ActionScript 3.0 :: CS3 - Changing Image Within Symbol

Aug 18, 2009

I have a symbol that is a card, and it has text and it needs to have an image in the middle of it. The image will be different depending on the card. Do I need to have a different symbol for each card or am I able to insert or change an image within a symbol with actionscript 3?

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Professional :: Changing A Symbol Across Projects?

Oct 7, 2011

I have several related projects. If I pull a symbol from the library of one project into another project, and then modify the symbol, shouldn't the changes appear in the original project too? Or is a new, project-unique symbol auto-created that has the exact same name as the one in the original library?I have a multi-scene cartoon with recurring characters, and would very much like to make modifications as I notice imperfections, and trust that the changes will appear in all instances. Is this possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Symbol Associated With An Object?

Feb 15, 2009

I'm coming to AS3 from Director Lingo. In Lingo, a 'sprite' is vaguely equivalent to an object in AS3 and a 'cast-member' roughly corresponds to an AS3 library symbol. In Lingo I make a lot of use of lines likesprite("image").member = 25which changes on the fly the cast-member associated with a sprite, giving an instant image change when the user drags a dial, for example. This is particularly useful because the cast members in Lingo can be addressed by their sequence numbers as well as their names (giving a sort of implicit array addressing).In AS3 I can't see how to replace an image object with another image (not just a simple variation of the original). And even if I could do that, I can't see how to get the pseudo array addressing facility which I need to allow me to choose by code what image from perhaps several hundred will do the replacing.I guess what I'm asking for is maybe contrary to simple OOP.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Symbol And Every Instance Of It At Once

Jul 9, 2003

I have a variable called "framenumber" and a movieclip(drawing) with six frames. Each frame of the movieclip has another drawing in it.In the main movie, this movieclip exists over several frames and keyframes. I even do a motion tween with the clip. Now what I want to do, is change the value of framenumber (for example 2) and then do a drawing.gotoandstop(framenumber). So then, the drawing in frame 2 of the movieclip should be shown. But here comes the problem. If I do that,the drawing (in frame 2 of the movieclip) only appears in the frame of the main movie where I put the drawing.gotoandstop(framenumber) command. But in the other frames of the main movie, the initial drawing is kept. How can I let the drawing change everywhere where the movieclip exists? So actually I want to know how I can change every instance of a movieclip, no matter where it is in the movie. Or maybe there's a way to change the (library) symbol itself, so that every instance of it changes along with the library symbol?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Properties Of A Symbol

Mar 16, 2009

I have a movieclip simply animated with motion tween. On each keyframe, I made sure to name it introPhoto_mc.Now, before the movieclip first appears, I would like to change its content (just a picture change, dynamically loaded with loadMovie). But if I do so, then the next keyframe will obviously reset the instance to the original content.So I suppose I should modify the actual symbol so that every instance will have the desired content. What is the correct approach? OOP ?

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Professional :: Changing Source Of An Imported Symbol

Oct 23, 2007

Say I have "Symbol 1" in FLA document "DocOne". I drag this symbol from DocOne's library into "DocTwo"'s library. Now, in DocTwo's library, the properties for Symbol 1 show that the source is "DocOne". I can use the symbol update functionality to update it from DocOne. Is there a way to sever this linkage so that Symbol 1 in DocTwo no longer considers Symbol 1 from DocOne to be its source? So that, for example, if I drag it over from DocTwo to DocThree, Symbol 1 in DocThree, its source in DocThree will be DocTwo and not DocOne?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Frames Within Symbol By Using Button?

Dec 6, 2010

HJow to change frames within a symbol, by using a button in the actuall stage. Every time I try searching for it, I get lost in half completed answers, action script 2, and things that throw a ton of code and words and stuff at me, but never explain the parts of it.

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Flash :: Changing A Library Symbol At Runtime?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a problem and I'm not really sure where to start. What I have is an animation of a character in the library. The Character is made up of a few movieclips for the body that move about and one for the face that holds a stock photo.I have a camera section that grabs an image of the users face and now what I need to do is swap the stock face photo for the one taken in the last scene.

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Feb 16, 2009

how to get the exact geometric shape of a symbol I have in my .fla. I want to be able to map the symbol and I want to be able to change it's color.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Programmatically Changing Symbol Width And Height

Oct 11, 2009

I am trying to change the width and height of instances of a symbol programmatically. Basically, the symbol contains a few colored rectangles, a bitmap, and some text. I want to change the height and width of each instance of the symbol based on how low the text string is that is in the instance's text field, but the bitmap's size should always stay the same, 24x24 pixels.[code]The problem is that using this code seems to scale everything up, including the bitmap. I have tried to programmatically add the 24x24 pixel bitmap to the symbol programmatically after I changed the height, but it still seems to be scaled..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Library Symbol Changing From Blue To Green

May 14, 2010

In Cs4, is there any reason why library symbols would at times change to green from the standard bulueish - purple? FYI, like the lil' gear box looking avatar like things at the left hand side of each library symbol. I have one that changes to green, but I can't seem to understand why? ANYONE?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Movie Clip Symbol Width?

