Professional :: How To Make A Building Implode?

Aug 2, 2011

how I might go about creating an imploding building in Flash?

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I've taken 32 pictures of an item, on a rotating plate. Then, I removed the background and kept the file in PSD. I imported to library in Flash then created the "picture animation" that shows the item rotating. I want to add button to control the rotation and I wish to add some SPAY area on some of the pictures so, when a user is looking at the item, rotates it at will, some areas will highlight and will provide the user with links to more information.Should I use Firework to set the areas ?then establish their relation in Flashr should I add links and compositions directly in Flash and build everything from there ?

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"ITunes: 'APPNAME' failed to install." I can compile it as an iPhone app and it works fine. I'm pretty sure I've got my provisioning right because I have both my iPhone and iPad devices added. Anyone got any ideas of why my apps only work while I compile them as iPhone apps?

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Professional ::building A Random XML Content Area?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm trying to build a "product spotlight" area on my site's homepage. There are a lot of products, so I want to display them randomly, and I want to specify an image, link and text in the XML file.
I've started by using the XML gallery on, but that didn't quite do what I wanted. I found a little workaround when I found a random XML image loader on another site, and used that.. all it would load was an image, so to make the product photos be links and have special text I made each photo a .swf instead of .jpg file and added a button link over the whole image. This way works, but we are adding more and more products and it's becoming cumbersome. There will be about 50 different products randomly changing.
It would be perfect if we could just set up the xml like
<list>  <product>    <image></image>    <url></url>    <title>Buy this now for $3.50</title>  </product>  <product>    <image></image>    <url></url>    <title>Buy this now for $4.50</title>  </product></list>
And then the flash file would have the link on the top layer and pull the url from the xml file, bottom layer would load in the image, and in the middle we'd have the title, maybe I'd have it slide in with a basic tween or something like that. And then, there could be like 50 different images listed in the xml, and it would display one randomly for like 10 seconds, then fade into a new one, and just keep swapping it out forever and ever. I really want to do it this way because I can update the text or images without having to build a new .swf file every time something changes.I know how to do some regular basic flash stuff, but I never got into the hardcore actionscripting, so I'm kinda stumped. Anyone know how I can pull something like this off or know of freeware example that I can use and build off of?

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Professional :: Building Facebook Apps In Flash CS3?

Nov 3, 2010

Can Facebook apps be written in Flash CS3 or do I have to use Flex? I'm more comfortable with Flash, but it seems geared toward Flex.One of the Facebook SDK examples (FriendsList_flash) contains an FLA file but it won't load in Flash CS3. Does it require a new version or am I doing something wrong?

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Professional :: Pay 4 Guidance Building Virtual Office?

Nov 9, 2010

I'm willing to pay for referential help (ie answering questions when  stuck) as I build a highly scalable flash 3D virtual office  application/site.

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However I am  struggling with flash and/or flex.  Specifically while I've learned a  great deal of AS3 concepts and FB component coding, all the 3D engine  (lately Alternativa or Flare3D seem to have become the leaders)  tutorials seem to be Flash based rather than FlashBuilder.

Moreover,  I'm presently working through the Flash and PHP Bible (though trying to  adapt the PHP to CF code) and can't find any resources describing how  to connect Flash CS5 to Coldfusion (they all focus on FB4 and usually a  wizard therein).

And finally given the scope of the  intended project I recognize I will need a framework of some sort but  transparently lack the expertise as yet to pick/implement one.

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Professional :: Building For Stage3D - Can't Find Latest Api

Oct 28, 2011

I've got Flash CS5.5 and am trying to build a sample Away3D 4 model viewer. I must not have the latest api for fp11, because the compiler comes back with this:
"Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: TextureBase"
The file "" from the Away3D library is importing a number of files from the flash.display3D package (including TextureBase), which apparently I don't have.
I downloaded the latest debug version of flash player 11, what else do I have to do?

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Professional :: Building A Music Player / Efficiency?

