ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigation From A Button?

Aug 13, 2011

this is the scenario...

main timeline---> two movieclips

in one of the movieclips (which is navBar_mc) i have my buttons in a drop down menu. so it is one level deep i am the other movieclip (content_mc) i have the content that is to be manipulated by pressing the buttons.what would the code look like to target the content? i know i have to go up a level and then address the sibling mc, but when my code looks like this....


it finds the main timeline ok, but when i address the sibling mc on the same level, it gets lost.

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menu.menu_buttons.about_us.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, about_us_onClick);
function about_us_onClick(event:MouseEvent):void

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playButton.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, playButtonClick);
function playButtonClick (e:MouseEvent):void


I get error messages.

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on (release) {

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Oct 12, 2010

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on (press) {getURL("aboutus.html?include=contact","_self");}
but nothing happens when I view it in live view. and all the pages exsist in the file. (Using Dreamweaver CS4 to build webpages.)

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May 11, 2011

I have a photo gallery with a navigation button that allows for additional photo categories that I don't want to appear. Unfortunately, I can't open the .fla as it appears to have been created with a newer version of Flash. The code in the config.xml file is basically:
<navigation>  <menu 1> <content>
</menu 1>
<menu 2> <content>
</menu 2> 
Is there a tag I can add to make the navigation link disappear?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Button Event Frame Navigation?

Jan 2, 2010

I am completely new to AS3, and am trying to learn the basics, but have been having issues with what I think should be a simple command. I need to have two frames, the first one with a simple button that when clicked loads frame two and on frame two a seperate button that when clicked loads frame one.

When I try using the following type of event handler, i can link from frame 1 to 2, but not back and get an error message:

(TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mc1_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


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IDE :: Stop Flv Playback When User Clicks A Navigation Button?

Feb 6, 2008

I have a few flv component instances on different frames. When you click a navigation button the current flv should stop and it takes you to a new flv on a different frame. But the previous one keeps playing. How do I stop the current one playing when the button clicks?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tricky Navigation - Replace The Chosen Button?

May 23, 2002

i got 5 buttons in a row. on mouseover i want to replace the chosen button with 3 or 4 buttons (they should smoothly, vertically come up and all other buttons should come closer, depending on the longest of the new buttons). on rollout i want to go back to the first button.

so, i put the first row of buttons on frame 1 (the actions stop). on mouseover it keeps going to frame 2 and smoothly the buttons come up. on 5 there s a stop action. on rollout it keeps going to frame 8, where its back to normal again. on a second mouseover its supposed to go to frame 2. and theres the problem, sometimes it works, sometimes not.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cross MovieClip Navigation Via Button Click

Feb 7, 2004

Here is how my movie is set up.
Frame one -> MovieClip #1
Frame two -> MovieClip #2
within each movieclip there are 10-15 frames.
Here's the problem. I want to be able to go from frame one in MovieClip#2 to the last frame in MovieClip#1, via a button click.

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Flash 8 :: Simple Button Navigation - Play / Pause MovieClip

Apr 15, 2010

I have a movieclip within the main clip called "playPause" which starts with the Pause button shown. When clicked the movie clip moves to show the play button and pauses the current parent movie with the AS "_parent.stop();" when the play button is then pressed the movie plays via ";" and reverts back to showing the pause button.

Simple so far. What is getting me is if I add a movie clip within the parent (say some scrolling object) I cannot get the added clip to pause. For example say the "parent" movie clip the playPause moveclip is within is called "intro" and the moving object is called "introObject" which is embedded in a frame along with "playPause"

What I have setup for the playPause buttons is for pausing
and playing;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigation Menu - Different Curtains To Show Up On Button Press

May 17, 2010

I am making a navigation menu in that I want a curtain to show up on the same page. In other words the user just stays in the same page and different curtains show up according to which menu button he presses with the corresponding content showing up in a curtain. I've given diferent names for each menu button which i converted to Movie Clips: bt_eol; bt_mar; bt_hid; bt_amb; bt_who. Then I created a Movie clip for the curtain and put it on frame 40 so that I can load a .doc file that has the content for the Menu button bt_eol.

function bt_eol(e:Event) {
} bt_eol.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,bt_eol);

The mc_conteudo is the curtain. But I get this two errors: Incompatible override and Duplicate function definition. Or is it better to use a UILoader? This is probably easy to do as I've saw this on other websites,the user just presses a menu button and a frame/curtain/window whatever shows up with the content.

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