Aug 13, 2010

I searched the forums, but couldn't really find anything that matched my specific needs. I have a movie clip symbol that is your character, I also have a movie clip symbol that is named fuel and it represents the fuel you have left. I tried this in your character:

if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
yspeed -= ypower;
fuel._width -= 50;

as a little bit of code. fuel._width -= 50; is what I'm really interested in. yspeed-= ypower; is just my movement, which works. So why doesn't my fuel width change?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Color Tone Of The Image Without Changing The Structure Of The Image?

Sep 19, 2011

I need to change the color tone of the image without changing the structure of the image.
for ex: I like to change the skin tone of my head part of image. Is it possible to change the skin tone color.

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Flex :: Get Updated Image In Flex Image Control After Changing Source Not Name Of File (image)?

Jan 25, 2012

I am changing image through flex every time i change it saved into server directory with same name(which i am referring to show). So when i refresh my page my browser didn't send new request to server since it's already in didn't getting new image.Tip:- when i clear browser history it will come with new image

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Professional :: Change Speed Of Symbol Without Changing Speed Of Entire Movie?

Aug 7, 2010

I want to add an animated .gif file to my movie.  So I created a new symbol and then imported the .gif file to the stage.  This created the symbol containing the animated .gif.I dragged the symbol onto the scene where I want it.  However, the animation seems to play at a different speed (fps) than normal.  So I changed the fps of the symbol (at bottom of Timeline where it says "fps").  But for some reason this changes the fps of the rest of the entire movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping A Symbol / Image?

Mar 8, 2005

I have an image (possibly in an MC), which I would like to change, depending on the section the user is in. Basically I am looking for something like what the Swap Symbol command does.. swapping the symbol with another one.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping A Symbol/image?

Mar 8, 2005

I have an image (possibly in an MC), which I would like to change, depending on the section the user is in. Basically I am looking for something like what the Swap Symbol command does.. swapping the symbol with another one.

I'm probably over looking something, but does anyone know of a simple way of doing this?

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Professional :: Assign A Link To An Image Without Converting It To A Symbol?

Feb 12, 2011

I've seen alot of instructions online on how to assign a hyperlink to an image.  Alot of them say to convert the image to a symbol first and then add the appropriate Actionscript code (getUrl).  I'm just wondering if there is a way to do it without converting it to a symbol (converting it to a symbol seems to add an artifact to one of the borders of the pic).  Does anyone know if this can be done?  Or must all images be converted to symbols to get links assigned to them?

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Professional :: Exporting Animated Symbol To Image Sequence?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm unable to export an animated symbol to image sequence properly because the symbol does not animate.I created the tweens in multiple layers, then cut-pasted all layers to a new symbol.I did this so I could then just do some tween motions on the symbol.The tweening is perfect, but when I export the image sequence, the images do not animate the way it does on the Flash player.All I get is an image sequence with the tweened symbol, but the symbol itself does not to get the symbol to animate when exporting the image sequence.

Alternatively, is there a way to motion-tween multiple layers simoultaneously? (Layers which are themselves tweened)Any additional info, I'll be checking regularly so I can provide as much description as possible to get this to work.

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IDE :: Creating Image Gallery With Thumbnails - Graphic Symbol?

Mar 11, 2009

I am creating an image gallery with thumbnails on the right inside a symbol so that they can all fade in at the same time, and the bigger images on the left that also fade in. I can only fit 8 thumbnail images at a time, and want to have more than that. So I'll add an arrow below the thumbs so that when you click on it, you can see the other thumbs. I have the first 8 thumbs on the first frame of a symbol and the rest on the second frame.

My problem is that the symbol that contains the thumbs is a graphic symbol, so that the thumbs in it, that are button symbols can be clicked on. I tried using button and movie clip symbols for the thumbnails container but then the buttons (thumbs) can't be clicked any more. That was not a problem till I had to add more than 8 thumbs, cause i need to give the container an instance name, and graphic symbols can't have one.

Here is the link to download the .fla [URL]
In case I didn't make my self clear, what I need is to know if there's a way to have a movie clip or button symbol that can have buttons in it that can be clicked on.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Load External Image To Fla Library As MovieClip Symbol Using It?

Mar 10, 2011

I have been working on code updation project wherein initially we had an image and text as movieclips in fla library. The image and the text are read by the actionscript program which then creates an animation.[code]...