Mar 8, 2012

I'm creating a music player to be on my website and so far I have it set up as such: The player is contained in a movieclip with a 'song progress bar', a pause and a play button.The songs are played by clicking the song title in a list in the main stage (not contained in the player movie clip), which sends the music player to the frame in which the song starts.
My audio is set as event audio so that the play and pause buttons can be coded as play(); and stop(): respectively which will stop the main player movie clip thus yeilding the progress bar from moving further and the song from playing.
This works just fine, except for the following:
- When I select event as my audio type the quality reduces dramatically Having the audio files in my library and not obtained from some outside source (i.e on my website's server) causes the .fla file to be much larger as well as the .swf Being as my project is at 24 FPS and each song is represented in as many frames as it takesto play the song out, my music player at present has only 3 songs 'in it', and my frames in the movie clip are approaching 20,000 (this is VERY tedious to work with) 
I'm sure there is a more efficient way of doing things, but my knowledge is limited. I'd imagine I can do something along the lines of loading .mp3's off of my website into the frame and the play pause buttons will enact more elaborate scripts that not only stop the progress bar but also stop the music from playing temporarily, or something like this. But I have no idea how to implement it

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Building Charts In Flex Builder Professional?

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I have Flex Builder Professional Ver 3 (Built with Eclipse) version.

I need to build an application with charts. The problem is that there are no charting components to be seen. There is no datavisualization.swc file in the libs folder.

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Professional :: Building A Random XML Content Area?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to build a "product spotlight" area on my site's homepage. There are a lot of products, so I want to display them randomly, and I want to specify an image, link and text in the XML file.I've started by using the XML gallery onbut that didn't quite do what I wanted. I found a little workaround when I found a random XML image loader on another site, and used that.. all it would load was an image, so to make the product photos be links and have special text I made each photo a .swf instead of .jpg file and added a button link over the whole image. This way works, but we are adding more and more products and it's becoming cumbersome. There will be about 50 different products randomly changing.

<list>  <product>  <image></image> <url></url>  <title>Buy this now for $3.50</title>  </product>  <product>  <image></image> 


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Professional :: Dynamic Building Text Box With Push Of Buttons?

Jun 18, 2010

I need it with Flash CS4, AS2...

I want to make a little app, .swf, that has a bunch of buttons on them - each button corresponds to a string of text...

So let's say, the buttons are marked as "Rd" "St" "Ln" etc...

When they click on the button, I want it to add that listing to the dynamic field box so it will look something like this

*User clicks on Rd button and "ROAD" pops up in the dynamic text box - User then clicks the "Ln" buttons, and then the dynamic text box changes to "ROAD/LANE"

User decides they don't want to use road, so they click on "Rd" button again, and the dynamic box reads "LANE" - user then wants to add "st" so they click on the corresponding button and now the text field reads "LANE//ROAD"

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Professional :: Duplicate A Button Instead Of Building A New One Each Time (navigation)

Mar 19, 2011

I have created a movieclip button which is animated  for all the states I need (up, over, out, etc.) it's made up of text, which is in a movie clip where I have my animations created (actions layer with AS3 script, my txt movieclip layer, my hit layer) and then that is inside a movie clip in my main scene.Is it possible to copy that button, so then change the text, Actionscript, instance name, etc?I tried copying the layer (by selecting the frames and copying frames, and pasting to new layer) but when I make any changes, it changes both copies!

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Professional :: Make A Button Click Make Text Appear Elsewhere On The Screen?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a map of the US and each state has a rollover that changes the color of the state...what i am trying to figure out is how to click on the state and have text appear to the side of the US map and have that text stay up until the user clicks on another state.

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Flex :: Specify Swc When Building A Swf?

