ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Frames Within Symbol By Using Button?

Dec 6, 2010

HJow to change frames within a symbol, by using a button in the actuall stage. Every time I try searching for it, I get lost in half completed answers, action script 2, and things that throw a ton of code and words and stuff at me, but never explain the parts of it.

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EDIT: Screenshot as requested. As you can see, a frame is clearly selected...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Frames To Symbol Script?

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copying all keyframes on one or multiple layers

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS3 - Changing Image Within Symbol

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Professional :: Changing A Symbol Across Projects?

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I have several related projects. If I pull a symbol from the library of one project into another project, and then modify the symbol, shouldn't the changes appear in the original project too? Or is a new, project-unique symbol auto-created that has the exact same name as the one in the original library?I have a multi-scene cartoon with recurring characters, and would very much like to make modifications as I notice imperfections, and trust that the changes will appear in all instances. Is this possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Symbol Associated With An Object?

Feb 15, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Symbol And Every Instance Of It At Once

Jul 9, 2003

I have a variable called "framenumber" and a movieclip(drawing) with six frames. Each frame of the movieclip has another drawing in it.In the main movie, this movieclip exists over several frames and keyframes. I even do a motion tween with the clip. Now what I want to do, is change the value of framenumber (for example 2) and then do a drawing.gotoandstop(framenumber). So then, the drawing in frame 2 of the movieclip should be shown. But here comes the problem. If I do that,the drawing (in frame 2 of the movieclip) only appears in the frame of the main movie where I put the drawing.gotoandstop(framenumber) command. But in the other frames of the main movie, the initial drawing is kept. How can I let the drawing change everywhere where the movieclip exists? So actually I want to know how I can change every instance of a movieclip, no matter where it is in the movie. Or maybe there's a way to change the (library) symbol itself, so that every instance of it changes along with the library symbol?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Properties Of A Symbol

Mar 16, 2009

I have a movieclip simply animated with motion tween. On each keyframe, I made sure to name it introPhoto_mc.Now, before the movieclip first appears, I would like to change its content (just a picture change, dynamically loaded with loadMovie). But if I do so, then the next keyframe will obviously reset the instance to the original content.So I suppose I should modify the actual symbol so that every instance will have the desired content. What is the correct approach? OOP ?

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CS3 Animation - Object (shape Or Symbol) Spanning Across Many Frames?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm creating an animation kinda like a travel map, x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x .where the x's equal the start and the end point, and the dashs are like your direction etc, a good example is if you've ever seen those pirate movies where they have the maps and it shows where they have to if there is a better way to do it than I currently am (Still finding my way around the whole Animation thing - and I'm sure theres an easier way than this!)

At the moment I'm going frame by frame and in adding objects, so for example, in frame one I have my 'x' object, then frame two I pasted the 'x' object plus one 'dash' objects, and so on and so forth, and I have a feeling that doing this is going to take agessss, and I'm sure there must be an easier way! I essentially need the 'x' object to span across ALL of my frames, is there a command or something for this? I'm not too knowledgeable with tweening, but can it be done with that?

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Housing Multiple Mouth Frames In One Symbol And Switching Between Them?

Oct 8, 2011

I read a tutorial a while back about making a symbol for a character's mouth in an animation, and making multiple frames within the symbol, with one for each different mouth position I'd like to use (Open and saying a certain letter, smiling, frowning, etc.). What I can't figure out is how to keep it from constantly animating repeatedly through all the mouth frames on its own in each shot when I just want it to stay in a certain position on certain sequences of frames. I also can't figure out how to select the precise frame I want when it needs to change.

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Professional :: Changing Source Of An Imported Symbol

Oct 23, 2007

Say I have "Symbol 1" in FLA document "DocOne". I drag this symbol from DocOne's library into "DocTwo"'s library. Now, in DocTwo's library, the properties for Symbol 1 show that the source is "DocOne". I can use the symbol update functionality to update it from DocOne. Is there a way to sever this linkage so that Symbol 1 in DocTwo no longer considers Symbol 1 from DocOne to be its source? So that, for example, if I drag it over from DocTwo to DocThree, Symbol 1 in DocThree, its source in DocThree will be DocTwo and not DocOne?