I want to ease the updation process by giving the url of the image in an XML file. Read the image url from the xml and load this image in the library of the fla as movieclip. This, i think, will result in less code change and improve the updation of the final animation image.
The problem i am facing is not been able to figure out how can i change the image (after fetching its URL) to a movieclip and then load it in the library?

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Flex :: Embedding MovieClip Symbol To Image Control Programmatically

Oct 29, 2009

I've reviewed all the documentation and Google results surrounding this and I think I have everything setup correctly. My problem is that the symbol is not appearing in my app. I have a MovieClip symbol that I've embedded to my Flex Component. I need to create a new Image control for each item from my dataProvider and assign this embedded symbol as the Image's source. I thought it was simple but apparently not.

Here's a stub of the code:
[Embed(source="../assets/assetLib.swf", symbol="StarMC")]
private var StarClass:Class;
protected function rebuildChildren():void { CursorBookmark.FIRST );
while ( !iterator.afterLast ) {
child = new Image();
var asset:MovieClipAsset = new StarClass() as MovieClipAsset;
(child as Image).source = asset;

I know the child is being created because I can draw a shape and and that appears.

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Actionscript :: Load External Image And Assign To A Symbol In Flash

Nov 22, 2011

I have a SWF file used as a banner advertisement but there is a 35kb size limit. My file is just under 60kb, and I won't be able to optimize the images any further. (An early version can be found here:URL...)I was thinking perhaps I could load 2 of my images dynamically?I actually try to stay away from Flash and Actionscript, but had to use it for this advertisement. The animation is built with transitions and symbols in the timeline. That being said I know just enough actionscript to control the timeline / playback but not how to dynaimcally load images, then assign those images to the symbols I use in my animations.Could someone hold my hand for about 5 minutes and give me the dummy 101 on how to dynamically load an image that a symbol will reference?Not a permanent solution, but I discovered that I can make a simple pre-loader swf that has the background, and load the real swf using this simple actionscript code:[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Loading An External Image On Opening A Movie Clip Symbol

Nov 5, 2009

I'm trying to get an external image in a movie clip symbol when the movie is opened and I'm having no joy. I can get it to work with a mouse over event...

on (rollOver) {
rootObject.activeMouse = true;
mcImage.loadMovie( "image1.jpg" );

However, I need it to load without pressing / rolling over anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: GetDefinitionByName For Embedded Swf Symbol Not Recognized As Image.source When In Loop

Jul 19, 2010

I'm doing this in Flex, but code is pure actionscript, so if it's not the right forum please let me know:)I've embedded swf symbols like this:[code]but this code throws an exeption that 'myVar0 is not defined'. However this code:[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Exporting Content Of Bitmapdata Or Movie Symbol To Image File?

Sep 28, 2009

I have an AS3 application where I used the bitmapdata with its copypixels to create a cropping effect on the imported image file (JPEG etc), now I am in need for exporting the resulting cropped data to image file suhc as JPEG, TIFF or any other format. I am actually transferring the content of bitmapdata containing the cropped image into movie MovieClip object therefore, exporting from movieclip containing the image data is another option.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Colour Of An Image?

Dec 10, 2008

I have a client that has a series of products that come indifferent colours and different textures. What I need to do is havepicture of the product. When the user runs a mouse over the colourpalette the product changes it's colour to represent the chose madeby the customer fro the various choose in a colour palette. FordCanada does this when I pick the colour of my car. I can run overred and the car will change colour to red.

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Javascript :: Changing The Color Of An Image?

Mar 10, 2011

I need to change the color of an image on a website. The image is of a carport, so the texture and shadow's needs to stay consistent. If I change the color by just swapping the images with other ones in a different color I would have to have approximately 7500 images and I don't think it would be the most efficient way of doing this, so I am asking the community if there is a jQuery code that would allow me to place some sort of color filter on top of a white carport and change the color real-time on the website?This is a sample of one of the images I have to start with.The only thing that can change color is the roof part, the metal rails in the image cannot change color and the background cannot change color either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Image Gallery From Xml To Php?

Aug 11, 2006

i wanted to change an existing gallery that calls an xml file to a gallery that calls a php file that gets variables from a database. i want to include in my actionscript a variable that flash can read and then adds it to the end of the php file i want to access. e.g. "/images.php?+(the variable). the variable could point to something like id=3 or something.

here is my actionscript as it is:

spacing = 10;
containerMC._alpha = 0;
var pArray = new Array();
var tArray = new Array();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing An Image During Run-time?

Aug 13, 2010

I have an set of images (all icons) which I want to be able to change during run-time. I already imported all of them into my FLA into the library and already instanced one of them as a MovieClip (right click -> convert to MovieClip).

How to change the image associated with my movieclip instance in code, so I can change the image to any other of the images that were imported into the FLA's library?

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