for the buttons are as follows:[code]Now when i play the clip everything works like i want it to work...The problem arrises once i load the bar into my header.What I have done is created a new file which contains my header... I added a layer called load with a blank movie clip with the instance name of load_mc in another layer called actions I added the following action scripts:[code]When I play this file, my button_bar.swf load but the graphic keeps playing over and over again instead of only playing on mouse over.
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Mar 8, 2011
I'm trying to make a navigation with 8 buttons, each represent a year and I want that initially there is one selected and highlighted and then everytime the user clicks on a different button the selected one will be highlighted and the previous one selected will be back in normal state (on/off).[code]...
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Nov 24, 2010
I got a file that loads 4 library's movie clip's on the stage in certain positions.Clip_A, Middle, Menu, Clip_D Clip_A loads on the top left side , Menu on top right , Middle in Middle and Clip_D low right position.What i need to do and understand is how can i tell this class to find a button inside Menu and play a certain frame in Middle?I added this code in but i get errors
menu.menu_buttons.about_us.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, about_us_onClick);
function about_us_onClick(event:MouseEvent):void
the error i get is this
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: MouseEvent.How can i make this work?
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Apr 12, 2009
http:[url].....This website is great.They have a navigation bar whereby a user must click on it, and shake it, to proceed to the other page. I can implement it into my website.
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Mar 3, 2009
I have a nested movie 1 layer down from main stage that has several navigation buttons that move to different main stage labeled frames. I get an 1120 error because I am somehow not calling them out on the script. I have named the that's not the problem. I think I just need to somehow direct the script to the nested location. If I move the buttons to the main stage I get no errors and it all works perfectly.
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Dec 13, 2011
Navigation to new sceen through button click in as2
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Mar 15, 2006
On a particular frame I have the action
PHP Code:
loadMovie("swfs/home_text.swf", 1);
I want to add an action on a navigation button to unload that movie from main movie. I tried unloadMovie();, but no luck.
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