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Flash :: Changing A Library Symbol At Runtime?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a problem and I'm not really sure where to start. What I have is an animation of a character in the library. The Character is made up of a few movieclips for the body that move about and one for the face that holds a stock photo.I have a camera section that grabs an image of the users face and now what I need to do is swap the stock face photo for the one taken in the last scene.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Multiple Frames - Alter Symbol Properties

Aug 4, 2011

if you have an active state and a passive state for something, you can jump between the two with gotoAndStop(2), gotoAndStop(1); or you can manipulate whatever property is changing directly (e.g. if it's alpha, then symb.alpha=0.5, symb.alpha = 1.0). I've found myself jumping between the two, and I don't like it (I like to have a standard, or at least a usual). What's considered a good practice

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Feb 16, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Programmatically Changing Symbol Width And Height

Oct 11, 2009

I am trying to change the width and height of instances of a symbol programmatically. Basically, the symbol contains a few colored rectangles, a bitmap, and some text. I want to change the height and width of each instance of the symbol based on how low the text string is that is in the instance's text field, but the bitmap's size should always stay the same, 24x24 pixels.[code]The problem is that using this code seems to scale everything up, including the bitmap. I have tried to programmatically add the 24x24 pixel bitmap to the symbol programmatically after I changed the height, but it still seems to be scaled..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Library Symbol Changing From Blue To Green

May 14, 2010

In Cs4, is there any reason why library symbols would at times change to green from the standard bulueish - purple? FYI, like the lil' gear box looking avatar like things at the left hand side of each library symbol. I have one that changes to green, but I can't seem to understand why? ANYONE?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Movie Clip Symbol Width?

Aug 13, 2010

I searched the forums, but couldn't really find anything that matched my specific needs. I have a movie clip symbol that is your character, I also have a movie clip symbol that is named fuel and it represents the fuel you have left. I tried this in your character:

if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
yspeed -= ypower;
fuel._width -= 50;

as a little bit of code. fuel._width -= 50; is what I'm really interested in. yspeed-= ypower; is just my movement, which works. So why doesn't my fuel width change?

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AS2 :: Changing Frames In Flash?

Mar 26, 2012

In my first frame I have a triangle, second is a square, third is a rectagle and fourth is a circle.I have created the 4 frames as stated! I want to set up an array so lets say (circle,triangle,circle,square,triangle,rectangle) I then want the movie to play like that with a second or two in between each frame?**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 2: Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handlervar active = 1;

Error Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 3: Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handler
var timer = setInterval(gotoNext, 1000);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Frames In One SWF From A Second SWF?

Nov 11, 2010

Suppose I've got 2 SWF files, SWF 1 and 2. SWF 1 has several frames in it. Is it possible to use buttons in SWF 2 to change frames in SWF 1, and if so, what code would I use?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Text In All Frames In A Mc?

Jul 14, 2009

i've created a mc and inside that i have a dynamic text field, named 'inside'. Iside the mc i've created three key frames, first frame is untouched, second frame, i've changed the color of my text to red, and in the third i've changed the color to yellow. Now i have i awful blinking mc.I'm trying to change the text of my text field. I'm guessing that for every key frame i create i get a new instance of my text field, so i should change the text in every frame of the mc. So i've tried:

mc.inside.text = "test";
mc.inside.text = "test";[code]....

well i know that the text changes in the current frame, but as soon as it goes to the next frame the text changes back to its original.

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Professional :: Changing A Font Across The Frames

Jun 7, 2011

I have created an animation where I have pictures and text accompanying the pictures sliding in and out. However, I want to change the font of the text across the entire animation. What is the easiest way to do this? I have found when I have tried it, (changing the font in the text box) that sometimes it throws the whole animation out for each key frame that has that text (if this makes any sense). In other words, suppose I change the font in keyframe 1, the change it at the next keyframe, sometimes the second keyframe is no longer consistent with the first, perhaps only slightly and therefore the animation can run a bit choppy as it goes from keyframe to keyframe.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Color In Different Timelines And Frames?

Nov 11, 2009

What I want to know is how to I access movie clips in different timelines in AS3.I want to be able to change the color of some movie clips. If I can access them directly there's no problem. Problem is when I try to access a movie clip that's inside another movie clip AND on frame 10.what I have is this:

var myColor:ColorTransform = somePath.transform.colorTransform;
myColor.color = 0xFF0000;
somePath.transform.colorTransform = myColor;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing / Changing Variable Across Frames

Sep 8, 2009

Its a simple adding "game" where 2 numbers are randomly generated and you have to input what you think the answer is (userAnswer). Then it adds the two numbers it just generated to produce correctAnswer, and checks it against userAnswer. When you hit the check answer button, it moves the the score dialog frame and says whether its correct or not. But I am having 2 problems I think - 1 - I can't get the input textfield to assign the typed-in value to userAnswer (I'm trying userAnswer = inputAnswer.text; )  and - 2 - the second frame that has the score and "Correct!" / "Incorrect!" dialog can't seem to access any variables from the first frame. I've tried using two layers and keeping the variables on the second layer that spans both frames, but then the functions in the frames that you actually see can't change the variable to update it with the user's input.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing To Random Image Frames?

Feb 15, 2011

I ve recently done an animation that shows 4 different images when any of 4 corresponding buttons are clicked. This part works ok, but Im currently stuck on how to go about creating a function that scrolls through each of these 4 images in sequence from 1 - 4 without clicking any of the 4 buttons.This is the actionscript code so far:

function play1(event:MouseEvent):void{[code].....

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