Jul 7, 2010

I have implemented some utility classes in Flex that I want to use in multiple AIR projects. I have created a swc which contain these classes. I am working on a Linux machine and do not have FlashBuilder. So I am using the compc and mxmlc command line SDK tools. My problem is that I have not been able to find a way to specify the swc when building the standalone project. A tutorial suggested the following command: mxmlc -load-config /opt/flex/4.1.0/frameworks/air-config.xml -library-path=/path/to/utility.swc hello.mxml. However, using that gives me the error hello.mxml: Error: Unable to locate specified base class 'mx.core.WindowedApplication' for component class 'hello'. Everything works fine if I move all code from the swc to a single monolithic pro ject. The code for the standalone project is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" windowComplete="completeHandler();">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Building A XML File?

Nov 25, 2009

I am creating a tool for use at the office. It has, at this point, about a dozen text fileds. From these textfields I want to build an XML document using AS. The way it needs to work is when a user enters text into these fields and hits the submit button that text is put into the propper tags. Each time the user hits the submit button another block of XML code is added to the file.

Here is most of the code. I am building this on another computer which is not online so I am only showing the important stuff here. It works so far but the only output I have seen is a trace. I could have the user manually copy and paste this output to the XML document but I would rather have the document built by the program each time the user hits the submit button. Am I even on the right track here? I have the correct output, now how do I add this output to an existing XML file?

function loadFile(){
var fileName:TextField = docName; //loading an existing XML file.
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.Complete, loadXML);


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Building An Item In Flash

Aug 18, 2009

I have no idea what to call it or where to start looking, so I am putting it in the generic and hopefully someone can point me to the right forum or area. Here is my project and I am trying to teach myself how to do these things. I had great help in making buttons on here a while back, now I am trying to build an object right in flash. The easiest thing for most to relate to is a computer that is being built from scratch. So, You start with a base picture of an open sided computer with a list of components underneath. By draggin those components to the box, it snaps them in place. You can also remove them the same way. When done, you click a tally button and it shows a list of all the components you added with product numbers.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Building An MP3 Player?

Sep 25, 2009

I have the below actionscript almost working for playing mp3s. This isn't dynamic or anything. Just links to songs (from buttons) that should null each other out when clicked on. The first song loads fine. However, the second song will not load. I must be missing something. Or maybe I took the wrong approach? Any help would be great.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Variables Building On The Fly?

Oct 16, 2010

I remember reading somewhere how you can add variables building on the fly but can't find any references. What I have is a MovieClip in my library. I will use it to create several Menu Items.
This is what I have written:
LessonButton = new mcLessonBtn(); = "menuLesson"+i;this.addChild(LessonButton);

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Media :: Building Server For FMS?

Nov 30, 2010

I have built a flash app that utilizes an rtmp feed to stream video and I want to be able to stream my own content. I am looking into building the machine that will run Flash Media Server and was looking for some pointers before I get started.
My flash based application runs independently on a large touch screen and is going to be the only pc accessing this server, so I was wondering how beefed up the server needed to be. I would like to get it stream three live hd feeds. Can I run Flash Media Live Encoder and Flash Media Server on the same machine?

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Building An App To Call A .swf Game?

Aug 7, 2011

I'm looking to build a flash application that acts as a "shell" around a flash game.I only need it to do some pretty basic functions:

1) Calls a PHP script I wrote to determine a few things (if user is logged in, what their userid is)

2) If the php file says the user is logged in, the "shell" should let the user play a .swf flash game that I wrote. And, after they are done playing my .swf game, I want the game to pass out a parameter (score). Again, the "shell" will call a prewritten php script to store the score.

3) If the php file says the user is NOT logged in, the "shell" should display a login box (username/password).

My main challenges have been getting one flash application to call another. (ie: the shell app calling my game). Is this possible?

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How To Implement Interactive Building Map

Dec 16, 2009

I need to build an "interactive floorplan" for a shopping centre (or two). Many shopping centre websites already have this (eg Bluewater in the UK). Traditionally, the way to build such a floorplan / map is to do it in Flash. The actual floorplan is a Flash asset and the data that describes which retailer is in each location is fetched from the webserver as XML. That way editors can update the location of retailers without having to edit and recompile the SWF file. However if the floorplan itself changes (for example, a larger shop is split into two smaller ones) then the map has to be edited. Another disadvantage is that the data isn't readily available to third parties for mashups etc. So apart from Flash what would you consider using to achieve the same effect? I know of SVG but IE doesn't support it.

