Flash :: CS4 Button Navigation - Direct The Button To Different Frames?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm using flash for the first time to create my graphic design portfolio and I'm having trouble keeping the file size small, and can reduce it by (hopefully) doing the following:

My resume has a lot of classic tweens with alpha channels (to create fadein/fadeout effects) and as of right now, I need to create a separate layer of fadein, fadeout for each transition. IE: My resume to portfolio page needs one 20-frame transition, my portfolio page to resume needs a 20-frame transition, my 2nd page of my portfolio page to my biography needs a 20-frame transition, etc. It's getting out of hand.

I could easily remedy this by using a lot of separate fadeins fadeouts and then coding buttons to navigate from, say, frames 120-130 (resume fadeout) then go to frame 160-170 (biography fadein), then navigate to a static page. I'm not sure if this is possible, as my buttons would have to change functions each frame.

Another possible way is that currently for each button I have different layers in order to direct the button to different frames, and have placing hem in the same spot. I'm wondering if there's any way to have buttons go to separate frames on different frames, if you get what I mean (on frame 120 it'll go to 130, on frame 150 it'll go to 160 but still be the same button". Right now each button is coded with on release gotoandplay <frame>.

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on (rollOver) {

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and playing

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Dec 9, 2009

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Told and Agreed
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Lost Connection before Agreement
Was Not Told - Cancelled

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Code: Select all<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<level style = "main.xml">


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EDIT: Screenshot as requested. As you can see, a frame is clearly selected...

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on (release) {
getURL("affiliates.html", "mainframe");

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I'm constructing an area with selectable buttons that transition and appear every 10 frames. During these 10 frame transition periods I don't want the buttons to be selectable and if possible to disable the rollover.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigation From A Button?

Aug 13, 2011

this is the scenario...

main timeline---> two movieclips

in one of the movieclips (which is navBar_mc) i have my buttons in a drop down menu. so it is one level deep i am guessing.in the other movieclip (content_mc) i have the content that is to be manipulated by pressing the buttons.what would the code look like to target the content? i know i have to go up a level and then address the sibling mc, but when my code looks like this....


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Jul 7, 2009

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Motion After Button Press Navigation?

Aug 1, 2011

i want the main page to drop off after button press

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Thumbnail And Button Navigation?

May 24, 2010

I would like to start out by saying I am very new at this and am working on a portfolio website in flash CS4 and currentlyhrough the tutorials over at Now my problem is In the portfolio section I want a preview of the pics like a thumbnail on the bottom with a scroll bar to scroll through them all, but at the same time I would like to have buttons to navigate through these photos at the same time. I have got it to work, the only problem is let say i'm using the buttons to navigate through but then stop and go to the scroll bar on the bottom and click on one three of four pictures in front of where I left off, The image loads and everything is fine but when I go back to the buttons it continues off from where it last left off not where I clicked on the scroll bar.Here is the code that I currently have:

//load the thumbnails...
var thumbLoader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Navigation With Button?

Nov 9, 2009

I am a total newbie with AS, I have this error.. TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at all_new_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple Navigation Bar That Has 6 Button

Feb 12, 2011

I have created a simple navigation bar that has 6 buttons. the bar was created using movie clips then by putting an "invisible" button underneath. as for the action script:on the main stage in an actions layer i have:[code]I have this code for every button, except the names of the movie clips change. All the movie clips do for now is have a graphic go from black to red.The action script for the buttons are as follows:[code]Now when i play the clip everything works like i want it to work...The problem arrises once i load the bar into my header.What I have done is created a new file which contains my header... I added a layer called load with a blank movie clip with the instance name of load_mc in another layer called actions I added the following action scripts:[code]When I play this file, my button_bar.swf load but the graphic keeps playing over and over again instead of only playing on mouse over.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Button Navigation Through Class?

Nov 24, 2010

I got a Website.as file that loads 4 library's movie clip's on the stage in certain positions.Clip_A, Middle, Menu, Clip_D Clip_A loads on the top left side , Menu on top right , Middle in Middle and Clip_D low right position.What i need to do and understand is how can i tell this class to find a button inside Menu and play a certain frame in Middle?I added this code in Website.as but i get errors

menu.menu_buttons.about_us.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, about_us_onClick);
function about_us_onClick(event:MouseEvent):void

the error i get is this

1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: MouseEvent.How can i make this work?

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Apr 12, 2009

http:[url].....This website is great.They have a navigation bar whereby a user must click on it, and shake it, to proceed to the other page. I can implement it into my website.

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