Actionscript 3 :: Adding Actions To Button Symbol Frames In Flash CS5?

Sep 27, 2010

For some reason I can't add ActionScript actions to a timeline frame within a Button Symbol, like I normally would with MovieClip symbols or on the stage. The Actions panel shows this message:"In ActionScript 3.0, code cannot be placed directly on objects. Please select a frame..."even though I definetely have a frame selected.

EDIT: Screenshot as requested. As you can see, a frame is clearly selected...

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import mx.transitions.Tween;
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on (release) {
gotoand stop(4)

But I get the error that this script only works for buttons. Anyone able to lend some assist? I suck at actionscript.

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on (release) {getURL(,_self);


pharmeng buttons1.swf (7.7 K)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put Actions On Specific Frames To Make It Stop When It Reaches The Middle Of The Animation

Jun 18, 2009

basically on the stage I have my Menu movieclip which is linked to an actionscript class called Menu. Within this I have another movieclip, not linked to actionscript, just a plain old movieclip.

This movie in question is a dialog box, and contains an animation for it popping up, and then going away again. I'm trying to put actions on specific frames to make it stop when it reaches the middle of the animation, then when "ok" is pressed the animation will resume and it disappears again. However the actions on the frames don't seem to be getting executed. I tried putting "this.stop();" on the middle frame, and have since put "trace("hello?");" on all kinds of frames but it doesnt seem that the actionscript is getting called at all.

This is something for work so I don't really want to start sending the .fla file around, but instead is there anything I should know about things which could cause the frame actions to not be executed?

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Button From Within A Symbol Effect Frame In Another Symbol?

Sep 25, 2009

So i've done SOME work with flash and AS3, right now i'm working on a website for my boss, he bought some template online which has stuff laid out and animated and everything already, now I just have to integrate our content.My issue is this, I've got 2 symbols on the screen, one of which contains alot of buttons that list our services as company, the second symbol contains the content (or descriptions) of those services, which on are separate keyframes.What I'm trying to accomplish is that when you hit the button in "symbol A", it affects the "symbol B" and goes to the corresponding keyframe.For example when I click "button 2" in "symbol A", "symbol B" goes to keyframe 2.Now if they were in the same symbol it would be something like



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 Advanced Button Actions?

Mar 7, 2007

I'm creating a header with navigation buttons that are thumbnails of larger images. When a button is moused over I would like a short transition, that spans the entire stage, followed by a display of a larger image of the thumbnail button on the left side of my stage. The transition is constant for each button but the images pertain to specific areas of my site. Basically I'd like to use this mouseover as a visual preview and when then the button is clicked the visitor is taken to that particular section of my site.

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Multiple Instances Of A Symbol Stopping On Different Frames

Jul 30, 2010

I have a symbol that contains all the weapons. I placed 6 of them on the stage. I have 6 variables P1Weapon1... P1Weapon2..etc. I need each one to stop on whatever variable matches them. The scripts needs to be on a external as file linked to the symbol. The variables are declared on a external as file linked to the main timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Frames To Symbol Script?

Dec 29, 2011

if there's a way to take all of the keyframes and tweens I have on a timline and turn it into a symbol in a single script?Right now I'm:

copying all keyframes on one or multiple layers

creating a new symbol on the first frame with the objects in that frame

going into the new symbol

deleting the objects

pasting the keyframes

then moving all of the objects with the edit multiple keyframes tool to align with where

they were on the upper level and then removing all of the keyframes and tweens after frame 2 on the initial layer so symbol will have the proper loop length
A script to create this in one command would be incredibly usefull for my animation and being able to do the opposite... selecting a symbol and breaking all of the information inside to the same layer.

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Feb 10, 2002

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