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Actionscript 3 :: Building A New Dictionary Out Of An Old One?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm working with a large set of hierarchical taxonomic terms, where each term ("203") has a matching "term203" movie clip on the stage, and am having trouble getting a recursive function to return all of a given term's descendants.There is a main Dictionary() object with the following nested organization for each term:

{ [object Movie Clip] : { "tid":203, "parent":99, "name":"Culture", selected:false, "otherData":"etc" } }

...where the [object Movie Clip]'s instance name would be "term203". All of these object:subObjectArray items ("terms") are stored in a master taxonomy:Dictionary() object.I've been trying to make a recursive function (which is in itself already a little above my head) that takes the of a movie clip and returns a new Dictionary() object with all of the children and grandchildren and great grandchildren (etc) of that term, in the same, nested organization described above.

The code below traces the right number of recursive loops, but the returned Dictionary() object only contains the first run's terms (only the immediate children of the requested term).

var taxonomy:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
// ...Term info is loaded into taxonomy from a JSON-style text file)
// ...MOUSE_OVER event listeners are added to each


I certainly do not claim to be the most efficient AS3 programmer, so I am open to alternative configurations. However, after trying static and nested Arrays, I would prefer to continue using the Dictionary() object as my main pool.As noted, only the immediate children end up animating in the revealChildren() function. It's mystifying to me then, that in the getAllChildren() function, all of the descendants trace sequentially (well in no particular order) in the output window.Also I can't get any sort of name or property out of the subSet Object. That could be the problem.I've only tested it as far as 'two generations,' but it seems that only the first round of calling the function successfully adds those terms to the new Dictionary() object and returns it intact to the animating function.

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Flash :: Building Exe And App Applications From Swf

Aug 20, 2011

converting my swf to exe and app. I know that there are several options available. My application will be frequently updated so update feature is essentions for me.

p.s. As another option, I can make app and exe out of a loader app that will load main application module every time it is updated.

my main concern is about build in update feature inside projector eg. Mac app will be able to check for new version of my app automatically...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Building And Using SWCs?

Oct 3, 2011

building and using a SWC.Essentially, my only goal is to put a bunch of assets in a library, and have those assets included when a different swf is compiled. Compile-time, not runtime.

In my assets FLA, I add an FLV to the timeline of a movieclip. In the movieclip properties, I select Export for ActionScript and give it a unique classname ("FLV_intro"). In Publish Settings, I choose "Export SWC" and click Publish.

In my main FLA, I goto Actionscript Settings, Library Path, and add the SWC. In the code for my main FLA's document class, I do this:

var VideoClass:Class = getDefinitionByName("FLV_intro") as Class;
_video = new VideoClass();

The result is a SWF that does not have the increased filesize of the assets SWC (~30mb), and obviously, the video doesn't show up.Again, the goal here is to have large media assets, such as FLVs, external from the main FLA code, but the resulting SWF to contain everything when compiled - no external SWFs at runtime. The client requires a singe SWF. Additionally, I can use a different, smaller set of assets when developing to make development faster.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Building Array From XML?

Jun 27, 2006

I'm trying to dynamically build this structure from my XML file:


Now I know how to parse the XML file, but I'm just confused how I should build the array described above using this XML file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Building Or Setting Up A Web-cam?

Mar 13, 2007

has anyone had any experience building or setting up a web-cam? i feel like this is old technology and should be easy to do. however i dont really even know where to start as far as company to go through for streaming it what to buy etc. this will be something that at points there could be 30,000 or more people watching because it is for a radio station in chicago. so i have to think about traffic?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Building RSS 2.0 Reader?

Oct 23, 2007

I'm building a RSS 2.0 reader and have only a vague idea of how to do it except use URLLoader and URLRequest to start everything. Can anyone point to a good tutorial?

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