Professional :: Duplicate A Button Instead Of Building A New One Each Time (navigation)

Mar 19, 2011

I have created a movieclip button which is animated  for all the states I need (up, over, out, etc.) it's made up of text, which is in a movie clip where I have my animations created (actions layer with AS3 script, my txt movieclip layer, my hit layer) and then that is inside a movie clip in my main scene.Is it possible to copy that button, so then change the text, Actionscript, instance name, etc?I tried copying the layer (by selecting the frames and copying frames, and pasting to new layer) but when I make any changes, it changes both copies!

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} mybutton2.onRelease=function(){

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}else if(navVar=="secondpage"){

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Professional :: Duplicate Flash Button With Different Text?

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</menu 1>
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</menu 2> 
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Professional ::building A Random XML Content Area?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm trying to build a "product spotlight" area on my site's homepage. There are a lot of products, so I want to display them randomly, and I want to specify an image, link and text in the XML file.
I've started by using the XML gallery on, but that didn't quite do what I wanted. I found a little workaround when I found a random XML image loader on another site, and used that.. all it would load was an image, so to make the product photos be links and have special text I made each photo a .swf instead of .jpg file and added a button link over the whole image. This way works, but we are adding more and more products and it's becoming cumbersome. There will be about 50 different products randomly changing.
It would be perfect if we could just set up the xml like
<list>  <product>    <image></image>    <url></url>    <title>Buy this now for $3.50</title>  </product>  <product>    <image></image>    <url></url>    <title>Buy this now for $4.50</title>  </product></list>
And then the flash file would have the link on the top layer and pull the url from the xml file, bottom layer would load in the image, and in the middle we'd have the title, maybe I'd have it slide in with a basic tween or something like that. And then, there could be like 50 different images listed in the xml, and it would display one randomly for like 10 seconds, then fade into a new one, and just keep swapping it out forever and ever. I really want to do it this way because I can update the text or images without having to build a new .swf file every time something changes.I know how to do some regular basic flash stuff, but I never got into the hardcore actionscripting, so I'm kinda stumped. Anyone know how I can pull something like this off or know of freeware example that I can use and build off of?

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Professional :: Building For Stage3D - Can't Find Latest Api

Oct 28, 2011

I've got Flash CS5.5 and am trying to build a sample Away3D 4 model viewer. I must not have the latest api for fp11, because the compiler comes back with this:
"Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: TextureBase"
The file "" from the Away3D library is importing a number of files from the flash.display3D package (including TextureBase), which apparently I don't have.
I downloaded the latest debug version of flash player 11, what else do I have to do?

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Professional :: Building A Music Player / Efficiency?

Mar 8, 2012

I'm creating a music player to be on my website and so far I have it set up as such: The player is contained in a movieclip with a 'song progress bar', a pause and a play button.The songs are played by clicking the song title in a list in the main stage (not contained in the player movie clip), which sends the music player to the frame in which the song starts.
My audio is set as event audio so that the play and pause buttons can be coded as play(); and stop(): respectively which will stop the main player movie clip thus yeilding the progress bar from moving further and the song from playing.
This works just fine, except for the following:
- When I select event as my audio type the quality reduces dramatically Having the audio files in my library and not obtained from some outside source (i.e on my website's server) causes the .fla file to be much larger as well as the .swf Being as my project is at 24 FPS and each song is represented in as many frames as it takesto play the song out, my music player at present has only 3 songs 'in it', and my frames in the movie clip are approaching 20,000 (this is VERY tedious to work with) 
I'm sure there is a more efficient way of doing things, but my knowledge is limited. I'd imagine I can do something along the lines of loading .mp3's off of my website into the frame and the play pause buttons will enact more elaborate scripts that not only stop the progress bar but also stop the music from playing temporarily, or something like this. But I have no idea how to implement it

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Building Charts In Flex Builder Professional?

Dec 29, 2009

I have Flex Builder Professional Ver 3 (Built with Eclipse) version.

I need to build an application with charts. The problem is that there are no charting components to be seen. There is no datavisualization.swc file in the libs folder.

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