Professional :: Pay 4 Guidance Building Virtual Office?

Nov 9, 2010

I'm willing to pay for referential help (ie answering questions when  stuck) as I build a highly scalable flash 3D virtual office  application/site.

I have some code background in  HTML/ColdFusion/MySQL and I plan ideally to host on Google App Engine using their datastore as the backend and the OpenBlueDragon port of  Coldfusion for GAE as the middle tier.

However I am  struggling with flash and/or flex.  Specifically while I've learned a  great deal of AS3 concepts and FB component coding, all the 3D engine  (lately Alternativa or Flare3D seem to have become the leaders)  tutorials seem to be Flash based rather than FlashBuilder.

Moreover,  I'm presently working through the Flash and PHP Bible (though trying to  adapt the PHP to CF code) and can't find any resources describing how  to connect Flash CS5 to Coldfusion (they all focus on FB4 and usually a  wizard therein).

And finally given the scope of the  intended project I recognize I will need a framework of some sort but  transparently lack the expertise as yet to pick/implement one.

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<list>  <product>  <image></image> <url></url>  <title>Buy this now for $3.50</title>  </product>  <product>  <image></image> 


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Jun 18, 2010

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So let's say, the buttons are marked as "Rd" "St" "Ln" etc...

When they click on the button, I want it to add that listing to the dynamic field box so it will look something like this

*User clicks on Rd button and "ROAD" pops up in the dynamic text box - User then clicks the "Ln" buttons, and then the dynamic text box changes to "ROAD/LANE"

User decides they don't want to use road, so they click on "Rd" button again, and the dynamic box reads "LANE" - user then wants to add "st" so they click on the corresponding button and now the text field reads "LANE//ROAD"

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Professional :: Duplicate A Button Instead Of Building A New One Each Time (navigation)

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date /T >N:output.txt
net use z: /delete
net use z: \svr-002


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All I need is zoom and it should work with a stage size of 1024X576. I have tried the popular vCam AS3 v1.1 link: [URL]..page_id=12but it only seems to do an aspect ratio of 4:3 and not 16:9 (which is the aspect ratio you get when you use 1024X576) so everything is skewed and distorted.
Maybe there is just a little detail that needs to change in that code but I have no idea what it is.

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